camera{location<0,0,0>look_at<0,0,10>} fog{rgb<.2 .4 .48> distance 100 fog_type 2 fog_alt 8 fog_offset 0} sky_sphere{pigment{gradient y color_map{[0 rgb<.2 .2 .3>][1 rgb 0]}}} ///*small circle of light cylinder{<0,0,100000>,<0,0,0>,1.1 pigment{rgbf<1 1 1 1>} finish{ambient 0 specular .5 roughness .00008} no_shadow hollow rotate<-20,10,0> } //larger circle of light cylinder{<0,0,100000>,<0,0,0>,1.2 pigment{rgbf<1 1 1 1>} finish{ambient 0 specular .2 roughness .0055 } no_shadow hollow normal{bumps .01} rotate<-20,10,0> } //*/ light_source{<0,0,100000>rgb<2.4,2.4,3>rotate<-20,10,0>} plane{y,-2 texture{pigment{rgb .5}normal{granite 4 scale 10}} texture{pigment{rgbf<.5 .5 .5 .5>}normal{granite .4 scale 1}}hollow} plane{y,100 pigment{bozo turbulence 1.2 scale 200 color_map{ [.3 rgbf<1 1 1 1>][1 rgb .3]}} normal{bumps .0001}hollow translate x*-200} plane{y,112 pigment{bozo turbulence 1.2 scale 200 color_map{ [.3 rgbf<1 1 1 1>][1 rgb 1.5]}}finish{roughness .9} normal{bumps .0001}hollow no_shadow translate x*-200}