Glad you like it.  I'm playing with the flame texture.  Let me get it closer and then I'll post it.  I finally figured out my media problem--forgot to make my sky sphere hollow--Doh!  The only problem I'm having now it getting the flame bright enough.  Anybody have any suggestions?  I'm pretty new to media.  I'm playing with David's suggestion too (thanks).
"Psychomek" <> wrote in message< /A>...
PLEASE! POST THE CODE!!!!  Love teh glass  and the caustics

Dennis McDaniel wrote:

This is a model of a candelabra that my uncle made for my wife and me as a wedding gift.  Modeled in Moray, rendered in POV-Ray 3.1g.  Original render was @ 1280x1024 and took just over 7 hours on my C500.

I'm very anxious about the pending (?) release of the next official version of POV-Ray and the subsequent release of Moray which will incorporate new features such as photons.  I really like the new effects, but I've become very dependant on Moray and haven't had the wherewithall to try to use Mega'.  I know the flames need some work, but I was having problems with media.

