#include "colors.inc" #include "stones.inc" #include "coton.inc" #include "metals.inc" camera {location <20,20,20> direction <0,0,1> look_at <0,0,0>} //========================THE 2 CHARACTERS=========================== object {perso1 scale 2 translate <10,0,0>} object {perso2 rotate y*-90 scale .6 translate <10,10,12>} //========================GREEN PLANTS=========================== object {GrpPlante1 scale .5 translate <15,0,0>} object {GrpPlante1 scale .5 translate <20,0,-4>} object {GrpPlante1 scale .5 translate <5,0,18>} object {GrpPlante1 scale .5 translate <0,0,13>} object {GrpPlante1 scale .5 translate <0,0,8>} //========================MUSHROOMS=========================== #declare boucle=1 #declare r1=seed(0) union { #declare va=100; #while (boucle < 10) object {champi2 texture {MushTex1} scale rand(r1)+1 translate } object {champi2 texture {MushTex2} scale rand(r1)+1 translate } object {champi2 texture {MushTex3} scale rand(r1)+1 translate } object {champi2 texture {MushTex4} scale rand(r1)+1 translate } #declare boucle=boucle+1; #end scale .2 finish {ambient .6}} #declare boucle=1 #declare r1=seed(10); union { #declare va=100 #while (boucle < 10) object {champi2 texture {MushTex1} scale rand(r1)+1 translate } object {champi2 texture {MushTex2} scale rand(r1)+1 translate } object {champi2 texture {MushTex3} scale rand(r1)+1 translate } object {champi2 texture {MushTex4} scale rand(r1)+1 translate } #declare boucle=boucle+1; #end scale .2 finish {ambient .6}} //========================THE BARRER IN THE BACK=========================== #declare rampe = union { difference { box {<0,0,0>,<-2,2,3.8>} cylinder {<1,2,2>,<-3,2,2>,.5} pigment {White*2}} cylinder {<-1,0,2>,<-1,4,2>,.1 texture {T_Copper_4C}} sphere {<-1,3,2>,.6 texture {T_Copper_4C}} } union { #declare boucle = 0 #while (boucle < 20) object {rampe translate <0,0,(4*boucle)-48>} #declare boucle = boucle+1 #end scale 2} //========================WATER AREA=========================== box {<0,0,-300>,<300,-2,300> pigment {Blue/3} finish {reflection .8} normal {bumps .4}} //========================COTTON BUD AND "?" =========================== #declare cotontige = union { sphere {<0,0,0>,.2 pigment {White*1.5}} sphere {<0,0,6>,.2 pigment {White*1.5}} cone {<0,0,0>,.2,<0,0,1>,.07 pigment {White*1.5}} cone {<0,0,6>,.2,<0,0,5>,.07 pigment {White*1.5}} cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,0,6>,.07 pigment {Red+White}}} union { object {cotontige rotate x*-20} text {ttf "times.ttf","?",.1,0 pigment {Red*1.5} scale 5 rotate y*-90 translate z*8} translate <-3,12,0> no_shadow finish {ambient .4}} sphere {<-3,15,5>,8 pigment {White*3 transmit .8}} fog {distance 200 color rgb <.6,.6,1>} //=========================GROUND========================== box {<0,0,-300>,<-1000,-2,300> texture {checker texture {checker texture {checker texture {T_Stone10} texture {T_Stone11}scale .5} texture {T_Stone12}scale .5} texture {T_Stone13} scale 10} } //=========================LIGHT !========================== light_source {<200,200,200> White}