//Example file written and copyrighted by the Quadhall entity of GroundNet Graphics, 12/20/1999. //Seamless "tiler.exe" output demo file. You will need to run tiler to create a tile.tga file //so that this demo will do something. #include "colors.inc" camera{ location <3,8,-9> look_at <0,0,0> angle 30 } #declare beta= height_field { // you will have to make sure the tiler.exe output is in the same directory as this file, // and that it has the same name as below. tga "tile.tga" // smooth pigment { White } translate <-.5, 0, -.5> scale <6,.5,6> finish{ambient .3} } object{beta scale <.5,1,.5> translate <-1.5,0,-1.5>} object{beta scale <.5,1,.5> translate <1.5,0,-1.5>} object{beta scale <.5,1,.5> translate <-1.5,0,1.5>} object{beta scale <.5,1,.5> translate <1.5,0,1.5>} light_source{ <0,5,-10> White } light_source{ <5,5,-5> rgb<.5,.5,0> }