/* Real Explosion Ver .05 Created by H.E. Day mailto: PovRayGuy@aol.com This is a demonstation of the explosion. I will add more features and functions sometine in the future. Feel free to use this version in any pic or anim as long as you give me credit for the explosion. I recommend that you render this with 60 frames or more. Happy destruction! This file is copyright H.E. Day 2000 If you wish to use his for commercial purposeses, please e-mail the author. PovRayGuy@aol.com */ #version unofficial MegaPov 0.5; global_settings { max_trace_level 40 //post_process {soft_glow {1,2}} } #declare Base= function {x^2+y^2+z^6 } #declare WaterMoveClock = spline { cubic_spline 0,0 .5,.5 1,.75 } #declare WaterPercentClock = spline { cubic_spline 0,.5 .5,1 .75,.875 1,.5 } #declare Add1= function { pigment { granite color_map {[0 rgb WaterPercentClock(clock)][.5 rgb 0]} scale 6 translate 4*WaterMoveClock(clock)*y////SmokeTranslate*SmokeDriftDirection translate clock*z translate 2 } } #declare ExpandClock = spline { cubic_spline 0,0 .175,1.5 .6,2.25 1,0 } #declare ExpandSidewaysClock = spline { cubic_spline 0,1 .125,1 .25,1.25 .5,1 1,1 } #declare ExpandMod = 0+ExpandClock(clock).x #declare ExpandSWMod = 0+ExpandSidewaysClock(clock).x isosurface { function { Base(x*ExpandSWMod,y*ExpandSWMod,z/(2*ExpandMod))+ (Add1(y,z,x)) } eval threshold 1 accuracy .05 contained_by{box{<-1,-1,-5*ExpandMod>,<1,1,0>}} texture {pigment {rgb <.625,.75,1>} finish {ambient .75 diffuse .5 phong 10 phong_size 60}} hollow on } camera { direction 1 location <-5,0,-5> look_at <0,0,-2> } light_source {<-100,100,150>*100 rgb 1} light_source {<100,0,-50>*100 rgb .5} light_source {<50,100,50>*100 rgb 1}