// Persistance of Vision Raytracer V3.1 // World definition file. // // Contains 2 lights, 9 materials and 20 primitives. // // This file was generated for POV-Ray V3.1 by // Moray V3.1 For Windows (c) 1991-1998 Lutz + Kretzschmar // // Date : 09/18/1999 (18.09.1999) // /* The text between these two comments is in MorayPOV.INC and is automatically included in all POV files that Moray exports. */ default { texture { pigment { rgb <1,0,0> } } } /* // Scene Comment This scene was created with Moray For Windows. */ // End Scene Comment global_settings { adc_bailout 0.003922 ambient_light <1.0,1.0,1.0> assumed_gamma 1.9 hf_gray_16 off irid_wavelength <0.247059,0.176471,0.137255> max_intersections 64 max_trace_level 10 number_of_waves 10 radiosity { brightness 3.3 count 300 distance_maximum 0.0 error_bound 0.4 gray_threshold 0.5 low_error_factor 0.8 minimum_reuse 0.015 nearest_count 6 recursion_limit 1 } } background { color <0.000,0.000,0.000> } camera { // Camera Regular_Camera location < -19.333, -30.371, 28.978> direction < 0.0, 0.0, 1.8317> // Aperture is 0.53 degrees sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.33333, 0.0, 0.0> // Aspect ratio look_at < 2.186, 1.409, 10.775> } // Other cameras are commented out. /* camera { // Camera Ceiling_Light_Cam_:_ location < -13.069, 30.693, 15.009> direction < 0.0, 0.0, 2.4880> // Aperture is 0.40 degrees sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.33333, 0.0, 0.0> // Aspect ratio look_at < 0.000, -4.408, 36.510> } */ // // ******* L I G H T S ******* // light_source { // Arealight001 <-1.105, -2.486, 32.442> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 1.000>*1.8366 area_light <71.481, 0.000, 0.000>, <0.000, 72.000, 0.000>, 5, 5 adaptive 1 jitter } light_source { // Dummy_Light <0.000, 0.000, 34.285> color rgb <0.000, 0.000, 0.000>*0.0000 } // // ******** MATERIALS ******* // #include "vase2area.inc" // // ******** REFERENCED OBJECTS ******* // // // ******** OBJECTS ******* // #declare sky_vect = <0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000>; #declare cam_loc = <-13.069, 30.693, 15.009>; // using camera 'Ceiling Light Cam :)' #declare lookat = <0.000, -4.408, 36.510>; #declare light_loc = <0.00000, 0.00000, 34.28516>; // using light source 'Dummy Light' #declare flare_size = 1.000; #declare bright_background = 0; #declare flare_brightness = 1.000; // Note: if the following two lines cause an error, make sure that // you have the NKFlare\ subdirectory in the directory where you are // exporting POV-files to. #include "NKFlare\105mm.flr" #include "NKFlare\nkflare.inc" union { // Ceiling_Light box { // Holding_Cube_for_Light_:_ <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { Light_Holder__Cube_ } scale <2.0, 2.0, 0.5> translate 40.162622*z } cone { // ConeMHoldingMCeiling_Light_:_ <0,0,0>, 0.0, <0,0,1>, 1.0 material { Light_Holder__Cone_ } scale <2.0, 2.0, 5.0> rotate 180.0*x translate 40.407516*z } sphere { // Ceiling_Light__Main_Source_ <0,0,0>,1 material { White_Light } scale <1.5, 1.5, 2.0> translate 34.774953*z } } #declare Legs = union { box { // Leg2 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> scale <1.0, 1.0, 10.0> rotate <15.0, 0.0, -45.0> translate <7.176642, 6.640372, -2.197714> } box { // Leg3 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> scale <1.0, 1.0, 10.0> rotate <-15.0, 0.0, 45.0> translate <7.183475, -6.967065, -2.204046> } box { // Leg4 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> scale <1.0, 1.0, 10.0> rotate <-15.0, 0.0, -45.0> translate <-7.74054, -6.85791, -2.197714> } box { // Leg <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> scale <1.0, 1.0, 10.0> rotate <15.0, 0.0, 45.0> translate <-8.016784, 6.715732, -2.197714> } } union { // Table box { // TableTop <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> scale <7.5, 7.5, 1.0> translate 7.5*z } object { Legs } box { // Under_Table <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { Table_Texture__Polished_Wood_ } scale <7.5, 7.5, 1.0> translate -1.732824*z } material { Table_Texture__Polished_Wood_ } } union { // Walls box { // Cube002 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> scale <40.0, 1.0, 25.0> translate <-1.182545, -41.297482, 15.05459> } box { // Cube003 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { Wallpaper } scale <40.0, 1.0, 25.0> translate <-1.182545, 36.783765, 15.05459> } box { // Cube004 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { Wallpaper_1 } scale <40.0, 1.0, 25.0> rotate -90.0*z translate <37.858078, -2.256859, 15.05459> } box { // Cube005 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> scale <40.0, 1.0, 25.0> rotate -90.0*z translate <-40.223169, -2.256859, 15.05459> } material { Wallpaper } hollow } plane { // Floor z,0 material { Floor_Texture } scale <50.0, 50.0, 1.0> translate -10.0*z } plane { // Ceiling z,0 material { Ceiling_Texture } scale <50.0, 50.0, 1.0> translate <0.0, -1.469364, 39.958383> } union { // Da_VaseX object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, -0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.000000, -0.430525, -0.048495>, <0.000000, -0.369296, -0.045714>, <0.000000, -0.332243, -0.057143>, <0.104645, -0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.104645, -0.430525, -0.048495>, <0.076286, -0.369296, -0.045714>, <0.076286, -0.332243, -0.057143>, <0.248270, -0.396261, -0.019048>, <0.230432, -0.378422, -0.048495>, <0.207189, -0.315074, -0.045714>, <0.180989, -0.288874, -0.057143>, <0.322265, -0.322265, -0.019048>, <0.304427, -0.304427, -0.048495>, <0.261132, -0.261131, -0.045714>, <0.234931, -0.234931, -0.057143> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.322265, -0.322265, -0.019048>, <-0.304427, -0.304427, -0.048495>, <-0.261132, -0.261132, -0.045714>, <-0.234931, -0.234931, -0.057143>, <-0.248270, -0.396261, -0.019048>, <-0.230432, -0.378422, -0.048495>, <-0.207189, -0.315074, -0.045714>, <-0.180989, -0.288874, -0.057143>, <-0.104645, -0.455752, -0.019048>, <-0.104645, -0.430525, -0.048495>, <-0.076286, -0.369296, -0.045714>, <-0.076286, -0.332243, -0.057143>, <0.000000, -0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.000000, -0.430525, -0.048495>, <0.000000, -0.369296, -0.045714>, <0.000000, -0.332243, -0.057143> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.455752, 0.000000, -0.019048>, <-0.430525, 0.000000, -0.048495>, <-0.369296, 0.000000, -0.045714>, <-0.332243, 0.000000, -0.057143>, <-0.455752, -0.104645, -0.019048>, <-0.430525, -0.104645, -0.048495>, <-0.369296, -0.076286, -0.045714>, <-0.332243, -0.076286, -0.057143>, <-0.396261, -0.248270, -0.019048>, <-0.378422, -0.230432, -0.048495>, <-0.315074, -0.207189, -0.045714>, <-0.288874, -0.180989, -0.057143>, <-0.322265, -0.322265, -0.019048>, <-0.304427, -0.304427, -0.048495>, <-0.261132, -0.261132, -0.045714>, <-0.234931, -0.234931, -0.057143> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.322265, 0.322265, -0.019048>, <-0.304427, 0.304427, -0.048495>, <-0.261132, 0.261132, -0.045714>, <-0.234931, 0.234931, -0.057143>, <-0.396261, 0.248270, -0.019048>, <-0.378422, 0.230432, -0.048495>, <-0.315074, 0.207189, -0.045714>, <-0.288874, 0.180989, -0.057143>, <-0.455752, 0.104645, -0.019048>, <-0.430525, 0.104645, -0.048495>, <-0.369296, 0.076286, -0.045714>, <-0.332243, 0.076286, -0.057143>, <-0.455752, 0.000000, -0.019048>, <-0.430525, 0.000000, -0.048495>, <-0.369296, 0.000000, -0.045714>, <-0.332243, 0.000000, -0.057143> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, 0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.000000, 0.430525, -0.048495>, <0.000000, 0.369296, -0.045714>, <0.000000, 0.332243, -0.057143>, <-0.104645, 0.455752, -0.019048>, <-0.104645, 0.430525, -0.048495>, <-0.076286, 0.369296, -0.045714>, <-0.076286, 0.332243, -0.057143>, <-0.248270, 0.396261, -0.019048>, <-0.230432, 0.378422, -0.048495>, <-0.207189, 0.315074, -0.045714>, <-0.180989, 0.288874, -0.057143>, <-0.322265, 0.322265, -0.019048>, <-0.304427, 0.304427, -0.048495>, <-0.261132, 0.261132, -0.045714>, <-0.234931, 0.234931, -0.057143> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.322265, 0.322265, -0.019048>, <0.304427, 0.304427, -0.048495>, <0.261132, 0.261132, -0.045714>, <0.234931, 0.234931, -0.057143>, <0.248270, 0.396261, -0.019048>, <0.230432, 0.378422, -0.048495>, <0.207189, 0.315074, -0.045714>, <0.180989, 0.288874, -0.057143>, <0.104645, 0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.104645, 0.430525, -0.048495>, <0.076286, 0.369296, -0.045714>, <0.076286, 0.332243, -0.057143>, <0.000000, 0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.000000, 0.430525, -0.048495>, <0.000000, 0.369296, -0.045714>, <0.000000, 0.332243, -0.057143> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, -0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.000000, -0.797788, 0.297296>, <0.000000, -0.572276, 0.116966>, <0.000000, -0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.181198, -0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.181198, -0.797788, 0.297296>, <0.104645, -0.572276, 0.116966>, <0.104645, -0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.429891, -0.686144, 0.476190>, <0.435995, -0.692248, 0.297296>, <0.330665, -0.478656, 0.116966>, <0.248270, -0.396261, -0.019048>, <0.558018, -0.558017, 0.476190>, <0.564121, -0.564121, 0.297296>, <0.404661, -0.404660, 0.116966>, <0.322265, -0.322265, -0.019048> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.558017, -0.558017, 0.476190>, <-0.564121, -0.564121, 0.297296>, <-0.404660, -0.404661, 0.116966>, <-0.322265, -0.322265, -0.019048>, <-0.429891, -0.686144, 0.476190>, <-0.435995, -0.692248, 0.297296>, <-0.330665, -0.478656, 0.116966>, <-0.248270, -0.396261, -0.019048>, <-0.181198, -0.789156, 0.476190>, <-0.181198, -0.797788, 0.297296>, <-0.104645, -0.572276, 0.116966>, <-0.104645, -0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.000000, -0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.000000, -0.797788, 0.297296>, <0.000000, -0.572276, 0.116966>, <0.000000, -0.455752, -0.019048> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.789156, -0.000000, 0.476190>, <-0.797788, -0.000000, 0.297296>, <-0.572276, -0.000000, 0.116966>, <-0.455752, 0.000000, -0.019048>, <-0.789156, -0.181198, 0.476190>, <-0.797788, -0.181198, 0.297296>, <-0.572276, -0.104645, 0.116966>, <-0.455752, -0.104645, -0.019048>, <-0.686144, -0.429891, 0.476190>, <-0.692248, -0.435995, 0.297296>, <-0.478656, -0.330665, 0.116966>, <-0.396261, -0.248270, -0.019048>, <-0.558017, -0.558017, 0.476190>, <-0.564121, -0.564121, 0.297296>, <-0.404660, -0.404661, 0.116966>, <-0.322265, -0.322265, -0.019048> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.558017, 0.558017, 0.476190>, <-0.564121, 0.564121, 0.297296>, <-0.404660, 0.404660, 0.116966>, <-0.322265, 0.322265, -0.019048>, <-0.686144, 0.429891, 0.476190>, <-0.692248, 0.435995, 0.297296>, <-0.478656, 0.330665, 0.116966>, <-0.396261, 0.248270, -0.019048>, <-0.789156, 0.181198, 0.476190>, <-0.797788, 0.181198, 0.297296>, <-0.572276, 0.104645, 0.116966>, <-0.455752, 0.104645, -0.019048>, <-0.789156, -0.000000, 0.476190>, <-0.797788, -0.000000, 0.297296>, <-0.572276, -0.000000, 0.116966>, <-0.455752, 0.000000, -0.019048> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, 0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.000000, 0.797788, 0.297296>, <0.000000, 0.572276, 0.116966>, <0.000000, 0.455752, -0.019048>, <-0.181198, 0.789156, 0.476190>, <-0.181198, 0.797788, 0.297296>, <-0.104645, 0.572276, 0.116966>, <-0.104645, 0.455752, -0.019048>, <-0.429891, 0.686144, 0.476190>, <-0.435995, 0.692248, 0.297296>, <-0.330665, 0.478656, 0.116966>, <-0.248270, 0.396261, -0.019048>, <-0.558017, 0.558017, 0.476190>, <-0.564121, 0.564121, 0.297296>, <-0.404660, 0.404660, 0.116966>, <-0.322265, 0.322265, -0.019048> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.558017, 0.558017, 0.476190>, <0.564121, 0.564121, 0.297296>, <0.404660, 0.404661, 0.116966>, <0.322265, 0.322265, -0.019048>, <0.429891, 0.686144, 0.476190>, <0.435995, 0.692248, 0.297296>, <0.330665, 0.478656, 0.116966>, <0.248270, 0.396261, -0.019048>, <0.181198, 0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.181198, 0.797788, 0.297296>, <0.104645, 0.572276, 0.116966>, <0.104645, 0.455752, -0.019048>, <0.000000, 0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.000000, 0.797788, 0.297296>, <0.000000, 0.572276, 0.116966>, <0.000000, 0.455752, -0.019048> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, -0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.000000, -0.517179, 0.602092>, <0.000000, -0.783040, 0.602929>, <0.000000, -0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.096837, -0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.096837, -0.517179, 0.602092>, <0.181198, -0.783040, 0.602929>, <0.181198, -0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.229745, -0.366693, 0.685714>, <0.297227, -0.434174, 0.602092>, <0.425567, -0.681819, 0.602929>, <0.429891, -0.686144, 0.476190>, <0.298219, -0.298219, 0.685714>, <0.365701, -0.365700, 0.602092>, <0.553693, -0.553693, 0.602929>, <0.558018, -0.558017, 0.476190> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.298219, -0.298219, 0.685714>, <-0.365700, -0.365701, 0.602092>, <-0.553693, -0.553693, 0.602929>, <-0.558017, -0.558017, 0.476190>, <-0.229745, -0.366693, 0.685714>, <-0.297226, -0.434175, 0.602092>, <-0.425566, -0.681819, 0.602929>, <-0.429891, -0.686144, 0.476190>, <-0.096837, -0.421745, 0.685714>, <-0.096837, -0.517179, 0.602092>, <-0.181198, -0.783040, 0.602929>, <-0.181198, -0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.000000, -0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.000000, -0.517179, 0.602092>, <0.000000, -0.783040, 0.602929>, <0.000000, -0.789156, 0.476190> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.421745, 0.000000, 0.685714>, <-0.517179, 0.000000, 0.602092>, <-0.783040, -0.000000, 0.602929>, <-0.789156, -0.000000, 0.476190>, <-0.421745, -0.096837, 0.685714>, <-0.517179, -0.096837, 0.602092>, <-0.783040, -0.181198, 0.602929>, <-0.789156, -0.181198, 0.476190>, <-0.366693, -0.229745, 0.685714>, <-0.434175, -0.297227, 0.602092>, <-0.681819, -0.425567, 0.602929>, <-0.686144, -0.429891, 0.476190>, <-0.298219, -0.298219, 0.685714>, <-0.365700, -0.365701, 0.602092>, <-0.553693, -0.553693, 0.602929>, <-0.558017, -0.558017, 0.476190> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.298219, 0.298219, 0.685714>, <-0.365700, 0.365700, 0.602092>, <-0.553693, 0.553693, 0.602929>, <-0.558017, 0.558017, 0.476190>, <-0.366693, 0.229745, 0.685714>, <-0.434175, 0.297227, 0.602092>, <-0.681819, 0.425567, 0.602929>, <-0.686144, 0.429891, 0.476190>, <-0.421745, 0.096837, 0.685714>, <-0.517179, 0.096837, 0.602092>, <-0.783040, 0.181198, 0.602929>, <-0.789156, 0.181198, 0.476190>, <-0.421745, 0.000000, 0.685714>, <-0.517179, 0.000000, 0.602092>, <-0.783040, -0.000000, 0.602929>, <-0.789156, -0.000000, 0.476190> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, 0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.000000, 0.517179, 0.602092>, <0.000000, 0.783040, 0.602929>, <0.000000, 0.789156, 0.476190>, <-0.096837, 0.421745, 0.685714>, <-0.096837, 0.517179, 0.602092>, <-0.181198, 0.783040, 0.602929>, <-0.181198, 0.789156, 0.476190>, <-0.229745, 0.366693, 0.685714>, <-0.297227, 0.434175, 0.602092>, <-0.425567, 0.681819, 0.602929>, <-0.429891, 0.686144, 0.476190>, <-0.298219, 0.298219, 0.685714>, <-0.365700, 0.365700, 0.602092>, <-0.553693, 0.553693, 0.602929>, <-0.558017, 0.558017, 0.476190> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.298219, 0.298219, 0.685714>, <0.365700, 0.365700, 0.602092>, <0.553693, 0.553693, 0.602929>, <0.558017, 0.558017, 0.476190>, <0.229745, 0.366693, 0.685714>, <0.297226, 0.434175, 0.602092>, <0.425567, 0.681819, 0.602929>, <0.429891, 0.686144, 0.476190>, <0.096837, 0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.096837, 0.517179, 0.602092>, <0.181198, 0.783040, 0.602929>, <0.181198, 0.789156, 0.476190>, <0.000000, 0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.000000, 0.517179, 0.602092>, <0.000000, 0.783040, 0.602929>, <0.000000, 0.789156, 0.476190> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, -0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.000000, -0.342423, 0.813867>, <0.000000, -0.374298, 0.727289>, <0.000000, -0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.076380, -0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.076380, -0.342423, 0.813867>, <0.096837, -0.374298, 0.727289>, <0.096837, -0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.181212, -0.289230, 0.876191>, <0.188121, -0.296139, 0.813867>, <0.196194, -0.333142, 0.727289>, <0.229745, -0.366693, 0.685714>, <0.235221, -0.235221, 0.876191>, <0.242130, -0.242130, 0.813867>, <0.264668, -0.264668, 0.727289>, <0.298219, -0.298219, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.235221, -0.235221, 0.876191>, <-0.242130, -0.242130, 0.813867>, <-0.264668, -0.264668, 0.727289>, <-0.298219, -0.298219, 0.685714>, <-0.181212, -0.289230, 0.876191>, <-0.188121, -0.296139, 0.813867>, <-0.196194, -0.333142, 0.727289>, <-0.229745, -0.366693, 0.685714>, <-0.076380, -0.332652, 0.876191>, <-0.076380, -0.342423, 0.813867>, <-0.096837, -0.374298, 0.727289>, <-0.096837, -0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.000000, -0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.000000, -0.342423, 0.813867>, <0.000000, -0.374298, 0.727289>, <0.000000, -0.421745, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.332652, 0.000000, 0.876191>, <-0.342423, 0.000000, 0.813867>, <-0.374298, 0.000000, 0.727289>, <-0.421745, 0.000000, 0.685714>, <-0.332652, -0.076380, 0.876191>, <-0.342423, -0.076380, 0.813867>, <-0.374298, -0.096837, 0.727289>, <-0.421745, -0.096837, 0.685714>, <-0.289230, -0.181212, 0.876191>, <-0.296139, -0.188121, 0.813867>, <-0.333142, -0.196194, 0.727289>, <-0.366693, -0.229745, 0.685714>, <-0.235221, -0.235221, 0.876191>, <-0.242130, -0.242130, 0.813867>, <-0.264668, -0.264668, 0.727289>, <-0.298219, -0.298219, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.235221, 0.235221, 0.876191>, <-0.242130, 0.242130, 0.813867>, <-0.264668, 0.264668, 0.727289>, <-0.298219, 0.298219, 0.685714>, <-0.289230, 0.181212, 0.876191>, <-0.296139, 0.188121, 0.813867>, <-0.333142, 0.196194, 0.727289>, <-0.366693, 0.229745, 0.685714>, <-0.332652, 0.076380, 0.876191>, <-0.342423, 0.076380, 0.813867>, <-0.374298, 0.096837, 0.727289>, <-0.421745, 0.096837, 0.685714>, <-0.332652, 0.000000, 0.876191>, <-0.342423, 0.000000, 0.813867>, <-0.374298, 0.000000, 0.727289>, <-0.421745, 0.000000, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, 0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.000000, 0.342423, 0.813867>, <0.000000, 0.374298, 0.727289>, <0.000000, 0.421745, 0.685714>, <-0.076380, 0.332652, 0.876191>, <-0.076380, 0.342423, 0.813867>, <-0.096837, 0.374298, 0.727289>, <-0.096837, 0.421745, 0.685714>, <-0.181212, 0.289230, 0.876191>, <-0.188121, 0.296139, 0.813867>, <-0.196194, 0.333142, 0.727289>, <-0.229745, 0.366693, 0.685714>, <-0.235221, 0.235221, 0.876191>, <-0.242130, 0.242130, 0.813867>, <-0.264668, 0.264668, 0.727289>, <-0.298219, 0.298219, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.235221, 0.235221, 0.876191>, <0.242130, 0.242130, 0.813867>, <0.264668, 0.264668, 0.727289>, <0.298219, 0.298219, 0.685714>, <0.181212, 0.289230, 0.876191>, <0.188121, 0.296139, 0.813867>, <0.196194, 0.333142, 0.727289>, <0.229745, 0.366693, 0.685714>, <0.076380, 0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.076380, 0.342423, 0.813867>, <0.096837, 0.374298, 0.727289>, <0.096837, 0.421745, 0.685714>, <0.000000, 0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.000000, 0.342423, 0.813867>, <0.000000, 0.374298, 0.727289>, <0.000000, 0.421745, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, -0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.000000, -0.356106, 0.983174>, <0.000000, -0.325384, 0.922552>, <0.000000, -0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.084495, -0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.084495, -0.356106, 0.983174>, <0.076380, -0.325384, 0.922552>, <0.076380, -0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.200464, -0.319958, 1.028571>, <0.192058, -0.311552, 0.983174>, <0.176072, -0.284090, 0.922552>, <0.181212, -0.289230, 0.876191>, <0.260211, -0.260211, 1.028571>, <0.251805, -0.251805, 0.983174>, <0.230081, -0.230081, 0.922552>, <0.235221, -0.235221, 0.876191> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.260211, -0.260211, 1.028571>, <-0.251805, -0.251805, 0.983174>, <-0.230081, -0.230081, 0.922552>, <-0.235221, -0.235221, 0.876191>, <-0.200464, -0.319958, 1.028571>, <-0.192058, -0.311552, 0.983174>, <-0.176072, -0.284090, 0.922552>, <-0.181212, -0.289230, 0.876191>, <-0.084495, -0.367994, 1.028571>, <-0.084495, -0.356106, 0.983174>, <-0.076380, -0.325384, 0.922552>, <-0.076380, -0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.000000, -0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.000000, -0.356106, 0.983174>, <0.000000, -0.325384, 0.922552>, <0.000000, -0.332652, 0.876191> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.367994, 0.000000, 1.028571>, <-0.356106, 0.000000, 0.983174>, <-0.325384, 0.000000, 0.922552>, <-0.332652, 0.000000, 0.876191>, <-0.367994, -0.084495, 1.028571>, <-0.356106, -0.084495, 0.983174>, <-0.325384, -0.076380, 0.922552>, <-0.332652, -0.076380, 0.876191>, <-0.319958, -0.200464, 1.028571>, <-0.311552, -0.192058, 0.983174>, <-0.284090, -0.176072, 0.922552>, <-0.289230, -0.181212, 0.876191>, <-0.260211, -0.260211, 1.028571>, <-0.251805, -0.251805, 0.983174>, <-0.230081, -0.230081, 0.922552>, <-0.235221, -0.235221, 0.876191> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.260211, 0.260211, 1.028571>, <-0.251805, 0.251805, 0.983174>, <-0.230081, 0.230081, 0.922552>, <-0.235221, 0.235221, 0.876191>, <-0.319958, 0.200464, 1.028571>, <-0.311552, 0.192058, 0.983174>, <-0.284090, 0.176072, 0.922552>, <-0.289230, 0.181212, 0.876191>, <-0.367994, 0.084495, 1.028571>, <-0.356106, 0.084495, 0.983174>, <-0.325384, 0.076380, 0.922552>, <-0.332652, 0.076380, 0.876191>, <-0.367994, 0.000000, 1.028571>, <-0.356106, 0.000000, 0.983174>, <-0.325384, 0.000000, 0.922552>, <-0.332652, 0.000000, 0.876191> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, 0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.000000, 0.356106, 0.983174>, <0.000000, 0.325384, 0.922552>, <0.000000, 0.332652, 0.876191>, <-0.084495, 0.367994, 1.028571>, <-0.084495, 0.356106, 0.983174>, <-0.076380, 0.325384, 0.922552>, <-0.076380, 0.332652, 0.876191>, <-0.200464, 0.319958, 1.028571>, <-0.192058, 0.311552, 0.983174>, <-0.176072, 0.284090, 0.922552>, <-0.181212, 0.289230, 0.876191>, <-0.260211, 0.260211, 1.028571>, <-0.251805, 0.251805, 0.983174>, <-0.230081, 0.230081, 0.922552>, <-0.235221, 0.235221, 0.876191> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.260211, 0.260211, 1.028571>, <0.251805, 0.251805, 0.983174>, <0.230081, 0.230081, 0.922552>, <0.235221, 0.235221, 0.876191>, <0.200464, 0.319958, 1.028571>, <0.192058, 0.311552, 0.983174>, <0.176072, 0.284090, 0.922552>, <0.181212, 0.289230, 0.876191>, <0.084495, 0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.084495, 0.356106, 0.983174>, <0.076380, 0.325384, 0.922552>, <0.076380, 0.332652, 0.876191>, <0.000000, 0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.000000, 0.356106, 0.983174>, <0.000000, 0.325384, 0.922552>, <0.000000, 0.332652, 0.876191> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, -0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.000000, -0.416982, 1.127314>, <0.000000, -0.379310, 1.071783>, <0.000000, -0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.094132, -0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.094132, -0.416982, 1.127314>, <0.084495, -0.379310, 1.071783>, <0.084495, -0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.223329, -0.356452, 1.171428>, <0.228289, -0.361412, 1.127314>, <0.208466, -0.327960, 1.071783>, <0.200464, -0.319958, 1.028571>, <0.289890, -0.289890, 1.171428>, <0.294851, -0.294851, 1.127314>, <0.268213, -0.268213, 1.071783>, <0.260211, -0.260211, 1.028571> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.289890, -0.289890, 1.171428>, <-0.294851, -0.294851, 1.127314>, <-0.268213, -0.268213, 1.071783>, <-0.260211, -0.260211, 1.028571>, <-0.223329, -0.356452, 1.171428>, <-0.228289, -0.361412, 1.127314>, <-0.208466, -0.327960, 1.071783>, <-0.200464, -0.319958, 1.028571>, <-0.094132, -0.409967, 1.171428>, <-0.094132, -0.416982, 1.127314>, <-0.084495, -0.379310, 1.071783>, <-0.084495, -0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.000000, -0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.000000, -0.416982, 1.127314>, <0.000000, -0.379310, 1.071783>, <0.000000, -0.367994, 1.028571> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.409967, 0.000000, 1.171428>, <-0.416982, 0.000000, 1.127314>, <-0.379310, 0.000000, 1.071783>, <-0.367994, 0.000000, 1.028571>, <-0.409967, -0.094132, 1.171428>, <-0.416982, -0.094132, 1.127314>, <-0.379310, -0.084495, 1.071783>, <-0.367994, -0.084495, 1.028571>, <-0.356452, -0.223329, 1.171428>, <-0.361412, -0.228289, 1.127314>, <-0.327960, -0.208466, 1.071783>, <-0.319958, -0.200464, 1.028571>, <-0.289890, -0.289890, 1.171428>, <-0.294851, -0.294851, 1.127314>, <-0.268213, -0.268213, 1.071783>, <-0.260211, -0.260211, 1.028571> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.289890, 0.289890, 1.171428>, <-0.294851, 0.294851, 1.127314>, <-0.268213, 0.268213, 1.071783>, <-0.260211, 0.260211, 1.028571>, <-0.356452, 0.223329, 1.171428>, <-0.361412, 0.228289, 1.127314>, <-0.327960, 0.208466, 1.071783>, <-0.319958, 0.200464, 1.028571>, <-0.409967, 0.094132, 1.171428>, <-0.416982, 0.094132, 1.127314>, <-0.379310, 0.084495, 1.071783>, <-0.367994, 0.084495, 1.028571>, <-0.409967, 0.000000, 1.171428>, <-0.416982, 0.000000, 1.127314>, <-0.379310, 0.000000, 1.071783>, <-0.367994, 0.000000, 1.028571> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, 0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.000000, 0.416982, 1.127314>, <0.000000, 0.379310, 1.071783>, <0.000000, 0.367994, 1.028571>, <-0.094132, 0.409967, 1.171428>, <-0.094132, 0.416982, 1.127314>, <-0.084495, 0.379310, 1.071783>, <-0.084495, 0.367994, 1.028571>, <-0.223329, 0.356452, 1.171428>, <-0.228289, 0.361412, 1.127314>, <-0.208466, 0.327960, 1.071783>, <-0.200464, 0.319958, 1.028571>, <-0.289890, 0.289890, 1.171428>, <-0.294851, 0.294851, 1.127314>, <-0.268213, 0.268213, 1.071783>, <-0.260211, 0.260211, 1.028571> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.289890, 0.289890, 1.171428>, <0.294851, 0.294851, 1.127314>, <0.268213, 0.268213, 1.071783>, <0.260211, 0.260211, 1.028571>, <0.223329, 0.356452, 1.171428>, <0.228289, 0.361412, 1.127314>, <0.208466, 0.327960, 1.071783>, <0.200464, 0.319958, 1.028571>, <0.094132, 0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.094132, 0.416982, 1.127314>, <0.084495, 0.379310, 1.071783>, <0.084495, 0.367994, 1.028571>, <0.000000, 0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.000000, 0.416982, 1.127314>, <0.000000, 0.379310, 1.071783>, <0.000000, 0.367994, 1.028571> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, -0.340734, 1.200000>, <0.000000, -0.361504, 1.191428>, <0.000000, -0.406438, 1.193618>, <0.000000, -0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.078236, -0.340734, 1.200000>, <0.078236, -0.361504, 1.191428>, <0.094132, -0.406438, 1.193618>, <0.094132, -0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.185614, -0.296257, 1.200000>, <0.200301, -0.310943, 1.191428>, <0.220833, -0.353957, 1.193618>, <0.223329, -0.356452, 1.171428>, <0.240936, -0.240935, 1.200000>, <0.255622, -0.255622, 1.191428>, <0.287395, -0.287395, 1.193618>, <0.289890, -0.289890, 1.171428> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.240936, -0.240936, 1.200000>, <-0.255622, -0.255622, 1.191428>, <-0.287395, -0.287395, 1.193618>, <-0.289890, -0.289890, 1.171428>, <-0.185614, -0.296257, 1.200000>, <-0.200301, -0.310943, 1.191428>, <-0.220833, -0.353957, 1.193618>, <-0.223329, -0.356452, 1.171428>, <-0.078236, -0.340734, 1.200000>, <-0.078236, -0.361504, 1.191428>, <-0.094132, -0.406438, 1.193618>, <-0.094132, -0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.000000, -0.340734, 1.200000>, <0.000000, -0.361504, 1.191428>, <0.000000, -0.406438, 1.193618>, <0.000000, -0.409967, 1.171428> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.340734, 0.000000, 1.200000>, <-0.361504, 0.000000, 1.191428>, <-0.406438, 0.000000, 1.193618>, <-0.409967, 0.000000, 1.171428>, <-0.340734, -0.078236, 1.200000>, <-0.361504, -0.078236, 1.191428>, <-0.406438, -0.094132, 1.193618>, <-0.409967, -0.094132, 1.171428>, <-0.296257, -0.185614, 1.200000>, <-0.310943, -0.200301, 1.191428>, <-0.353957, -0.220833, 1.193618>, <-0.356452, -0.223329, 1.171428>, <-0.240936, -0.240936, 1.200000>, <-0.255622, -0.255622, 1.191428>, <-0.287395, -0.287395, 1.193618>, <-0.289890, -0.289890, 1.171428> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <-0.240936, 0.240936, 1.200000>, <-0.255622, 0.255622, 1.191428>, <-0.287395, 0.287395, 1.193618>, <-0.289890, 0.289890, 1.171428>, <-0.296257, 0.185614, 1.200000>, <-0.310943, 0.200301, 1.191428>, <-0.353957, 0.220833, 1.193618>, <-0.356452, 0.223329, 1.171428>, <-0.340734, 0.078236, 1.200000>, <-0.361504, 0.078236, 1.191428>, <-0.406438, 0.094132, 1.193618>, <-0.409967, 0.094132, 1.171428>, <-0.340734, 0.000000, 1.200000>, <-0.361504, 0.000000, 1.191428>, <-0.406438, 0.000000, 1.193618>, <-0.409967, 0.000000, 1.171428> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.000000, 0.340734, 1.200000>, <0.000000, 0.361504, 1.191428>, <0.000000, 0.406438, 1.193618>, <0.000000, 0.409967, 1.171428>, <-0.078236, 0.340734, 1.200000>, <-0.078236, 0.361504, 1.191428>, <-0.094132, 0.406438, 1.193618>, <-0.094132, 0.409967, 1.171428>, <-0.185614, 0.296257, 1.200000>, <-0.200301, 0.310943, 1.191428>, <-0.220833, 0.353957, 1.193618>, <-0.223329, 0.356452, 1.171428>, <-0.240936, 0.240936, 1.200000>, <-0.255622, 0.255622, 1.191428>, <-0.287395, 0.287395, 1.193618>, <-0.289890, 0.289890, 1.171428> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.240936, 0.240936, 1.200000>, <0.255622, 0.255622, 1.191428>, <0.287395, 0.287395, 1.193618>, <0.289890, 0.289890, 1.171428>, <0.185614, 0.296257, 1.200000>, <0.200301, 0.310943, 1.191428>, <0.220833, 0.353957, 1.193618>, <0.223329, 0.356452, 1.171428>, <0.078236, 0.340734, 1.200000>, <0.078236, 0.361504, 1.191428>, <0.094132, 0.406438, 1.193618>, <0.094132, 0.409967, 1.171428>, <0.000000, 0.340734, 1.200000>, <0.000000, 0.361504, 1.191428>, <0.000000, 0.406438, 1.193618>, <0.000000, 0.409967, 1.171428> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.409967, 0.000000, 1.171428>, <0.409967, 0.094132, 1.171428>, <0.356452, 0.223329, 1.171428>, <0.289890, 0.289890, 1.171428>, <0.406438, 0.000000, 1.193618>, <0.406438, 0.094132, 1.193618>, <0.353957, 0.220833, 1.193618>, <0.287395, 0.287395, 1.193618>, <0.361504, 0.000000, 1.191428>, <0.361504, 0.078236, 1.191428>, <0.310943, 0.200301, 1.191428>, <0.255622, 0.255622, 1.191428>, <0.340734, 0.000000, 1.200000>, <0.340734, 0.078236, 1.200000>, <0.296257, 0.185614, 1.200000>, <0.240936, 0.240936, 1.200000> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.409967, 0.000000, 1.171428>, <0.406438, 0.000000, 1.193618>, <0.361504, 0.000000, 1.191428>, <0.340734, 0.000000, 1.200000>, <0.409967, -0.094132, 1.171428>, <0.406438, -0.094132, 1.193618>, <0.361504, -0.078236, 1.191428>, <0.340734, -0.078236, 1.200000>, <0.356452, -0.223329, 1.171428>, <0.353957, -0.220833, 1.193618>, <0.310943, -0.200301, 1.191428>, <0.296257, -0.185614, 1.200000>, <0.289890, -0.289890, 1.171428>, <0.287395, -0.287395, 1.193618>, <0.255622, -0.255622, 1.191428>, <0.240936, -0.240935, 1.200000> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.455752, 0.000000, -0.019048>, <0.430525, 0.000000, -0.048495>, <0.369296, 0.000000, -0.045714>, <0.332243, 0.000000, -0.057143>, <0.455752, 0.104645, -0.019048>, <0.430525, 0.104645, -0.048495>, <0.369296, 0.076286, -0.045714>, <0.332243, 0.076286, -0.057143>, <0.396261, 0.248270, -0.019048>, <0.378422, 0.230432, -0.048495>, <0.315074, 0.207189, -0.045714>, <0.288874, 0.180989, -0.057143>, <0.322265, 0.322265, -0.019048>, <0.304427, 0.304427, -0.048495>, <0.261132, 0.261132, -0.045714>, <0.234931, 0.234931, -0.057143> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.455752, 0.000000, -0.019048>, <0.455752, -0.104645, -0.019048>, <0.396261, -0.248270, -0.019048>, <0.322265, -0.322265, -0.019048>, <0.430525, 0.000000, -0.048495>, <0.430525, -0.104645, -0.048495>, <0.378422, -0.230432, -0.048495>, <0.304427, -0.304427, -0.048495>, <0.369296, 0.000000, -0.045714>, <0.369296, -0.076286, -0.045714>, <0.315074, -0.207189, -0.045714>, <0.261132, -0.261131, -0.045714>, <0.332243, 0.000000, -0.057143>, <0.332243, -0.076286, -0.057143>, <0.288874, -0.180989, -0.057143>, <0.234931, -0.234931, -0.057143> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.789156, 0.000000, 0.476190>, <0.797788, 0.000000, 0.297296>, <0.572276, 0.000000, 0.116966>, <0.455752, 0.000000, -0.019048>, <0.789156, 0.181198, 0.476190>, <0.797788, 0.181198, 0.297296>, <0.572276, 0.104645, 0.116966>, <0.455752, 0.104645, -0.019048>, <0.686144, 0.429891, 0.476190>, <0.692248, 0.435995, 0.297296>, <0.478656, 0.330665, 0.116966>, <0.396261, 0.248270, -0.019048>, <0.558017, 0.558017, 0.476190>, <0.564121, 0.564121, 0.297296>, <0.404660, 0.404661, 0.116966>, <0.322265, 0.322265, -0.019048> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.789156, 0.000000, 0.476190>, <0.789156, -0.181198, 0.476190>, <0.686144, -0.429891, 0.476190>, <0.558018, -0.558017, 0.476190>, <0.797788, 0.000000, 0.297296>, <0.797788, -0.181198, 0.297296>, <0.692248, -0.435995, 0.297296>, <0.564121, -0.564121, 0.297296>, <0.572276, 0.000000, 0.116966>, <0.572276, -0.104645, 0.116966>, <0.478656, -0.330665, 0.116966>, <0.404661, -0.404660, 0.116966>, <0.455752, 0.000000, -0.019048>, <0.455752, -0.104645, -0.019048>, <0.396261, -0.248270, -0.019048>, <0.322265, -0.322265, -0.019048> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.789156, 0.000000, 0.476190>, <0.789156, 0.181198, 0.476190>, <0.686144, 0.429891, 0.476190>, <0.558017, 0.558017, 0.476190>, <0.783040, 0.000000, 0.602929>, <0.783040, 0.181198, 0.602929>, <0.681819, 0.425567, 0.602929>, <0.553693, 0.553693, 0.602929>, <0.517179, 0.000000, 0.602092>, <0.517179, 0.096837, 0.602092>, <0.434175, 0.297227, 0.602092>, <0.365700, 0.365700, 0.602092>, <0.421745, 0.000000, 0.685714>, <0.421745, 0.096837, 0.685714>, <0.366693, 0.229745, 0.685714>, <0.298219, 0.298219, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.789156, 0.000000, 0.476190>, <0.783040, 0.000000, 0.602929>, <0.517179, 0.000000, 0.602092>, <0.421745, 0.000000, 0.685714>, <0.789156, -0.181198, 0.476190>, <0.783040, -0.181198, 0.602929>, <0.517179, -0.096837, 0.602092>, <0.421745, -0.096837, 0.685714>, <0.686144, -0.429891, 0.476190>, <0.681819, -0.425566, 0.602929>, <0.434175, -0.297226, 0.602092>, <0.366693, -0.229745, 0.685714>, <0.558018, -0.558017, 0.476190>, <0.553693, -0.553693, 0.602929>, <0.365701, -0.365700, 0.602092>, <0.298219, -0.298219, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.332652, 0.000000, 0.876191>, <0.342423, 0.000000, 0.813867>, <0.374298, 0.000000, 0.727289>, <0.421745, 0.000000, 0.685714>, <0.332652, 0.076380, 0.876191>, <0.342423, 0.076380, 0.813867>, <0.374298, 0.096837, 0.727289>, <0.421745, 0.096837, 0.685714>, <0.289230, 0.181212, 0.876191>, <0.296139, 0.188121, 0.813867>, <0.333142, 0.196194, 0.727289>, <0.366693, 0.229745, 0.685714>, <0.235221, 0.235221, 0.876191>, <0.242130, 0.242130, 0.813867>, <0.264668, 0.264668, 0.727289>, <0.298219, 0.298219, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.332652, 0.000000, 0.876191>, <0.332652, -0.076380, 0.876191>, <0.289230, -0.181212, 0.876191>, <0.235221, -0.235221, 0.876191>, <0.342423, 0.000000, 0.813867>, <0.342423, -0.076380, 0.813867>, <0.296139, -0.188121, 0.813867>, <0.242130, -0.242130, 0.813867>, <0.374298, 0.000000, 0.727289>, <0.374298, -0.096837, 0.727289>, <0.333142, -0.196194, 0.727289>, <0.264668, -0.264668, 0.727289>, <0.421745, 0.000000, 0.685714>, <0.421745, -0.096837, 0.685714>, <0.366693, -0.229745, 0.685714>, <0.298219, -0.298219, 0.685714> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.367994, 0.000000, 1.028571>, <0.356106, 0.000000, 0.983174>, <0.325384, 0.000000, 0.922552>, <0.332652, 0.000000, 0.876191>, <0.367994, 0.084495, 1.028571>, <0.356106, 0.084495, 0.983174>, <0.325384, 0.076380, 0.922552>, <0.332652, 0.076380, 0.876191>, <0.319958, 0.200464, 1.028571>, <0.311552, 0.192058, 0.983174>, <0.284090, 0.176072, 0.922552>, <0.289230, 0.181212, 0.876191>, <0.260211, 0.260211, 1.028571>, <0.251805, 0.251805, 0.983174>, <0.230081, 0.230081, 0.922552>, <0.235221, 0.235221, 0.876191> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.367994, 0.000000, 1.028571>, <0.367994, -0.084495, 1.028571>, <0.319958, -0.200464, 1.028571>, <0.260211, -0.260211, 1.028571>, <0.356106, 0.000000, 0.983174>, <0.356106, -0.084495, 0.983174>, <0.311552, -0.192058, 0.983174>, <0.251805, -0.251805, 0.983174>, <0.325384, 0.000000, 0.922552>, <0.325384, -0.076380, 0.922552>, <0.284090, -0.176072, 0.922552>, <0.230081, -0.230081, 0.922552>, <0.332652, 0.000000, 0.876191>, <0.332652, -0.076380, 0.876191>, <0.289230, -0.181212, 0.876191>, <0.235221, -0.235221, 0.876191> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.367994, 0.000000, 1.028571>, <0.367994, 0.084495, 1.028571>, <0.319958, 0.200464, 1.028571>, <0.260211, 0.260211, 1.028571>, <0.379310, 0.000000, 1.071783>, <0.379310, 0.084495, 1.071783>, <0.327960, 0.208466, 1.071783>, <0.268213, 0.268213, 1.071783>, <0.416982, 0.000000, 1.127314>, <0.416982, 0.094132, 1.127314>, <0.361412, 0.228289, 1.127314>, <0.294851, 0.294851, 1.127314>, <0.409967, 0.000000, 1.171428>, <0.409967, 0.094132, 1.171428>, <0.356452, 0.223329, 1.171428>, <0.289890, 0.289890, 1.171428> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0000 u_steps 5 v_steps 5, <0.367994, 0.000000, 1.028571>, <0.379310, 0.000000, 1.071783>, <0.416982, 0.000000, 1.127314>, <0.409967, 0.000000, 1.171428>, <0.367994, -0.084495, 1.028571>, <0.379310, -0.084495, 1.071783>, <0.416982, -0.094132, 1.127314>, <0.409967, -0.094132, 1.171428>, <0.319958, -0.200464, 1.028571>, <0.327960, -0.208466, 1.071783>, <0.361412, -0.228289, 1.127314>, <0.356452, -0.223329, 1.171428>, <0.260211, -0.260211, 1.028571>, <0.268213, -0.268213, 1.071783>, <0.294851, -0.294851, 1.127314>, <0.289890, -0.289890, 1.171428> } } material { Vase } scale <8.1479, 8.364503, 9.014312> translate 8.65852*z }