// Render string: +QR +A0.2 +AM2 +R4 +W640 +H480 global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 radiosity { count 1200 // I am aware that the radiosity error_bound 0.33 // settings are completely overkill. gray_threshold 0.5 // But I was asked for the source that distance_maximum 4 // produced the picture, sooo... low_error_factor 0.33 // I would think that raising the global nearest_count 9 // ambience of the scene, would produce minimum_reuse 0.01 // a nicer image. brightness 3.3 // - recursion_limit 2 // PS. Sorry about the messy source, no time to clean up. } } #include "colors.inc" #default { finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 0.65 } } #declare w = 2; #declare h = 2; #declare T = 0.05; #declare Lx = -0.8; #declare Ly = ((h-T)/10)*9; #declare Lz = -0.8; #declare Wall = texture { pigment { color <1.0, 1.0, 0.9> } finish { diffuse 0.4 } } #declare SoftTeal = texture { pigment { color <0.2, 1.0, 0.8> } finish { diffuse 0.7 } } #declare SoftBlue = texture { pigment { color <0.2, 0.6, 1.0> } finish { diffuse 0.7 } } #declare Bulp = object { sphere { <0,0,0> 0.05 texture { pigment { color White } } } } camera { location <0.6, 0.9, 0.8> look_at <0.0, 0.5, 0.0> panoramic angle 15 } light_source { color White looks_like { Bulp } area_light 0.5*x, 0.5*y, 7,7 adaptive 1 jitter } difference { box { <-w/2, 0, w>, } box { <(-w/2)+T, T, w-T>, <(w/2)-T, h-T, (-w/2)+T> } texture { Wall } } plane { y, T texture { pigment { White } finish { diffuse 0.8 } } } plane { x, (w/2)-T texture { pigment { Orange } finish { diffuse 0.8 } } } plane { z, (-w/2)+T texture { pigment { Red } finish { diffuse 0.8 } } } plane { z, (w/2)-T texture { pigment { White } finish { diffuse 0.8 } } } difference { box { <-0.25, T, 0.25>, <0.25, T+0.5, -0.25> texture { Wall } } box { <-0.25, T, 0.25>, <0.25, T+0.5, -0.25> translate texture { SoftTeal } } scale 2 translate (T*2)*-y } sphere { <0, T+0.3, 0>, 0.3 texture { SoftBlue } }