#version unofficial MegaPov 1.2; default { pigment { color rgb 0.75 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.5 }} #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "stones.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "functions.inc" #include "transforms.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "rand.inc" #include "rwm_materials.inc" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Globals and radiosity settings //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #declare R = seed(19630816); #declare R1 = seed(1963); #declare Use_Blur = 7*2; // blur samples (0=off) #declare Render_CGSphere = 1; #declare Render_Ramp = 1; #declare Render_Particles = 1; #declare Soft_Shadows = 1; #declare Trace_Level = 20; #declare Quick_Render = 0; /* #declare Use_Radiosity = 1; #declare Rad_Bounce = 2; // higher is (usually) better #declare Rad_Count = 80; // higher is better #declare Rad_NearestCount = 8; // 5 - 20, higher is better #declare Rad_ErrorBound = 0.75; // lower is better #declare Rad_Pretrace = 0.01; // lower is better #declare Rad_Brightness = 2; #declare Rad_File = ""; #include "rwm_rad2.inc" */ global_settings { radiosity{} } global_settings { exposure 1.5 } global_settings { photons { count 20000 media 100 } } camera{ // orthographic up y right x*image_width/image_height angle 41 location -z*201.5 //location <250, 250, -250>*2 //location x*500 look_at 0 #if (Use_Blur) aperture 2 // [0...N] larger is narrower depth of field (blurrier) blur_samples Use_Blur // number of rays per pixel for sampling focal_point 0 confidence 1 // [0...1] when to move on while sampling (smaller is less accurate) variance 1/10000 #end } #include "CGSphere.inc" light_source { <280, 365, -435> rgb Sunlight*3 #if (Soft_Shadows) area_light <100, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 100>, 5, 5 adaptive 2 jitter orient circular #end } light_source { <-280, 365, -435> rgb Sunlight*1.5 shadowless } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sky //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sphere {0, 1000 hollow pigment { image_map {hdr "TG_Probe01.hdr" map_type 7 interpolate 2 }} finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } no_shadow } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ramp tiles //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (Render_Ramp) object { Ground #if (Quick_Render) pigment {rgb 0} finish { diffuse 0.5 ambient 0 reflection {0, 0.5} conserve_energy } #else texture { pigment { uv_mapping gradient x pigment_map{ [1/80 rgb 0] [1/80 gradient y pigment_map{ [1/80 rgb 0] [1/80 average pigment_map { [2 image_map { png "CrackedPlasterTile.png" interpolate 2 transmit all 0.0} scale 1.37] [1 image_map { png "CrackedPlasterTile.png" interpolate 2 transmit all 0.0} rotate z*10] [1 rgb 0.5] } scale <15, 20, 15>*0.5 rotate x*45 ] } ] } scale -<1/10,1/20,1> } normal { uv_mapping gradient x normal_map{ [1/80 bumps -0.1 scale 0.1] [1/80 gradient y normal_map{ [1/80 bumps -0.1 scale 0.1] [1/80 average normal_map { [2 bump_map { png "CrackedPlasterTile.png" interpolate 2} scale 1.37] [1 bump_map { png "CrackedPlasterTile.png" interpolate 2 } rotate z*10] } scale <15, 20, 15>*0.5 rotate x*45 ] } ] } scale -<1/10,1/20,1> } finish { diffuse 0.4 ambient 0 specular 0.25 roughness 0.01 reflection {0, 0.5} conserve_energy } } #end } #end #if (Render_Particles) #include "steamBall.inc" object {SteamBall} //object {SteamBall rotate x*180 rotate y*180 scale 1.1} #end #if (Render_CGSphere) // Balls //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Materials //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #declare P1 = pigment { bozo turbulence 0.5 scale 0.1 color_map {[0 rgb<189,112,40>/255*1.2 transmit 0.8][1 rgb<143,61,5>/255*1.2 transmit 0.9]} } #declare M_Glass1 = material { texture { pigment { bozo scale 0.25 turbulence 0.5 pigment_map { [0.000 P1] [0.675 P1] [1.000 color (Turquoise+SeaGreen)/2*1.5 ] } } normal { N_Stucco scale 10} finish { specular 0.15 roughness 0.005 brilliance 4 reflection { 0.0, 0.15 fresnel on } conserve_energy } } texture { pigment { bozo scale 0.175 turbulence 0.45 pigment_map { [0.0 P1] [0.7 P1] [1.0 SeaGreen*0.75 ] } } normal { N_Stucco scale 20} finish { specular 0.2 roughness 0.005 reflection { 0.0, 0.15 fresnel on } conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.1} } #declare T_Main = texture { pigment { average pigment_map { [2 granite turbulence 0.2 scale 0.5 color_map { [0.00 Yellow*0.5 ] [0.25 P_Gold3 ] [0.50 rgb 1.2 ] [0.75 rgb<189,112,40>/255 ] [1.00 rgb<143,61,5>/255 ] } scale 10 ] [2 agate turbulence 0.7 scale 0.4 color_map { [0 rgb 1.25] [0.1 ForestGreen*0.5] [0.5 rgb 1.25] [0.71 rgb<189,112,40>/255] [0.5 rgb 1.25] [0.71 Yellow] [0.72 rgb 1.2] [1 rgb 1.2] } scale 2 ] } scale 0.5 } normal {N_Stucco bump_size 10} finish {diffuse 0.25 roughness 0.01 specular 0.05 conserve_energy} } texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.75 scale 0.015 color_map { [0 rgbt 1] [0.675 rgbt 1] [1 Red*0.5 ] } } normal {N_Stucco bump_size 10} } texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.75 scale 0.0125 color_map { [0 rgbt 1] [0.675 rgbt 1] [1 Red ] } } normal {N_Stucco bump_size 10} } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Materials //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "MultiHoleBall1.inc" #declare CGSphere1 = union { light_group { //light_source {<0, 0, -100> color rgb 0.5 shadowless} object {MultiHoleBall1 rotate 0 scale 4 #if (!Quick_Render) texture {T_Hammered_Gold} #else pigment {rgb 0} finish {reflection{0,0.5 fresnel} conserve_energy} #end} global_lights true } light_group { //light_source {<0, 0, -100> color rgb 0.5 shadowless} object {MultiHoleBall1 rotate 50 scale 6 double_illuminate #if (!Quick_Render) material {M_Glass1} #else pigment {rgb 0} finish {reflection{0,0.5 fresnel} conserve_energy} #end } global_lights true } light_group { //light_source {<0, 0, -100> color rgb 0.5 shadowless} object {MultiHoleBall1 rotate 120 scale 8 #if (!Quick_Render) texture {T_Hammered_Gold} #else pigment {rgb 0} finish {reflection{0,0.5 fresnel} conserve_energy} #end} global_lights true } light_group { //light_source {<0, 0, -100> color rgb 0.5 shadowless} object {MultiHoleBall1 rotate -50 scale 10 double_illuminate #if (!Quick_Render) material {M_Glass1} #else pigment {rgb 0} finish {reflection{0,0.5 fresnel} conserve_energy} #end } global_lights true } scale 3 } #declare CGSphere1 = object {CGSphere1 Center_Trans(CGSphere1, x+y+z)} object {CGSphere1 translate y*1 photons { target refraction on }} #end