// // Wallpaper image by ADB, April 2014 // // #include "colors.inc" // The include files contain pre-define scene elements #include "functions.inc" // #include "space3d.inc" // Space includes by Pyramid #include "rand.inc" // declare variables, NB: case-sensitive #declare cassette = "C:/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents/Amiga-HD/CassetteTape2.PNG" #declare dd_logo = "C:/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents/Amiga-HD/DigitalDalmatian-logo.bmp" #declare KLW_YT_logo = "C:/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents/Amiga-HD/kinglonewolf104_YT_logo.PNG" #declare noise = "C:/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents/3D Models/Textures/noise.PNG" #declare ignore=0; // 0=show sphere, 2=show blob #declare bg_GFX=2; // 1=fog, 2=stars #declare SHOW_LABEL=false; #declare show_creator=true; // translate coords for moving planets into position #declare planet1_coords=<-9,-60,110>; // yellow (bottom of image) #declare planet2_coords=<-40,10,100>; // blue (left of image) #declare planet3_coords=<0,60,220>; // earth-like (top of image) // texture maps #declare texture_cassette = texture { material_map { png "plasma3.png" texture { pigment{ image_map {png cassette /* once */ } scale 3 } normal{ bump_map { png cassette /* once */ } scale 3 } } } } #declare texture_dd_logo = texture { material_map { png "plasma3.png" texture { // pigment { color red 0.3 green 0.1 blue 1} pigment{ image_map {sys dd_logo /* once */ } // translate <-16,1,0> scale 3 } normal{ bump_map { sys dd_logo /* once */ } // translate <-1,1,0> scale 3 // ripples 0.85 frequency 10 // bump_size 6 } } } } #declare texture_KLW_logo = texture { material_map { png "plasma3.png" texture { // pigment { color red 0.3 green 0.1 blue 1} pigment{ image_map {png KLW_YT_logo /* once */ } // translate <-16,1,0> scale 3 } normal{ bump_map { png KLW_YT_logo /* once */ } // translate <-1,1,0> scale 3 // ripples 0.85 frequency 10 // bump_size 6 } } } } #declare asteroid=blob{ // by Andrew Burton sphere {<1,1,10>,4,1} sphere {<6,2,7>,4,2} sphere {<4,0,8>,6,1} sphere {<5,1,10>,5,1} sphere {<7,1,10>,5,1} sphere {<2,-1,9>,2.25,1} sphere {<5,3,10>,4,5} } // add light sources, otherwise the image will be black! light_source { <2, 4, -3> color White} light_source { <-3, 1, -1> color red 1} // add background (fog effect or stars) #if (bg_GFX=1) fog { fog_type 1 distance 48 color SkyBlue } #end #if (bg_GFX=2) Starfield() #end // position the camera and the direction it's facing camera { location <0, 2, -6> look_at <0, 1, 2> } // add and create objects for the scene #if (ignore=1) sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 2 texture { texture_cassette translate <20,1.1,0> // move texture into position so cassette faces the front } translate <-10,6.5,14> // move sphere into position } #end #if (ignore=9) // this sphere sometimes triggers a DIVIDE_BY_ZERO error - cause unknown. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 2 texture { texture_dd_logo translate <10,2,0> // move texture into position so cassette faces the front } translate <-10,0,30> // move sphere into position } #end #if (ignore=0) sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 2 texture { texture_KLW_logo translate <10,1.3,0> // move texture into position so cassette faces the front } translate <12,8,18> // move sphere into position } #end #if (ignore=2) sphere { <0,-0.5,14>, 2 // coords, radius texture { pigment {color red 0.75} } finish { ambient .1 diffuse .9 reflection .25 specular 1 metallic } } #end #if (ignore=0) // asteroid 1, bottom right of image, by Andrew Burton blob { asteroid // asteroid texture pigment { granite color_map { [ 0.00 0.72 color Gray20 color Gray40 ] // Main asteroid colour [ 0.91 1.00 color Black color Black ] // Black spots } } normal { bump_map { png noise bump_size 4 } scale <3,3,3> } finish { ambient .1 diffuse .4 reflection .25 specular 1 metallic } translate <-1,-3,-2> // move asteroid } #end #if (ignore=0) // asteroid 2, bottom left of image, by Andrew Burton blob { asteroid // asteroid texture pigment { granite color_map { [ 0.00 0.72 color Gray20 color Gray40 ] // Main asteroid colour [ 0.91 1.00 color Black color Black ] // Black spots } } normal { bump_map { png noise bump_size 4 } scale <3,3,3> } finish { ambient .1 diffuse .4 reflection .25 specular 0.3 metallic } rotate <70,40,-30> translate <-14,-3,20> // move asteroid } #end #if (ignore=0) // mysterious object, top of screen, by Andrew Burton blob { asteroid normal { bump_map { png noise bump_size 4 } scale <3,3,3> } finish { ambient .1 diffuse .4 reflection .05 specular 0.2 } rotate <70,40,-30> translate <8,24,50> // move object } #end //terran planet (yellow), by Pyramid #if (ignore=0) #declare fPlanetRadius = 10; Sun(, 1) #declare show = 1; #if (show) InitColors() #declare vPlanetRotation = <0,-30,0>; #declare vPlanetPosition = <0,0,0>; #declare aColors = array[6]; #local c=0; #while(c<5) #declare aColors[c] = cGreen[IRand(0,55,seed(19277))]; #local c=c+1; #end #declare aColors[5] = rgb <0.149, 0.435, 0.698>; object { TerranPlanet(fPlanetRadius, aColors, 5, 1, array[4] {215860,21757,21757,31782}) rotate vPlanetRotation translate planet1_coords} #end #declare show = 1; #if (show) #declare cAtmosphereColor = rgb <0.360, 0.550, 0.750>; #declare vPlanetRotation = <0,0,0>; object { Atmosphere(fPlanetRadius, 1.04, cAtmosphereColor) rotate vPlanetRotation translate planet1_coords} #end #end //blue terran planet, by Pyramid #if (ignore=0) #declare fPlanetRadius = 20; Sun(, 1) #declare show = 1; #if (show) #declare rPlanet = seed(1968+31); //+frame_number //31,35 #declare vPlanetRotation = <0,40,0>; #declare vPlanetPosition = <0,0,0>; object { TerranPlanet(fPlanetRadius, array[1] {rgb <0,0,0>}, 0, 1, array[7] {2177,2182,2183,2174,0,1183,219181}) rotate vPlanetRotation translate planet2_coords} #end #declare show = 1; #if (show) #declare cAtmosphereColor = rgb <0.360, 0.550, 0.650>; #declare vPlanetRotation = <0,0,0>; object { Atmosphere(fPlanetRadius, 1.04, cAtmosphereColor) rotate vPlanetRotation translate planet2_coords} #end #end //trantor class planet, by Pyramid #if (ignore=0) #declare fPlanetRadius = 10; Sun(, 1) #declare show = 1; #if (show) #declare rPlanet = seed(1968+31); //+frame_number //31,35 #declare vPlanetRotation = <-20,40,-20>; // <0,40,0>; #declare vPlanetPosition = <0, 0, 0>; object { TrantorPlanet(fPlanetRadius, array[1] {rgb <0,0,0>}, RRand(0,50,rPlanet), IRand(0,1,rPlanet), array[1] {1968+31}) rotate vPlanetRotation translate planet3_coords} //vPlanetPosition } #end #declare show = 1; #if (show) #declare cAtmosphereColor = rgb <0.360, 0.550, 0.216>; #declare vPlanetRotation = <0,0,0>; object { Atmosphere(fPlanetRadius, 1.04, cAtmosphereColor) rotate vPlanetRotation translate planet3_coords} //vPlanetPosition } #end #end // image creator label #if (show_creator=true) text { ttf "crystal.ttf", "By Andrew Burton, April 2014", 0.1, 0 scale <0.1, 0.1, 0.1> translate <2.40,-1.60,-0.5> pigment { rgb <3/255, 1, 1> } finish { ambient 1 } } #end