#include "logo.inc" #default {finish {ambient 0}} #include "colors.inc" #include "rad_def.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 radiosity {} } camera { location <0.0, 2.0, -5.0> look_at <0.0, 2.0, 0.0> angle 90 } light_source { < -20, 15, -5> color 5*White //parallel point_at <0,0,-5> } // Fill light_source { < -5, 5, -5> color 0.05*White shadowless } sphere { 0, 1000 pigment {color SkyBlue} hollow } #declare ROOM_WIDTH = 14; #declare ROOM_HEIGHT = 7; #declare ROOM_DEPTH = 20; #declare WT = 0.2; // Wall thickness #declare WINDOW_THICKNESS = 0.1; #declare WINDOW_RADIUS = 1.5; #declare WINDOW_HEIGHT = 2.0; #declare WINDOW_POS_Y = 1.5; #declare WINDOW_POS_Z_1 = 11.0; #declare WINDOW_POS_Z_2 = - 6.0; // Floor with tiling #declare P_FLOOR = pigment { tiling 16 // 1~24 Pattern_Number color_map { [ 0/3 color rgb 1] [ 1/3 color rgb 0] [ 1/3 color rgb 1] [ 2/3 color rgb 0] [ 2/3 color rgb 1] [ 3/3 color rgb 0] } } box { <-5,-0.5,-10>, <10,0,10> pigment {color White} #declare G = function {pigment {P_FLOOR}} normal { function { G(x,y,z).red } scale 0.5 } } // Windows #declare WINDOW_SHAPE = union { box { <0,0,0>, } cylinder { 0,WINDOW_THICKNESS*x,WINDOW_RADIUS translate <0,WINDOW_HEIGHT,WINDOW_RADIUS> } } #declare WINDOW = object { WINDOW_SHAPE pigment { tiling 5 // 1~24 Pattern_Number color_map { [ 0.0/3 color rgbf <1,0,0,1>] [ 0.5/3 color rgbf <1,0,0,1>] [ 1.0/3 color rgbf <0,0,0,1>] [ 1.0/3 color rgbf <0,1,0,1>] [ 1.5/3 color rgbf <0,1,0,1>] [ 2.0/3 color rgbf <0,0,0,1>] [ 2.0/3 color rgbf <0,0,1,1>] [ 2.5/3 color rgbf <0,0,1,1>] [ 3.0/3 color rgbf <0,0,0,1>] } scale 0.5 rotate -90*z } normal { bozo 0.5 scale 0.01 } finish { reflection 0.1 } interior {ior 1.5} } // Room #declare ROOM = difference { box {<-WT, -WT, -WT>, } box {<0.0, -0.1, 0.0>, } union { object {WINDOW_SHAPE scale 100*x translate -5*x translate WINDOW_POS_Z_1*z} object {WINDOW_SHAPE scale 100*x translate -5*x translate WINDOW_POS_Z_2*z} translate WINDOW_POS_Y*y } pigment {color White} } // Centered room with windows union { object {ROOM} union { object {WINDOW translate WINDOW_POS_Z_1*z} object {WINDOW translate WINDOW_POS_Z_2*z} translate WINDOW_POS_Y*y translate -WT/2*x translate -WINDOW_THICKNESS/2*x } translate - } // Fertility Symbols #declare OVUS = ovus { 1,0.8 pigment {color White} translate y scale 0.8 } object {OVUS translate <-ROOM_WIDTH/2+2.5,0,ROOM_DEPTH/2-3>} object {OVUS translate <+ROOM_WIDTH/2-2.5,0,ROOM_DEPTH/2-3>} // Altar object { Povray_Logo texture { pigment {colour White} finish {emission 0.5} } translate y scale 3 translate (ROOM_DEPTH/2-3)*z }