// ***************************************************************************** // Created with Bishop3D for Windows // Bishop3D Version // 02/04/2016 - 11:04:31 AM // ***************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Scene needs 2 external files: // arial.ttf // arialbd.ttf // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Scene contains: // 1 light source // 686 objects // // **************************************************************************** //1 pov unit = #version 3.6; background { color rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000> } // **************************************************************************** // referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration begin // **************************************************************************** #declare Default_Red = texture { pigment { color rgbft <1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000> } } #default{ texture{ Default_Red } } #declare Gray_05_ = texture { pigment { color rgbft <0.050,0.050,0.050,0.000,0.000> } } #declare Gray_95_ = texture { pigment { color rgbft <0.950,0.950,0.950,0.000,0.000> } } #declare Gray_05_0 = texture { pigment { color rgbft <0.050,0.050,0.050,0.000,0.000> } } #declare Camera = camera { perspective location <0.800,41.983,-24.243> up y right 1.333*x angle 13.000 sky <0.000,0.500,0.866> look_at < 0.800, -0.000, 0.000 > } #declare Box12 = box { < -0.0075000, -0.0500000, -0.5000000 >, < 0.0075000, 0.0500000, 0.5000000 > } #declare Box13 = box { < -0.0500000, -0.0500000, -0.0100000 >, < 0.0500000, 0.0500000, 0.0100000 > translate <1.625000,0.000000,0.000000> } #declare CSG52 = union { object{ Box13 } union { #declare Count = 0; #while( Count < 2 ) #declare Factor = cos(0.000000+Count*0.000000); object{ Box13 rotate <0.0,0.0,0.000000*Count> rotate<0.0,0.000000*Count,0.0> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.0,0.0> scale <pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count)> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,5.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> translate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> } #declare Count = Count + 1; #end rotate <0.000000,5.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,5.000000,0.000000> } #declare Box14 = box { < -0.1000000, -0.0500000, -0.0200000 >, < 0.1000000, 0.0500000, 0.0200000 > translate <1.625000,0.000000,0.000000> } #declare Box5 = box { < -0.0250000, -0.1100000, -0.0250000 >, < 0.0250000, 0.1100000, 0.0250000 > rotate <0.000000,45.000000,0.000000> translate <0.220000,0.400000,0.000000> } #declare Box4 = box { < -0.0937500, -0.0500000, -0.0050000 >, < 0.0937500, 0.0500000, 0.0050000 > texture{ Gray_05_ } translate <1.656250,0.050000,0.000000> } #declare CSG5 = union { object{ Box4 } union { #declare Count = 0; #while( Count < 3 ) #declare Factor = cos(0.000000+Count*0.000000); object{ Box4 rotate <0.0,0.0,0.000000*Count> rotate<0.0,0.000000*Count,0.0> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.0,0.0> scale <pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count)> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,-1.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> translate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> } #declare Count = Count + 1; #end rotate <0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000> } #declare Box3 = box { < -0.1250000, -0.0500000, -0.0050000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0500000, 0.0050000 > texture{ Gray_05_ } translate <1.625000,0.050000,0.000000> } #declare Box2 = box { < -0.1406250, -0.0500000, -0.0050000 >, < 0.1406250, 0.0500000, 0.0050000 > texture{ Gray_05_ } translate <1.609375,0.050000,0.000000> } #declare CSG9 = union { difference { difference { // Tube1 cylinder {-0.0250000*y,0.0250000*y,0.100000} cylinder {-1.0250000*y,1.0250000*y,0.090000} } box { < -0.0600000, -0.0300000, -0.1050000 >, < 0.0600000, 0.0300000, 0.1050000 > translate <0.060000,0.000000,0.000000> } translate <-0.312500,0.000000,0.000000> } difference { difference { // Tube0 cylinder {-0.0250000*y,0.0250000*y,0.075000} cylinder {-1.0250000*y,1.0250000*y,0.065000} } box { < -0.0400000, -0.0300000, -0.0750000 >, < 0.0400000, 0.0300000, 0.0750000 > translate <0.040000,0.000000,0.000000> } translate <-0.312500,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.3125000, -0.0250000, -0.0050000 >, < 0.3125000, 0.0250000, 0.0050000 > translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.095000> } box { < -0.3125000, -0.0250000, -0.0050000 >, < 0.3125000, 0.0250000, 0.0050000 > translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.070000> } translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.890000> } // **************************************************************************** // referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration end // **************************************************************************** light_source { < 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, color rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000> area_light <3.000000,0.000000,0.000000>, <0.000000,3.000000,0.000000>, 17, 17 circular orient jitter adaptive 1 fade_power 0.000 fade_distance 100.000 media_attenuation off media_interaction on translate <3.000000,30.000000,-20.000000> } union { union { difference { lathe { linear_spline 12 < 0.000000, 0.000000 > < 0.250000, 0.000000 > < 0.246831, 0.038901 > < 0.140054, 0.070000 > < 0.169305, 0.090000 > < 0.170348, 0.140000 > < 0.159093, 0.140000 > < 0.200000, 0.218750 > < 0.200000, 0.370000 > < 0.175221, 0.385000 > < 0.000000, 0.385000 > < 0.000000, 0.000000 > sturm translate <0.000000,0.100000,0.000000> } object{ Box5 } union { #declare Count = 0; #while( Count < 35 ) #declare Factor = cos(0.000000+Count*0.000000); object{ Box5 rotate <0.0,0.0,0.000000*Count> rotate<0.0,0.000000*Count,0.0> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.0,0.0> scale <pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count)> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,10.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> translate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> } #declare Count = Count + 1; #end rotate <0.000000,10.000000,0.000000> } } difference { cylinder { -0.0250000*y,0.0250000*y,1.775000 } box { < -1.8000000, -0.0300000, -0.7500000 >, < 1.8000000, 0.0300000, 0.7500000 > translate <0.000000,0.000000,-1.031250> } union { object{ CSG5 } union { #declare Count = 0; #while( Count < 35 ) #declare Factor = cos(0.000000+Count*0.000000); object{ CSG5 rotate <0.0,0.0,0.000000*Count> rotate<0.0,0.000000*Count,0.0> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.0,0.0> scale <pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count)> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,-5.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> translate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> } #declare Count = Count + 1; #end rotate <0.000000,-5.000000,0.000000> } union { object{ Box3 } union { #declare Count = 0; #while( Count < 17 ) #declare Factor = cos(0.000000+Count*0.000000); object{ Box3 rotate <0.0,0.0,0.000000*Count> rotate<0.0,0.000000*Count,0.0> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.0,0.0> scale <pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count)> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,-10.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> translate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> } #declare Count = Count + 1; #end rotate <0.000000,-10.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-5.000000,0.000000> } object{ Box2 } union { #declare Count = 0; #while( Count < 18 ) #declare Factor = cos(0.000000+Count*0.000000); object{ Box2 rotate <0.0,0.0,0.000000*Count> rotate<0.0,0.000000*Count,0.0> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.0,0.0> scale <pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count),pow(1.000000,Count)> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,-10.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> translate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> rotate <0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count,0.000000*Count> } #declare Count = Count + 1; #end rotate <0.000000,-10.000000,0.000000> } } union { union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "0", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.023658> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "10", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-10.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "20", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-20.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "30", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-30.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "40", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-40.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "50", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-50.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "60", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-60.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "70", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-70.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "80", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-80.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "90", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "100", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-100.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "110", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-110.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "120", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-120.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "130", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-130.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "140", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-140.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "150", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-150.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "160", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-160.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "170", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-170.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "180", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.437500,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-180.000000,0.000000> } } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "0", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,90.000000,0.000000> translate <-1.360000,0.000000,0.023658> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "10", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-170.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "20", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-160.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "30", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-150.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "40", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-140.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "50", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-130.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "60", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-120.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "70", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-110.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "80", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-100.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "90", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.040335> } rotate <0.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "100", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-80.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "110", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-70.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "120", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-60.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "130", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-50.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "140", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-40.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "150", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-30.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "160", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059066> } rotate <0.000000,-20.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "170", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059000> } rotate <0.000000,-10.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "180", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.000000,-0.059000> } } } texture{ Gray_05_ } translate <0.000000,0.040000,0.000000> } union { union { difference { // Tube2 cylinder {-0.0250000*y,0.0250000*y,0.030000} cylinder {-1.0250000*y,1.0250000*y,0.025000} } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "R", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.050000,0.050000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.016195,0.000000,-0.017545> } translate <0.442669,0.000000,1.005452> } object{ CSG9 } object { CSG9 scale <-1.000000,1.000000,-1.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,1.780000> } text { ttf "arialbd.ttf", "GENERAL", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.130000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.312147,0.025000,0.843750> } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "HARDWARE MFG. CO. INC.", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.091000,0.087000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.624091,0.025000,0.675000> } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "NEW YORK", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.091000,0.087000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.295804,0.025000,0.531250> } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "No. 18", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.091000,0.087000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.167344,0.025000,0.437500> } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "STAINLESS STEEL", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.060000,0.060000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.307584,0.025000,0.343750> } texture{ Gray_05_ } translate <0.000000,0.040000,0.000000> } translate <0.000000,0.025000,0.000000> } union { box { < -0.2812500, -0.0250000, -3.0000000 >, < 0.2812500, 0.0250000, 3.0000000 > translate <0.000000,0.025000,-3.000000> } difference { prism { bezier_spline linear_sweep 0.000000, 0.050000, 32, < 0.281000, 0.000000 > < 0.281000, 0.479630 > < 0.281000, 1.244444 > < 0.281000, 1.750000 > < 0.281000, 1.750000 > < 0.121495, 1.777609 > < -0.117628, 1.775309 > < -0.190000, 1.750000 > < -0.190000, 1.750000 > < -0.190000, 1.709508 > < -0.190000, 1.664754 > < -0.190000, 1.620000 > < -0.190000, 1.620000 > < -0.150000, 1.620000 > < -0.038365, 1.620000 > < 0.060000, 1.620000 > < 0.060000, 1.620000 > < 0.072263, 1.351344 > < 0.007566, 0.477369 > < 0.000000, 0.312500 > < 0.000000, 0.312500 > < -0.183605, 0.306360 > < -0.281301, 0.194929 > < -0.281000, 0.125000 > < -0.281000, 0.125000 > < -0.281000, 0.078125 > < -0.281000, 0.036892 > < -0.281000, 0.000000 > < -0.281000, 0.000000 > < -0.170336, 0.000000 > < 0.168166, 0.000000 > < 0.281000, 0.000000 > sturm } union { cylinder { -0.0750000*y,0.0750000*y,0.005000 texture{ Gray_05_ } rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.030000> } box { < -0.1750000, -0.0500000, -0.1000000 >, < 0.1750000, 0.0500000, 0.1000000 > translate <-0.115000,0.050000,0.020000> } rotate <-25.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.012000,1.590000> } } rotate <0.000000,67.679022,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.050000,0.000000> } texture{ Gray_95_ } } difference { cylinder { -0.0500000*y,0.0500000*y,1.593750 } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.500000 } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "U.S. STANDARD GAUGE", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.090000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.500000,0.000000,-0.860000> } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "FOR SHEET AND PLATE", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.090000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.500000,0.000000,-0.937500> } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "IRON AND STEEL", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.090000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.375000,0.000000,-1.010000> } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "No. 283", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.140000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <-0.250000,0.000000,-1.125000> } texture{ Gray_05_0 } rotate <0.000000,-42.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.060000,0.000000> } union { union { union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "T", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "H", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.060000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,2.840000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "E", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.060000,0.080000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,6.240000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "L.", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,11.320000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "S.", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,16.140000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "S", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,24.300000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "T", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,28.303086,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "A", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <-0.000000,31.590195,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "R", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,36.864667,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "R", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,41.414733,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "E", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,45.896274,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "T", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,50.320083,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "T", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,55.119167,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "C", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,64.034309,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "o.", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.120000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.800000> } rotate <0.000000,68.364598,0.000000> } } union { union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "A", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "T", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <0.000000,4.575203,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "H", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <-0.000000,9.382073,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "O", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <-0.000000,14.013650,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "L,", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <-0.000000,19.679610,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "M", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <0.000000,26.164399,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "A", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <-0.000000,32.441967,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "S", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <-0.000000,38.361922,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "S.", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <0.000000,43.843329,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "U.", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <0.000000,55.303303,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "S.", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <0.000000,61.050625,-0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "A.", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.080000,0.130000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,0.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.000000,0.675000> } rotate <-0.000000,67.274035,0.000000> } } texture{ Gray_05_0 } rotate <0.000000,-75.000000,0.000000> translate <0.000000,0.060000,0.000000> } union { union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "0", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <0.990000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.190000 translate <1.280000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1875000, -0.0605000, -0.1562500 >, < 0.1875000, 0.0605000, 0.1562500 > translate <1.437500,0.000000,0.000000> } } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "1", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.017000,0.060000,-0.020000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.168000 translate <1.293000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1875000, -0.0605000, -0.1405000 >, < 0.1875000, 0.0605000, 0.1405000 > translate <1.437500,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-30.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "2", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.060000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.158000 translate <1.328000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1875000, -0.0605000, -0.1325000 >, < 0.1875000, 0.0605000, 0.1325000 > translate <1.500000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-58.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "3", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.080000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.150000 translate <1.365000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.1250000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.1250000 > translate <1.500000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-80.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "4", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.125000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.132000 translate <1.377000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.1170000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.1170000 > translate <1.500000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-101.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "5", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.145000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0625000*y,0.0625000*y,0.125000 translate <1.385000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.1093500 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.1093500 > translate <1.500000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-120.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "6", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.185000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.120000 translate <1.382000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.1015000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.1015000 > translate <1.500000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-138.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "7", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.210000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.120000 translate <1.410000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0937500 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0937500 > translate <1.522079,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-153.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "8", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.230000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.106000 translate <1.410000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1100000, -0.0605000, -0.0860000 >, < 0.1100000, 0.0605000, 0.0860000 > translate <1.550000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-167.250000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "9", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.200000,0.200000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.240000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.100000 translate <1.408000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0780000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0780000 > translate <1.523810,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-180.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "10", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.266000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.087500 translate <1.410000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0700000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0700000 > translate <1.549829,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-192.500000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "11", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.275000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.085000 translate <1.430000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0625000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0625000 > translate <1.534879,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,156.500000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "12", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.310000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.075000 translate <1.427500,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0545000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0545000 > translate <1.546042,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,146.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "13", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.310000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.067500 translate <1.430000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0468500 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0468500 > translate <1.561501,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,136.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "14", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.330000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.055000 translate <1.440000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0390000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0390000 > translate <1.557253,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,126.500000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "15", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.337000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.055000 translate <1.445000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0350000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0350000 > translate <1.570626,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,117.500000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "16", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.345000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.050000 translate <1.440000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0312500 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0312500 > translate <1.553819,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,108.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "17", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.350000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.050000 translate <1.440000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0280000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0280000 > translate <1.569407,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,100.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "18", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.150000,0.150000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.360000,0.060000,-0.080000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.050000 translate <1.460000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.1250000, -0.0605000, -0.0250000 >, < 0.1250000, 0.0605000, 0.0250000 > translate <1.591733,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,92.500000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "19", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.375000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.040000 translate <1.465000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0871870, -0.0605000, -0.0218500 >, < 0.0871870, 0.0605000, 0.0218500 > translate <1.566707,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,85.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "20", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.380000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.040000 translate <1.475000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0850797, -0.0605000, -0.0187500 >, < 0.0850797, 0.0605000, 0.0187500 > translate <1.581073,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,77.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "21", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.387000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.040000 translate <1.480000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0766955, -0.0605000, -0.0171500 >, < 0.0766955, 0.0605000, 0.0171500 > translate <1.578236,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,70.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "22", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.390000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.035000 translate <1.480000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0733279, -0.0605000, -0.0156000 >, < 0.0733279, 0.0605000, 0.0156000 > translate <1.572323,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,64.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "23", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.400000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0140000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0140000 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,57.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "24", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.402000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0125000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0125000 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,50.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "25", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.410000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0109000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0109000 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,43.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "26", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.411000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0093500 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0093500 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,36.500000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "27", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.415000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0085000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0085000 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,30.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "28", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.413000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0078000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0078000 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,24.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "29", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.414000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0070000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0070000 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,18.500000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "30", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.415000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0062500 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0062500 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,11.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "31", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.450000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0054500 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0054500 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-15.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "32", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.450000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0050000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0050000 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-44.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "33", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.450000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0046500 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0046500 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-69.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "34", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.450000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0042500 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0042500 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-91.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "35", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.450000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0039000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0039000 > translate <1.600000,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-111.000000,0.000000> } union { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "36", 0.050000, <0.000000,0.000000> scale <0.100000,0.112000,1.000000> rotate <90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000> translate <1.450000,0.060000,-0.040000> } cylinder { -0.0600000*y,0.0600000*y,0.031250 translate <1.510000,0.000000,0.000000> } box { < -0.0625000, -0.0605000, -0.0035000 >, < 0.0625000, 0.0605000, 0.0035000 > translate <1.596442,0.000000,0.000000> } rotate <0.000000,-129.500000,0.000000> } texture{ Gray_05_0 } } translate <3.276362,0.000000,1.463552> } texture{ Gray_95_ } rotate <0.000000,-14.468624,0.000000> translate <1.030493,0.000000,-0.000000> } camera{ Camera }