Hi everybody! I hope you're all having a good day. I re-rendered from a different camera angle, increased the number and brightness of the lights and I added a light emanating from the pool. I think that needs adjustment. I wanted to consult you all before proceding as this render took well over 24 hours. I might be willing to send to source to trust-worthy individuals (it might be you) who can find a way of speeding up the render.

I am thinking of changing it like this:

a) adding a spotlight that penetrates through a hole in the roof (that is yet to exist) and cuts through some dust hovering in the dungeon but more precisely in the area above the pool, as to attract attention to it as a central point.
b) puting torches on poles around a bigger pool, a curvier, more swimmable-in pool.
c) doing one of the above, adding a door somewhere on level 2, that would lead to a hallway that would join a castle, which I would have to create, and render for 5+ years until I have a 10 minute, 60 fps movie of the whole castle. (Can anyone spare a 1GHz processor, please?)

Anyway, please let me know how you feel I should continue. Thanks in advance to everyone. =)