lblackthorne@Paranor:Seraglio$ povray +AM2 +a0.03 +H945 +W1680 -RVP +WT48 +BM2 +bs8 +P csgtest.pov Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.7.0.unofficial (g++ 4.8 @ x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) This is an unofficial version compiled by: Anthony D. Baye <MagusLucius@REDACTED> The POV-Ray Team is not responsible for supporting this version. POV-Ray is based on DKBTrace 2.12 by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins Copyright 1991-2013 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd. Primary POV-Ray 3.7 Architects/Developers: (Alphabetically) Chris Cason Thorsten Froehlich Christoph Lipka With Assistance From: (Alphabetically) Nicolas Calimet Jerome Grimbert James Holsenback Christoph Hormann Nathan Kopp Juha Nieminen Past Contributors: (Alphabetically) Steve Anger Eric Barish Dieter Bayer David K. Buck Nicolas Calimet Chris Cason Aaron A. Collins Chris Dailey Steve Demlow Andreas Dilger Alexander Enzmann Dan Farmer Thorsten Froehlich Mark Gordon James Holsenback Christoph Hormann Mike Hough Chris Huff Kari Kivisalo Nathan Kopp Lutz Kretzschmar Christoph Lipka Jochen Lippert Pascal Massimino Jim McElhiney Douglas Muir Juha Nieminen Ron Parker Bill Pulver Eduard Schwan Wlodzimierz Skiba Robert Skinner Yvo Smellenbergh Zsolt Szalavari Scott Taylor Massimo Valentini Timothy Wegner Drew Wells Chris Young Other contributors are listed in the documentation. Support libraries used by POV-Ray: ZLib 1.2.8, Copyright 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler LibPNG 1.2.50, Copyright 1998-2012 Glenn Randers-Pehrson LibJPEG 80, Copyright 1991-2013 Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding LibTIFF 4.0.3, Copyright 1988-1997 Sam Leffler, 1991-1997 SGI Boost 1.55, OpenEXR, Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Industrial Light & Magic. Parser Options Input file: csgtest.pov Remove bounds........On Split unions.........Off Library paths: /usr/local/share/povray-3.7 /usr/local/share/povray-3.7/ini /usr/local/share/povray-3.7/include /home/lblackthorne/Documents/Pov_Files/scene_include_files /home/lblackthorne/Documents/Pov_Files/scene_include_files/PoVFonts Clock value: 0.000 (Animation off) Image Output Options Image resolution.....1680 by 945 (rows 1 to 945, columns 1 to 1680). Output file..........csgtest.png, 24 bpp PNG Dithering............Off Graphic display......On (gamma: sRGB) Mosaic preview.......Off Continued trace......Off Information Output Options All Streams to console..........On Debug Stream to console.........On Fatal Stream to console.........On Render Stream to console........On Statistics Stream to console....On Warning Stream to console.......On ==== [Parsing...] ========================================================== Shrinking tiles...done Now rendering 486 tiles. File 'csgtest.pov' line 268: Parse Warning: Should have at least 2 objects in csg. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finite Objects: 40 Infinite Objects: 0 Light Sources: 0 Total: 40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BSP Split Nodes: 165 BSP Object Nodes: 149 BSP Empty Nodes: 17 BSP Total Nodes: 331 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BSP Objects/Node Average: 1.43 Maximum: 5 BSP Tree Depth Average: 10.98 Maximum: 16 BSP Max Depth Stopped Nodes: 0 (0.0%) Objects/Node: 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser Time Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.293 seconds) using 1 thread(s) with 0.239 CPU-seconds total Bounding Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.001 seconds) using 1 thread(s) with 0.000 CPU-seconds total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Render Options Quality: 9 Bounding boxes.......On Bounding threshold: 3 Antialiasing.........On (Method 2, Threshold 0.030, Depth 3, Jitter 1.00, Gamma 2.50) ==== [Rendering...] ======================================================== Rendered 1587472 of 1587600 pixels (99%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Render Statistics Image Resolution 1680 x 945 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pixels: 2076439 Samples: 917352 Smpls/Pxl: 0.44 Rays: 28036409988 Saved: 4102994 Max Level: 5/5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Box 372500577723 18285580086 4.91 Cone/Cylinder 33088232339 29979930947 90.61 CSG Intersection 203507538320 45062535271 22.14 CSG Merge 47417557562 28353704255 59.80 Isosurface 14664871294 3328337088 22.70 Isosurface Container 14693551491 14693551138 100.00 Isosurface Cache 11200695822 120644978 1.08 Prism 695180887891 116567749376 16.77 Prism Bound 2297492762074 1451626202522 63.18 Sphere 17428871619 7847680370 45.03 Torus 3313085316 2393612783 72.25 Torus Bound 3313085316 2477606287 74.78 Bounding Object 1053411339 1053411339 100.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Isosurface roots: 14623716406 Function VM calls: 418689429842 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roots tested: 426472040370 eliminated: 1943190460 Reflected Rays: 17212785 Total Internal: 237278 Refracted Rays: 1093485 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiosity samples calculated: 225872 (0.79 %) discarded due to low quality: 15964 retained for re-use: 209908 Radiosity samples reused: 28219283 Radiosity sample rays shot: 27997040000 Radiosity octree nodes: 66113 Radiosity octree samples/node: 3.17 Radiosity blocks examined: 4646905505 Radiosity blocks passed test 0: 4646905505 (100.00 %) Radiosity blocks passed test 1: 1570945505 (33.81 %) Radiosity blocks passed test 2: 1122657934 (24.16 %) Radiosity blocks passed test 3: 328918866 (7.08 %) Radiosity blocks passed test 4: 283974677 (6.11 %) Radiosity blocks passed test 5: 274847823 (5.91 %) Radiosity blocks rejected: 4372057682 (94.09 %) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiosity Depth 0 calculated: 124091 (0.91 %) Radiosity Depth 0 reused: 13548033 Radiosity Depth 0 rays shot: 19854560000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiosity (final) calculated: 123925 (0.47 %) Radiosity (final) reused: 26287799 Radiosity (final) rays shot: 16864400000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pass Depth 0 Depth 1 Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 194 687 881 2 620 2171 2791 3 2206 7266 9472 4 6576 15443 22019 5+ 27615 39169 66784 Final 86880 37045 123925 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 124091 101781 225872 Weight 0.245 0.106 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Render Time: Photon Time: No photons Radiosity Time: 6 hours 58 minutes 13 seconds (25093.372 seconds) using 48 thread(s) with 148264.578 CPU-seconds total Trace Time: 14 hours 24 minutes 15 seconds (51855.662 seconds) using 48 thread(s) with 307562.850 CPU-seconds total ==== [Paused] ==============================================================