#include "colors.inc" camera {location <0, 0, -5>} light_source {<0, 0, -5> color White} light_source {<100, 200, -300> color White} //light_source {<00, 0.80, 00> color rgb .3 } //light_source {<00, -0.80, 00> color rgb .3 } #declare teta=texture{pigment {color rgb<.8,.8,1>}} #declare tetb=texture{pigment{color rgb<.9,.9,.9>} finish{reflection .3} } #declare CuivrePur = material // CuivrePur { texture { pigment { color rgb <0.864567, 0.468733, 0.364567> } finish { ambient 0.280567 diffuse 0.7 brilliance 6.0 phong 0.75 phong_size 43.743333 specular 0.41 reflection 0.2733 } } } #declare Gold3 = material // Gold3 { texture { pigment { color rgb <0.64, 0.51, 0.05> } finish { ambient 0.6 diffuse 0.5 brilliance 8.0 specular 0.5 reflection 0.3 } } } // texture statement (an object's surface/internal properties) //finish { ambient 0.2 specular 0.5 reflection 0.2 } #declare tetc=texture{pigment {color rgb<.8,0,0>}} // create a smooth blobby shape #declare aclock=clock; #declare R = .1; #declare Strengthval = .5; // (+ or -) strength of component's radiating density #declare radiuss = .9; blob{ threshold .65 sphere {<0.269672333, 0.600569667, 0.371172333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<-0.269672333, 0.600569667, 0.371172333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0.436339, 0.600569667, -0.141775>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0, 0.600569667, -0.458794>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<-0.436339, 0.600569667, -0.141775>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0.436339, 0.141775333, 0.600569333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<-0.436339, 0.141775333, 0.600569333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0, -0.141775333, 0.742344333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0.706011333, 0.141775333, -0.229397>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0.706011333, -0.141775333, 0.229397>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0, 0.141775333, -0.742344333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0.32725425, -0.1063315, -0.450427>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<-0.436339, -0.141775333, -0.600569333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<-0.706011333, 0.141775333, -0.229397>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<-0.706011333, -0.141775333, 0.229397>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<-0.436339, -0.600569667, 0.141775>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<-0.269672333, -0.600569667, -0.371172333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0.269672333, -0.600569667, -0.371172333>, Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<0.436339, -0.600569667, 0.141775> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<0, -0.600569667, 0.458794>, Strengthval,radiuss } scale 1.2 rotate material{Gold3} } #declare Strengthval = .8; // (+ or -) strength of component's radiating density #declare radiuss = .9; blob { // threshold (0.0 < threshold <= StrengthVal) surface falloff threshold # threshold .65 sphere {<0,.951057,0>, Strengthval, radiuss } sphere {<0,.425326,.850651> , Strengthval,radiuss } sphere {<.809017,.425326,.262866> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<.5,.425326,-.688191> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<-.5,.425326,-.688191> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<-.809017,.425326,.262866> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<0,-.951057,0> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<0,-.425326,-.850651> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<-.809017,-.425326,-.262866> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<-.5,-.425326,.688191> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<.5,-.425326,.688191> , Strengthval,radiuss} sphere {<.809017,-.425326,-.262866> , Strengthval,radiuss} // sphere {<0,0,0>,Strengthval,radiuss/3 texture{teta}} //sturm scale 20 material {CuivrePur} hierarchy off }