// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: .pov // Vers: 3.6 // Desc: A Calix[4]pyrogallolarene in motion // Date: 27. 08. 2004 // Auth: Shurakai // Dipl. Chem. Tilo Krause // Technische Universität Dresden // Institut für Organische Chemie // Mommsenstrasse 13, 01062 Dresden // Email : tilo.krause@chemie.tu-dresden.de // Phone : +49 (0)351 46335004 // Fax : +49 (0)351 46334093 // Looks best in 640x480 AA05 with +kff600 and encoding a 30 fps movie from the pictures. // Raytracing of the complete animation was done in approx. 3h using AMD Athlon 1.3 GHz with 512 MB RAM. /* Explanations : This is one of the molecules i synthesized recently. The x-ray single crystal structure analysis has been done on a Nonius Kappa CCD at room temperature. After anisotropic refinement ORTEP3[1] has been used to generate the .pov output file of the thermal ellipsoid plot. The structure is not perfect due to little disordering and some of the temperature factors are also too big, but it's the best i can afford for this scene. The scene file was then editted using a lot of good hints and include files from Friedrich A. Lohmüller et al.[2], Chris Colefax[3] and people from the community which helped to answer my questions and solved my problems. To be honest most of the scene has been created using simple copy&paste operation and editing the stuff until it was satisfactory. [1] Michael N. Burnett and Carroll K. Johnson, ORTEP-III: Oak Ridge Thermal Ellipsoid Plot Program for Crystal Structure Illustrations, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-6895, 1996. or http://www.ornl.gov/sci/ortep/ortep.html [2] http://www.f-lohmueller.de/ [3] http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/1434/ Best regards and thanks to the POV-Ray team for providing a damn good Raytracer for free. Tilo */ #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "finish.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.0 ambient_light color rgb <1,1,1> adc_bailout 0.0 max_trace_level 250} ////////// The paths of the camera /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #declare CamPath = spline {natural_spline // Path for the movement of the camera, not perfect up to now 0.00, < 0, 10,100>, // but will be bigger and better soon. 0.05, < 0, 10, 80>,// 0.10, < 0, 8, 60>,// 0.15, < 0, 7, 50>,// 0.20, < 0, 6, 40>,// 0.25, < 0, 5, 30>,// 0.30, < -30, 5, 5>,// 0.35, < -20, 25, 0>,// 0.40, < 0, 30, 5>,// 0.45, < 20, 25, 0>,// 0.50, < 30, 5, -5>,// 0.533, < 25, 5,-25>,// 0.566, < 0, 5,-35>,// 0.600, < -25, 5,-25>,// 0.633, < -35, 5, 0>,// 0.666, < -25, 5, 25>,// 0.700, < 0, 5, 40>,// 0.733, < 35, 5, 35>,// 0.766, < 55, 5, 0>,// 0.800, < 40, 5,-40>,// 0.833, < 0, 5,-55>,// 0.866, < -40, 5,-40>,// 0.900, < -55, 5, 0>,// 0.955, < -40, 5, 30>,// 1.000, < 0, 4, 23>}// #declare LookPath = spline {linear_spline // Path for the the look_at of the camera 0.00, <-1.0, 5, 0>,// // (not used in scene, but will be hopefully later) 0.10, <-0.8, 5, 0>,// 0.20, <-0.6, 5, 0>,// 0.30, <-0.4, 5, 0>,// 0.40, <-0.2, 5, 0>,// 0.50, < 0.0, 5, 0>,// 0.60, < 0.2, 5, 0>,// 0.70, < 0.4, 5, 0>,// 0.80, < 0.6, 5, 0>,// 0.90, < 0.8, 5, 0>,// 1.00, < 1.0, 5, 0>}// #declare LookPoint = <0,7,0>; // Look_at Point of the camera during animation /* #declare Nr = 0; // These while loops can be used to make the "CamPath" and the #declare EndNr = 1; // LookPath visible during editing them. But then the position #while (Nr< EndNr) // of "Cam_motion" needs to be changed in : sphere{ <0,0,0>,0.1 // location (CamPath(clock) + < 0, 3, 0 >) texture{ pigment{color rgb <1-Nr/1.1,0+Nr/1.1,0>} finish {ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.85 phong 1} } translate CamPath(Nr) } #declare Nr = Nr + 0.002; // #end #declare Node = 0; #declare EndNode = 1; #while (Node< 0.5) sphere{ <0,0,0> 0.2 texture{ pigment {color rgb <1,1,1>} finish {ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.85 phong 1} } translate CamPath(Node) } #declare Node = Node + 0.05; #end #declare Node = 0.5; #declare EndNode = 1; #while (Node < EndNode) sphere{ <0,0,0> 0.1 texture{ pigment {color rgb <1,1,1>} finish {ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.85 phong 1} } translate CamPath(Node) } #declare Node = Node + 0.033; #end #declare Nr = 0; #declare EndNr = 1; #while (Nr< EndNr) sphere{ <0,0,0>, 0.1 texture{ pigment{color rgb <1-Nr/2,0.75+Nr/4,0>} finish {ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.85 phong 1} } translate LookPath(Nr) } #declare Nr = Nr + 0.001; #end */ ////////// The cameras ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #declare CAM_still = camera {right -4/3*x // Camera for HiRes still images. location < 0.0, 4.0, 30 > angle 45.000000 look_at (LookPoint) } #declare CAM_prev_z = camera {right -4/3*x // Preview camera for path definition location < 0.0, 5.0, 100.0 > angle 45.000000 look_at < 0, 10, 0 > } #declare CAM_prev_y = camera {right -4/3*x // Preview camera for path definition location < 0.0, 200.0, 0.0 > angle 75.000000 look_at < 0, 10, 0 > } #declare CAM_motion = camera {right -4/3*x up y // Camera for the Animation using the defined paths angle 55.000000 location (CamPath(clock)) look_at (LookPoint) } // SWITCH THE CAMERA YOU WANT TO USE HERE !!!!!!! camera{CAM_motion} ////////// The lights /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// light_source { < 0, 50,-50> rgb<0.8,0.8,0.8> shadowless } light_source { < 0, 50, 50> rgb<0.8,0.8,0.8> shadowless } light_source { <-50, 0, 0> rgb<0.5,0.5,0.5> shadowless } light_source { < 50, 0, 0> rgb<0.5,0.5,0.5> shadowless } light_source { < 0, 50, 30> color rgb 1.0 spotlight radius 15 falloff 25 tightness 1 point_at (LookPoint) //shadowless } ////////// The galaxies in the back ////// Needs the galaxy include file of Chris Colefax to work properly /////////////////////// #declare galaxy_seed = 1; #declare star_count = 0; #declare star_type = 3; #declare star_colour = <1, .9, .7>; #declare star_scale = 1.5; #include "GALAXY.SF" // PINK NEBULA #declare galaxy_colour1 = <1.2, 1, 1.1>; #declare galaxy_colour2 = <1, .3, .6>; #declare galaxy_origin = <0,0,0>; #declare galaxy_pattern_origin = x * 1; #declare galaxy_turb_origin = x * -4; #declare galaxy_object_name = "Nebula3" #declare galaxy_object_scale = 1.75; #declare galaxy_object_position = <5,-195, 0>; #declare galaxy_cluster_name = "" #include "GALAXY.OBJ" // BLUE NEBULA #declare galaxy_colour1 = <.5, .9, 1.2>; #declare galaxy_colour2 = <.1, .3, 1>; #declare galaxy_pattern_origin = x * -20; #declare galaxy_object_name = "Nebula4" #declare galaxy_object_scale = 10; #declare galaxy_object_position = <10, -100, 0>; #include "GALAXY.OBJ" // PINK NEBULA #declare galaxy_colour1 = <0.1, 1.0, 0.1>; #declare galaxy_colour2 = <.1, .3, 1>; #declare galaxy_origin = <0,0,0>; #declare galaxy_pattern_origin = x * 4; #declare galaxy_turb_origin = x * -8; #declare galaxy_object_name = "Nebula3" #declare galaxy_object_scale = 5; #declare galaxy_object_position = <10, -320, 0>; #declare galaxy_cluster_name = "" #include "GALAXY.OBJ" // LARGE STAR #declare galaxy_object_name = "Star1" #declare galaxy_colour1 = <1.5, 1.5, 1.5>; #declare galaxy_object_scale = 1; #declare galaxy_object_position = <15, -160, 0>; #include "GALAXY.OBJ" ////////// Background and fog definition /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// background {color <0,0,0>} fog { color <0.0,0.0,0.00> fog_type 2 distance 1000 fog_offset 0 fog_alt 20 } ///// Lens effect for the Large Star from the galaxies ///// Need the lens effect include file from Chris Colefax to work properly // #declare camera_location = (CamPath(clock)); // use this position if Cam_still is the active camera : < 0, 4, 30 > !!!! #declare camera_look_at = (LookPoint) ; #declare effect_location = < -380, 310, -1000>; #declare options_only = true; #declare effect_colour = < 1, 1, 1>; #declare source_colour = < 1, 1, 1>; #declare effect_scale = 1; // 0 to 10 #declare effect_brightness = 1; // 0 to 10 #declare effect_intensity = 1; // 0 to 10 #declare effect_always_on_top = true; #declare effect_jitter = 0; // < 0 , 0, 0 > to < 1 , 1, 1 > #declare effect_flitter = 1; // 0 to 1 #declare rays_flitter = true; #declare spots_contract_to_centre = true; #include "Lens.inc" #declare glow_type = 0; #declare streak_type = 0; #declare rays_type = 0; #declare spots_type = 5; #declare spots_intensity = 1; #declare spots_scale = 1; #declare spots_seed = 5; #declare spots_frequency = 2; #declare spots_spacing = 0.7; #include "LnsEfcts.inc" ////////// The Water Plane //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plane{<0,1,0>, 0 texture{pigment{ color DarkSlateBlue } normal { bumps 2.53 scale <8,0.20,10.25>*1 turbulence 5 } finish { ambient 0.45 diffuse 0.55 brilliance 50.0 phong 0.8 phong_size 120 reflection 0.8 } translate } translate< 0, 0, 0 > } ////////// The Molecule /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// This part comes directly from ORTEP3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #declare Bond_Texture = texture { pigment {color Gray55 } finish { Shiny }} #declare HBond_Texture = texture { pigment {color White } finish { Shiny } } #declare Equator_Texture = texture { pigment {color Black } finish { Shiny } } #declare Cutout_Texture = texture { pigment {color RichBlue } finish { Shiny } } #declare Texture_C = texture { pigment {color Gray55 } finish { Shiny } } #declare Texture_O = texture { pigment {color Red } finish { Shiny } } #declare Texture_H = texture { pigment {color White } finish { Shiny } } #declare H_Radius = 0.15; #declare HBond_Radius = 0.02; #declare Bond_Radius = 0.05; #declare Bond_Truncate = 0; union { /* Thermal ellipsoid for H76A at 1.4140 0.0184 0.5225 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.9850, -2.2186, -3.1129 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H52A at 1.2695 0.1867 0.6095 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.6804, -2.3936, -3.0704 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C76 at 1.3556 -0.0235 0.5081 Eigenvalues 0.1237 0.2120 0.3154 RMS displacements 0.3517 0.4604 0.5616 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 3.4419, 6.6750, 5.8564 >, < 1.8393, 1.2781, 2.9909 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 14.0966, 123.2858, 72.7637 >, < 72.3361, 54.6775, 179.6500 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 3.6159, 77.2749, 132.6243 >, < 8.8499, -8.1161, -186.2159 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 191.4298, 15.0477, 8.5834 >, < -77.5074, -44.0053, 12.5476 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3844 } } translate < -1.0094, -2.2441, -2.7261 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C52 at 1.2022 0.1614 0.5989 Eigenvalues 0.0588 0.1520 0.2384 RMS displacements 0.2426 0.3898 0.4883 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 4.7991, 11.5750, 11.3982 >, < 2.7055, -0.1401, 10.8804 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 5.8515, 106.4450, 100.7374 >, < 22.6905, 19.2536, 195.0066 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 48.4018, 79.1894, 95.8585 >, < 111.2996, -121.5105, -140.2584 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 157.6032, 39.7739, 28.4590 >, < -128.5792, 101.9767, -32.9875 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3342 } } translate < 0.7747, -2.3973, -2.6937 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H52C at 1.1671 0.1876 0.6239 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.1415, -2.5182, -2.6532 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H60B at 1.0405 0.6130 0.3548 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.8783, 0.9810, -2.6931 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H76B at 1.3720 -0.0874 0.5046 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.3426, -2.4179, -2.6285 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H53A at 1.1670 0.2570 0.5360 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.9528, -1.5924, -2.6688 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H67A at 1.3526 0.0065 0.4293 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.2957, -1.5181, -2.6453 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H76C at 1.3132 -0.0224 0.5339 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.7106, -2.4520, -2.5910 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H67B at 1.2952 0.0727 0.4587 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.6640, -1.5480, -2.6174 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H79A at 1.3283 0.2318 0.1041 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.0302, 1.8030, -2.5186 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H52B at 1.1971 0.0931 0.6016 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.5372, -2.6381, -2.5031 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H60A at 0.9735 0.6809 0.3164 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.1939, 1.4973, -2.5037 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H84C at 0.9489 0.5609 0.5090 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.8280, -0.4307, -2.4433 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H53B at 1.1967 0.1626 0.5137 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.3500, -1.7127, -2.5174 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C67 at 1.3086 0.0071 0.4548 Eigenvalues 0.0690 0.1954 0.2334 RMS displacements 0.2626 0.4421 0.4831 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 4.3653, 10.6232, 8.9140 >, < 0.5799, -0.1499, 9.3045 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 4.4212, 121.5120, 85.7260 >, < 5.5591, 3.9942, 193.8861 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 22.9027, 82.7373, 115.4042 >, < 73.7046, -89.0104, -165.9603 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 183.6652, 19.2556, 18.9562 >, < -78.1038, 84.7164, -9.3168 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3307 } } translate < -0.9946, -1.7247, -2.5016 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C53 at 1.1594 0.1879 0.5383 Eigenvalues 0.0664 0.1186 0.1835 RMS displacements 0.2577 0.3444 0.4284 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 6.2976, 10.3339, 12.3084 >, < 2.4530, -1.2128, 7.1938 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 6.4738, 80.0912, 129.5743 >, < 9.4635, 7.8768, 188.0822 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 60.8632, 95.0521, 66.8510 >, < 138.4338, -110.3209, -128.7583 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 147.5168, 47.7829, 30.4500 >, < -142.9914, 100.0185, -44.9362 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2932 } } translate < 0.7197, -1.8332, -2.4647 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C60 at 0.9746 0.6216 0.3362 Eigenvalues 0.0516 0.1274 0.4145 RMS displacements 0.2271 0.3569 0.6438 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 11.0786, 7.3910, 11.1870 >, < -0.2045, -16.0280, -5.0202 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 97.0909, 11.1494, 104.2802 >, < 35.7545, -194.9935, -42.4302 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 35.3318, 172.9304, 15.8034 >, < -126.9305, 5.1346, -60.3087 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 91.9928, 32.9607, 104.5488 >, < 90.7669, 157.8030, 92.6984 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4406 } } translate < 2.0595, 1.1500, -2.3941 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H61B at 1.4113 -0.0337 0.1682 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -3.0535, 0.4507, -2.3218 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H84A at 0.9110 0.5189 0.5611 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 3.0775, -0.9862, -2.2664 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H60C at 0.9359 0.6229 0.3640 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.3558, 0.9267, -2.2794 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C84 at 0.8918 0.5402 0.5228 Eigenvalues 0.0839 0.3053 0.7307 RMS displacements 0.2896 0.5525 0.8548 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 4.7540, 2.9348, 8.8771 >, < 0.5539, -9.2283, 1.9891 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 59.7675, 4.0446, 143.0906 >, < -15.0739, -181.0834, 26.3988 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 39.7321, 159.9326, 15.8840 >, < 148.7631, 22.0824, 68.3237 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 112.2668, 44.1508, 61.0381 >, < -132.5814, 140.5446, -90.7443 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.5851 } } translate < 3.0311, -0.6136, -2.1674 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H84B at 0.8530 0.5924 0.5220 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 3.3790, -0.4454, -2.1298 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H61C at 1.3470 0.0349 0.1287 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.7500, 0.9784, -2.1444 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H61A at 1.3897 -0.0476 0.1019 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -3.3784, 0.9344, -2.0717 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C79 at 1.2640 0.1984 0.0941 Eigenvalues 0.0837 0.2544 0.4463 RMS displacements 0.2893 0.5044 0.6681 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.3708, 6.2351, 4.5173 >, < -7.5826, 3.5270, -5.4297 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 93.2005, 81.8455, 33.3836 >, < -168.6991, 103.0778, -98.8662 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 95.4162, 22.2105, 98.8243 >, < 67.4256, -178.7179, -83.0593 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 28.3833, 110.6727, 79.0851 >, < 86.1082, 82.6941, 171.0661 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4573 } } translate < -1.9753, 1.7681, -2.1358 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C61 at 1.3635 -0.0295 0.1332 Eigenvalues 0.0419 0.1802 0.5217 RMS displacements 0.2046 0.4245 0.7223 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 3.6167, 6.2435, 21.4970 >, < -4.0142, 10.5392, -7.4057 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 16.2364, 15.4228, 178.0667 >, < -25.5401, 99.4407, -83.2267 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 11.4783, 179.2432, 37.3435 >, < -77.7721, -11.7838, 97.3118 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 181.7771, 20.0794, 29.8422 >, < 95.2837, -66.5785, -28.8965 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4944 } } translate < -3.0435, 0.7382, -2.0610 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H79B at 1.2222 0.2347 0.0672 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.8179, 2.0949, -1.9971 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O20 at 1.2250 0.1856 0.1459 Eigenvalues 0.0809 0.1748 0.2520 RMS displacements 0.2844 0.4180 0.5019 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 8.0579, 7.1719, 6.8221 >, < -6.6621, 3.2072, -4.6991 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 87.2043, 79.6423, 45.1031 >, < -158.1319, 113.2945, -110.0412 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 74.3532, 7.2186, 137.0163 >, < -3.1439, -182.6020, -9.6294 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 56.8168, 129.7414, 33.7832 >, < 147.9515, 75.7219, 110.2724 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.6456, -0.6178, 0.4490, -0.5808, -0.0154, 0.8139, 0.4959, 0.7862, 0.3687, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3436 } } translate < -1.6077, 1.3085, -2.0283 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H79C at 1.2667 0.1370 0.0776 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.3164, 1.7045, -1.9614 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O16 at 0.9362 0.5452 0.2968 Eigenvalues 0.0664 0.1105 0.2296 RMS displacements 0.2576 0.3324 0.4792 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 9.4273, 10.6975, 8.3521 >, < 1.8690, -6.8377, -7.7227 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 51.4214, 86.8061, 77.4374 >, < 114.9373, -114.5628, -152.7466 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 119.2062, 92.3892, 10.0887 >, < -187.5303, -34.4526, 16.0990 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 50.4855, 44.4581, 131.4366 >, < 76.3310, 135.3399, 121.2022 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.4736, -0.6376, 0.6075, -0.7538, 0.6502, 0.0948, -0.4555, -0.4130, -0.7886, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3280 } } translate < 1.6916, 1.2160, -1.9607 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C69 at 1.2140 -0.0521 0.4275 Eigenvalues 0.0713 0.1685 0.1849 RMS displacements 0.2669 0.4105 0.4300 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 5.4606, 9.6415, 10.2715 >, < 0.2393, 0.6737, 8.1030 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 5.7367, 96.2072, 111.6553 >, < 10.0175, 11.2558, 195.4675 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 20.6675, 109.3436, 91.6873 >, < -77.6366, 71.0465, -172.0894 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 186.7754, 15.9906, 19.4589 >, < 68.0976, -80.9550, -7.1720 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2943 } } translate < -1.0208, -1.7072, -1.8897 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C41 at 1.0553 0.1532 0.5166 Eigenvalues 0.0606 0.0948 0.1357 RMS displacements 0.2462 0.3078 0.3684 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.7417, 12.0644, 14.6137 >, < 1.0778, -1.9642, 5.7115 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 8.4457, 65.2516, 146.4819 >, < -11.1603, -21.2342, 173.2071 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 28.1353, 137.4057, 60.5850 >, < 102.1946, -63.2021, -146.1055 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 181.1609, 23.7301, 24.4189 >, < -88.8787, 80.5078, -15.6786 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2521 } } translate < 0.8554, -1.7824, -1.8838 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O27 at 0.9570 0.4325 0.3582 Eigenvalues 0.0929 0.1409 0.3238 RMS displacements 0.3048 0.3754 0.5691 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 4.5417, 7.1360, 9.2683 >, < -0.2651, -5.8897, -1.3234 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 38.4235, 11.3295, 162.6898 >, < 23.5747, -150.0869, -52.0531 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 9.2142, 196.0467, 10.8471 >, < -59.6850, -11.3219, 33.2173 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 163.7042, 9.1542, 47.2580 >, < 35.5802, 149.6293, 16.1890 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.4206, 0.1480, -0.8951, 0.1547, -0.9839, -0.0899, -0.8939, -0.1007, -0.4367, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3895 } } translate < 1.4918, 0.3666, -1.8766 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H41A at 1.0180 0.1778 0.5415 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.2234, -1.9075, -1.8295 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H39A at 1.0222 0.2506 0.4539 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.0333, -0.9733, -1.8728 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H47B at 1.2108 -0.0029 0.3473 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.2378, -0.9080, -1.8548 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H69B at 1.2272 -0.1171 0.4215 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.3598, -1.8653, -1.7710 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O26 at 1.2580 -0.0257 0.2143 Eigenvalues 0.1192 0.1465 0.2118 RMS displacements 0.3453 0.3828 0.4602 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 5.5619, 6.0800, 8.2914 >, < -2.1283, -0.2561, 0.7377 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 8.5284, 14.7870, 190.4880 >, < -12.2927, -46.7523, 80.3967 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 78.4947, 117.0709, 19.8024 >, < -182.0713, 57.6931, -70.7497 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 126.3593, 82.5605, 8.5509 >, < 190.1075, -11.4529, -8.1716 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.1237, -0.2119, -0.9694, 0.6109, -0.7536, 0.2427, -0.7820, -0.6222, 0.0362, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3150 } } translate < -2.2066, 0.0891, -1.7593 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H69A at 1.1703 -0.0538 0.4533 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.7289, -1.9241, -1.7424 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O34 at 0.8045 0.5598 0.4184 Eigenvalues 0.1061 0.2011 0.2820 RMS displacements 0.3257 0.4485 0.5310 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 6.7685, 4.3818, 6.7935 >, < 2.3992, -3.7140, -3.2225 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 85.4112, 30.4755, 94.8906 >, < 92.9990, -170.1856, -99.1137 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 120.8599, 9.9010, 84.4690 >, < -47.7882, 184.5635, -44.6330 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 9.5244, 170.6455, 36.4858 >, < -40.4124, -21.8060, 137.3017 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.6386, 0.3679, -0.6759, -0.7605, 0.1673, -0.6275, 0.1178, -0.9147, -0.3866, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3634 } } translate < 2.8830, 0.2737, -1.6466 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H47A at 1.1431 0.0487 0.3779 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.6193, -0.9962, -1.7474 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H51B at 1.1580 0.1268 0.2269 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.1628, 0.4637, -1.7347 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O33 at 0.8325 0.4582 0.4849 Eigenvalues 0.0939 0.2071 0.5394 RMS displacements 0.3065 0.4550 0.7345 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 3.4673, 5.5073, 8.3566 >, < -0.6361, -6.1658, 4.1813 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 31.2067, 31.5270, 146.2082 >, < -54.3676, -129.8415, 123.9620 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 26.0509, 168.6714, 20.0378 >, < 120.7696, -38.6499, -83.1331 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 151.9354, 13.0748, 52.7257 >, < -67.6741, 156.1598, -32.4662 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.3805, -0.3685, -0.8482, -0.3382, -0.9091, 0.2432, -0.8607, 0.1943, -0.4705, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.5027 } } translate < 2.7271, -0.5795, -1.6316 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C46 at 0.9240 0.4575 0.3090 Eigenvalues 0.0479 0.0913 0.2268 RMS displacements 0.2188 0.3021 0.4763 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 8.9939, 17.5578, 9.6975 >, < -11.8657, -6.6075, 0.5708 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 50.1585, 152.9642, 14.5023 >, < -161.1835, -34.7347, 51.5841 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 33.7127, 42.3977, 151.4396 >, < 37.6929, -124.9916, -118.1028 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 136.3750, 42.0122, 55.7117 >, < 99.7593, 146.5113, 67.6603 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3260 } } translate < 1.4540, 0.8367, -1.7068 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H41B at 1.0477 0.0841 0.5184 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.6186, -2.0184, -1.6784 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H39B at 1.0480 0.1547 0.4309 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.4356, -1.0925, -1.6992 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C47 at 1.1641 -0.0129 0.3711 Eigenvalues 0.0779 0.1205 0.1718 RMS displacements 0.2790 0.3471 0.4145 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.7388, 9.7523, 9.4740 >, < 0.0399, -3.2486, 5.9550 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 16.9960, 96.2211, 103.1613 >, < -56.5451, -62.1482, 185.9665 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 130.9377, 66.4752, 23.5100 >, < 167.2309, -86.4165, -50.4777 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 69.8022, 59.0667, 94.5351 >, < -110.6059, 142.0674, -123.5787 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2837 } } translate < -0.9776, -1.1359, -1.6695 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C39 at 1.0127 0.1815 0.4562 Eigenvalues 0.0547 0.0921 0.1139 RMS displacements 0.2339 0.3035 0.3374 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 8.9072, 13.5455, 15.4630 >, < -1.4930, -0.7934, 7.1662 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 10.1432, 81.9808, 129.7735 >, < -19.8872, -24.5665, 184.0602 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 14.4553, 127.2352, 87.6280 >, < -51.7229, 39.2256, -173.9903 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 195.4743, 20.1335, 15.7830 >, < 68.6243, -16.2458, 4.2625 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2309 } } translate < 0.8069, -1.2131, -1.6602 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H51A at 1.0999 0.2130 0.2033 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.7290, 0.9215, -1.6580 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O22 at 1.2759 -0.0939 0.1346 Eigenvalues 0.0936 0.1079 0.3119 RMS displacements 0.3059 0.3284 0.5585 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 5.7126, 8.1734, 9.2759 >, < -6.5772, 2.5231, 0.4592 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 68.8845, 106.2887, 39.5625 >, < -164.0337, 90.0048, -108.5652 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 7.0078, 44.3567, 164.7845 >, < -20.2683, -25.8600, 150.4834 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 137.7915, 67.9598, 16.4633 >, < 171.1475, -59.0986, -40.9997 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.5742, -0.7156, 0.3976, 0.0819, -0.4330, -0.8977, -0.8146, -0.5480, 0.1900, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3823 } } translate < -2.9648, 0.5106, -1.5184 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C57 at 1.1378 0.1397 0.1442 Eigenvalues 0.0648 0.1230 0.2784 RMS displacements 0.2546 0.3508 0.5276 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 8.1411, 5.0391, 13.9629 >, < -4.0019, 2.8784, -6.0092 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 21.4181, 23.5712, 168.9894 >, < -35.3739, 93.6152, -113.2091 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 166.8368, 16.7555, 37.6808 >, < -90.2421, -119.8233, 27.3308 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 30.2856, 172.0100, 23.5141 >, < 117.6122, 31.9650, 73.8600 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3611 } } translate < -1.4733, 1.1644, -1.5287 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C68 at 0.7992 0.4787 0.4352 Eigenvalues 0.0759 0.1747 0.2272 RMS displacements 0.2754 0.4180 0.4766 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 9.1948, 6.3247, 7.7887 >, < 4.9912, -5.6078, -5.0077 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 97.8871, 45.7321, 68.7643 >, < 123.2304, -152.6869, -103.0461 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 109.3893, 20.1364, 90.3175 >, < -69.4091, 176.2595, -72.5313 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 13.3717, 149.0394, 58.7541 >, < -43.8389, -34.7882, 165.5621 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3262 } } translate < 2.6701, -0.1205, -1.4481 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C51 at 1.1081 0.1469 0.1959 Eigenvalues 0.0411 0.1116 0.1658 RMS displacements 0.2028 0.3340 0.4072 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 18.4124, 11.9205, 8.9637 >, < -13.0455, 7.4376, -8.1379 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 128.4883, 60.5052, 28.2587 >, < -159.3056, 99.6095, -69.3733 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 89.5818, 71.3189, 71.6922 >, < 116.9908, -126.1940, -130.2194 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 21.0130, 94.2753, 120.2350 >, < 16.2239, 41.4597, 183.3168 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2787 } } translate < -1.0606, 0.7704, -1.5123 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C49 at 1.2295 -0.0864 0.1756 Eigenvalues 0.0700 0.1261 0.2333 RMS displacements 0.2646 0.3552 0.4830 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 6.9054, 12.0410, 7.5498 >, < -7.1563, 1.2421, 4.2798 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 38.0118, 157.8641, 18.5962 >, < -141.8564, -35.8315, 84.5500 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 58.4048, 12.0416, 150.3810 >, < -6.7959, 172.7731, 4.8801 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 119.6527, 56.4347, 48.3808 >, < 134.3396, -134.4574, -80.8704 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3306 } } translate < -2.5458, 0.2019, -1.4108 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H48A at 0.9370 0.3800 0.2470 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.7710, 1.0864, -1.4537 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C48 at 0.8862 0.3904 0.2668 Eigenvalues 0.0710 0.0957 0.1798 RMS displacements 0.2665 0.3094 0.4240 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 10.7721, 10.3367, 8.9793 >, < -0.1849, -7.8196, -2.8947 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 114.1065, 19.9624, 84.1979 >, < 62.8920, -184.1451, -56.7106 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 31.6892, 180.7555, 9.4562 >, < -119.5946, -1.5027, -20.9253 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 78.0070, 22.2138, 126.5629 >, < 56.3327, 170.0087, 71.8465 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2902 } } translate < 1.1053, 0.9557, -1.2950 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O31 at 1.0963 0.0939 0.1035 Eigenvalues 0.1069 0.1544 0.3916 RMS displacements 0.3269 0.3930 0.6258 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 6.2719, 5.7570, 6.3584 >, < -6.5705, 0.5236, 1.6725 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 105.6307, 96.1294, 9.5273 >, < -196.0889, -34.9651, 35.5183 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 16.9239, 6.5307, 190.7156 >, < -0.8288, 89.1525, 25.5592 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 92.2476, 111.1123, 14.7323 >, < 183.7766, -53.1403, -57.7324 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < -0.7177, 0.6845, 0.1282, -0.2333, -0.0629, -0.9704, -0.6561, -0.7263, 0.2048, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4283 } } translate < -1.7159, 1.3396, -1.1576 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H75B at 0.9177 0.4229 0.0213 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.1795, 3.0278, -1.0669 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H8 at 0.8756 0.2584 0.3818 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.2299, -0.3887, -1.1232 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H48B at 0.8346 0.4168 0.2396 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.2591, 1.2515, -1.0881 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H2 at 1.0861 -0.0243 0.2628 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.3043, -0.3152, -1.1034 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C29 at 0.9060 0.1487 0.4360 Eigenvalues 0.0503 0.0717 0.0881 RMS displacements 0.2243 0.2678 0.2968 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 13.0318, 16.7507, 15.3995 >, < -6.0012, -2.7244, 4.3370 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 46.6469, 120.6880, 60.2244 >, < -124.2189, -80.3593, 140.8505 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 20.6693, 55.7508, 157.0748 >, < -40.5186, 63.0643, -144.3286 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 161.0060, 59.3210, 15.7581 >, < 152.7351, 11.8461, 12.1521 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2031 } } translate < 0.9678, -1.1690, -1.0758 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C33 at 1.0773 -0.0776 0.3396 Eigenvalues 0.0647 0.0708 0.1114 RMS displacements 0.2544 0.2661 0.3338 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 12.9062, 11.3000, 14.3499 >, < 4.0006, -3.2802, 3.2799 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 54.0917, 13.9576, 157.3115 >, < -16.9235, -156.7460, 42.2637 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 104.3010, 92.8259, 29.5613 >, < 176.6394, 71.2918, 73.7107 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 69.6781, 118.0750, 44.0854 >, < -151.7148, 78.8939, -109.4146 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2285 } } translate < -1.0769, -1.1013, -1.0698 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O32 at 0.8817 0.3992 0.1186 Eigenvalues 0.0895 0.1253 0.2575 RMS displacements 0.2991 0.3540 0.5075 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 6.4782, 10.3933, 6.1717 >, < 1.6210, -4.8497, -2.2777 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 28.0626, 155.0323, 31.0282 >, < 113.3697, -51.1752, -122.1981 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 90.4289, 57.2188, 69.6721 >, < -123.7748, -150.8758, 106.7808 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 96.7234, 10.7940, 113.9015 >, < 13.6472, 192.3516, 10.8619 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.3361, 0.8700, -0.3607, 0.6574, -0.4909, -0.5717, 0.6745, 0.0449, 0.7369, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3473 } } translate < 0.3744, 2.1692, -1.0275 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H29A at 0.8721 0.1677 0.4642 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.3185, -1.3387, -1.0280 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O3 at 0.9368 0.2600 0.1944 Eigenvalues 0.0432 0.0653 0.1155 RMS displacements 0.2080 0.2556 0.3398 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 12.5729, 18.3661, 16.1529 >, < -6.6297, -10.4069, 4.8226 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 55.9189, 92.0161, 78.2915 >, < -119.6327, -114.2040, 140.1224 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 24.2118, 124.0638, 85.7655 >, < 63.5187, -67.3353, -166.7337 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 147.2737, 22.9108, 70.5072 >, < 42.8547, 160.7254, 36.2566 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.4919, -0.6412, -0.5890, -0.2495, -0.7519, 0.6102, -0.8341, -0.1532, -0.5299, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2326 } } translate < 0.0176, 1.1243, -1.0514 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H33B at 1.0972 -0.1407 0.3355 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.4229, -1.2675, -0.9887 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C44 at 0.7383 0.4023 0.3996 Eigenvalues 0.0598 0.1110 0.1858 RMS displacements 0.2446 0.3332 0.4310 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 14.1436, 6.1499, 10.8166 >, < 3.1956, -6.5697, -4.0268 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 137.9543, 15.5169, 63.1781 >, < 71.3051, -167.6029, -48.3198 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 77.8909, 16.5462, 129.9232 >, < -48.2916, 167.7028, -74.4047 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 14.7004, 182.4953, 30.7903 >, < -16.6223, -13.2394, 114.6709 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2950 } } translate < 2.4061, -0.0867, -0.9240 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H44B at 0.7554 0.4012 0.3629 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.1442, 0.2054, -0.9288 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O2 at 1.0188 0.0890 0.1934 Eigenvalues 0.0530 0.0669 0.0910 RMS displacements 0.2302 0.2587 0.3016 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 13.3553, 13.8055, 17.6479 >, < -3.5988, -1.4698, -4.9612 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 13.4883, 50.5419, 164.1691 >, < -8.0199, 7.3597, -151.6943 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 124.9851, 72.2863, 34.8497 >, < -165.1932, -89.1107, 58.4730 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 90.4957, 107.0414, 38.5354 >, < 166.0155, 78.8115, 83.2990 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.0269, 0.4476, -0.8938, -0.7720, 0.5588, 0.3030, -0.6351, -0.6982, -0.3305, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2064 } } translate < -0.9710, 0.5949, -0.9722 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C3 at 0.9339 0.1950 0.2376 Eigenvalues 0.0396 0.0533 0.0825 RMS displacements 0.1991 0.2309 0.2871 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 13.3702, 23.0548, 19.7038 >, < -5.8614, -4.7550, 4.2579 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 29.1066, 148.2328, 55.8105 >, < -94.6275, -52.4285, 138.7163 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 15.4858, 68.8723, 155.2661 >, < 13.8291, -38.6246, -153.3635 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 184.4065, 31.2630, 30.5894 >, < 69.0756, 81.5431, 23.1630 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1965 } } translate < -0.0011, 0.5702, -0.9527 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C62 at 1.1418 -0.1518 0.1679 Eigenvalues 0.0630 0.1100 0.2043 RMS displacements 0.2510 0.3316 0.4520 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.6978, 8.1291, 14.0288 >, < -4.8187, 0.5738, -6.9987 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 12.6547, 45.5824, 158.0103 >, < -32.0696, 54.0043, -153.8671 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 123.2181, 55.4811, 44.3216 >, < -152.7391, -117.7381, 68.7488 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 81.7812, 117.4532, 27.9843 >, < 175.1713, 64.8815, 71.1209 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3093 } } translate < -2.5185, 0.0434, -0.8489 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O1 at 0.8480 0.2997 0.2829 Eigenvalues 0.0505 0.0743 0.0997 RMS displacements 0.2247 0.2726 0.3158 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 12.5298, 18.1784, 12.5767 >, < 3.6779, -5.0485, -4.1453 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 34.3870, 154.0069, 37.3481 >, < 112.6521, -51.5861, -120.1568 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 85.8570, 66.3288, 79.8993 >, < -115.1620, -145.5701, 109.7249 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 107.0739, 18.2797, 110.1644 >, < 9.8657, 187.0592, 2.1413 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.3461, 0.8628, -0.3685, -0.6232, 0.5050, 0.5971, -0.7013, -0.0229, -0.7125, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2162 } } translate < 0.9736, 0.5323, -0.9278 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C5 at 0.9782 0.1112 0.2379 Eigenvalues 0.0487 0.0546 0.0839 RMS displacements 0.2206 0.2338 0.2896 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 15.9025, 14.8123, 20.0470 >, < -6.5879, 0.1588, -2.4698 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 28.1559, 36.3005, 168.0234 >, < -39.0412, 85.3227, -115.2482 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 113.9479, 68.8070, 51.9637 >, < -152.1067, -111.7213, 80.5563 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 91.9596, 126.7756, 22.3653 >, < 177.9722, 26.7162, 29.7522 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1982 } } translate < -0.4968, 0.3049, -0.9331 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C6 at 0.8960 0.2191 0.2830 Eigenvalues 0.0418 0.0540 0.0764 RMS displacements 0.2045 0.2324 0.2764 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 15.9731, 17.7997, 21.7303 >, < 3.4475, -8.2772, 1.3322 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 55.1452, 18.0313, 160.6846 >, < 9.4723, -155.8323, -10.0151 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 33.1486, 176.9989, 29.1048 >, < 108.0290, 14.2315, 69.8602 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 145.9109, 42.8276, 55.9296 >, < -110.6063, 125.0463, -57.1806 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1892 } } translate < 0.4760, 0.2794, -0.9319 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H33A at 1.0284 -0.0835 0.3622 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.7992, -1.3064, -0.8832 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H29B at 0.8976 0.0795 0.4330 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.7089, -1.3676, -0.8580 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C8 at 0.8587 0.1890 0.3782 Eigenvalues 0.0487 0.0535 0.0769 RMS displacements 0.2206 0.2312 0.2773 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 13.0884, 19.7630, 19.4183 >, < -0.2128, -1.4440, 1.8156 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 14.0749, 123.5720, 96.3265 >, < -20.4526, -18.8650, 180.5194 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 14.3870, 98.4494, 122.9839 >, < 20.0043, -24.6382, -178.7303 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 199.9733, 19.7631, 21.7847 >, < 0.0226, 40.6152, 1.8421 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1898 } } translate < 0.9983, -0.5833, -0.8669 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C2 at 1.0315 -0.0423 0.2807 Eigenvalues 0.0560 0.0605 0.0789 RMS displacements 0.2367 0.2460 0.2810 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 15.9177, 15.8048, 15.3177 >, < -2.9082, 1.7016, 4.1548 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 39.3926, 127.3640, 64.6882 >, < -105.2575, -66.3858, 152.5831 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 140.8036, 15.8087, 76.1665 >, < -4.3155, 176.0480, 3.1725 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 53.8976, 90.6953, 92.0390 >, < 103.7565, -106.2591, -147.4460 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1923 } } translate < -1.0774, -0.5224, -0.8529 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O8 at 0.7498 0.3124 0.4251 Eigenvalues 0.0659 0.0969 0.1119 RMS displacements 0.2567 0.3112 0.3345 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 13.5539, 9.2441, 11.6406 >, < -0.3008, -4.7721, -1.1731 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 141.0823, 9.4701, 70.9695 >, < 10.4370, -178.7391, -8.4970 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 63.9692, 50.4899, 111.9130 >, < -91.5021, 137.4287, -129.7937 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 24.3147, 160.7866, 42.6570 >, < 80.4636, 31.7662, 135.9446 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, -2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.8256, -0.0348, 0.5631, -0.5125, 0.4636, -0.7228, -0.2359, -0.8854, -0.4006, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2289 } } translate < 2.1411, -0.5772, -0.7924 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C1 at 0.8981 0.1565 0.3281 Eigenvalues 0.0398 0.0469 0.0744 RMS displacements 0.1994 0.2167 0.2728 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 14.6355, 20.8632, 24.3788 >, < -5.6573, -3.0617, 1.9313 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 23.8218, 43.2089, 169.9637 >, < -34.3120, -76.2021, 116.0048 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 28.3128, 157.7516, 54.7692 >, < -92.1966, 37.7137, -127.0664 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 179.3949, 43.0244, 26.2831 >, < 115.1940, 32.3650, 14.9241 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1867 } } translate < 0.4581, -0.2815, -0.8642 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C50 at 0.8821 0.3195 0.1047 Eigenvalues 0.0454 0.0994 0.1993 RMS displacements 0.2130 0.3153 0.4464 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.5375, 20.4553, 9.1221 >, < -7.6052, -5.8893, 3.8181 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 22.3701, 178.3606, 16.6063 >, < -104.3965, -26.9616, 72.5727 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 50.1851, 40.5157, 138.6119 >, < 50.8937, -154.5154, -98.1157 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 144.7783, 24.2927, 65.2844 >, < 38.2925, 169.6984, 33.1791 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3055 } } translate < -0.0159, 2.0255, -0.8015 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C4 at 0.9809 0.0471 0.2815 Eigenvalues 0.0485 0.0513 0.0678 RMS displacements 0.2202 0.2266 0.2605 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 18.1933, 16.4086, 20.2275 >, < -4.6652, 0.1764, -1.5645 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 45.7908, 41.6503, 149.0322 >, < -57.4518, 119.4187, -115.6039 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 117.0354, 49.3375, 71.2387 >, < -118.7662, -141.8385, 80.4048 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 75.8189, 144.0878, 22.4426 >, < 166.8876, 22.7725, 32.0701 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1783 } } translate < -0.5306, -0.2485, -0.8617 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O7 at 1.1130 -0.1664 0.2197 Eigenvalues 0.0601 0.0920 0.1078 RMS displacements 0.2452 0.3033 0.3283 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 14.4862, 12.0401, 10.2604 >, < -5.9310, 2.6021, 0.1987 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 142.6659, 64.6558, 15.0849 >, < -170.1779, 52.3375, -31.6663 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 29.5581, 93.2626, 105.3543 >, < 64.0454, 78.3185, 175.9686 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 59.0069, 68.4203, 102.3400 >, < 94.2705, -125.4517, -143.9050 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.8310, -0.5324, 0.1612, 0.2806, 0.6514, 0.7049, -0.4803, -0.5405, 0.6908, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2247 } } translate < -2.1958, -0.4211, -0.7808 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H62B at 1.1531 -0.2125 0.1529 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.8806, -0.0291, -0.7163 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C75 at 0.8646 0.3735 0.0103 Eigenvalues 0.0608 0.2627 0.5283 RMS displacements 0.2466 0.5126 0.7269 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 3.0231, 16.3354, 2.7862 >, < -2.3774, -1.9481, 0.3615 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 4.5150, 200.5849, 2.8573 >, < -35.5368, -2.5997, 7.6023 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 108.1499, 17.5702, 94.8771 >, < 20.4090, -198.7346, -20.9654 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 95.6397, 16.7742, 110.0964 >, < 10.3730, 197.4380, 14.0861 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4975 } } translate < -0.2358, 2.9519, -0.6902 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C9 at 0.9383 0.0724 0.3247 Eigenvalues 0.0447 0.0495 0.0806 RMS displacements 0.2115 0.2224 0.2840 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 14.6857, 21.0600, 19.2388 >, < 6.3215, -4.7340, 2.1134 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 39.5863, 175.8710, 19.4217 >, < 130.4968, -0.4654, 12.7569 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 35.7566, 23.0411, 178.2269 >, < -6.6003, -120.4926, 37.6083 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 156.2871, 45.4664, 43.0874 >, < -111.2535, 111.4900, -46.1383 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1944 } } translate < -0.0430, -0.5189, -0.8195 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H9 at 0.9368 0.0293 0.3538 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.0547, -0.8896, -0.7560 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H44A at 0.6705 0.4145 0.3933 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.6734, -0.0053, -0.6486 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H62A at 1.0899 -0.1263 0.1405 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.3687, 0.3382, -0.6376 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H75A at 0.8639 0.3487 -0.0269 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.5280, 3.1699, -0.5564 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O25 at 0.8770 0.2952 0.0520 Eigenvalues 0.0637 0.1389 0.3223 RMS displacements 0.2523 0.3726 0.5677 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 5.4946, 15.4381, 5.0773 >, < -3.0490, -3.8677, -1.8597 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 8.9411, 197.8323, 5.7892 >, < -53.1942, -0.7349, -24.6500 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 108.2394, 16.0704, 96.7568 >, < 13.0714, -197.9770, -17.0873 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 96.0670, 19.2319, 109.8669 >, < 34.0249, 190.9764, 38.0179 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.1359, -0.9888, 0.0618, -0.7258, -0.0569, 0.6856, -0.6744, -0.1380, -0.7254, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3886 } } translate < -0.3722, 2.3689, -0.6211 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C31 at 0.8811 0.2338 0.1398 Eigenvalues 0.0489 0.0839 0.1493 RMS displacements 0.2212 0.2896 0.3864 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.0174, 20.4339, 11.6146 >, < -0.5213, -2.4734, -0.4405 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 7.0720, 202.1022, 11.7067 >, < -6.8217, -2.3316, -8.6220 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 18.4674, 20.4927, 190.4407 >, < -2.1621, -92.9734, 6.0437 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 190.7538, 20.5314, 23.3402 >, < 7.9412, 90.3581, 1.6973 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2644 } } translate < -0.1670, 1.4707, -0.6433 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H80B at 1.2461 -0.5435 0.1600 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -4.5023, -1.1332, -0.2927 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H31B at 0.9089 0.1831 0.1236 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.5565, 1.4413, -0.6058 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H75C at 0.8042 0.3994 0.0096 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.0880, 3.0334, -0.4919 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H58A at 0.7033 0.4669 0.1417 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.4299, 2.1797, -0.4655 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H66A at 0.9414 0.1176 -0.0037 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.6101, 2.2545, -0.3483 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C21 at 0.6974 0.2359 0.3911 Eigenvalues 0.0418 0.0735 0.0895 RMS displacements 0.2045 0.2710 0.2991 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 18.2118, 12.1462, 18.3426 >, < -2.6522, -11.1859, -0.6879 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 107.1441, 12.7663, 107.1375 >, < -17.5043, -188.9130, 14.1528 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 71.2680, 83.7854, 82.2934 >, < -125.9551, 105.3127, -136.0596 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 60.2699, 129.9992, 49.5129 >, < 138.1551, 61.2285, 120.5311 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2047 } } translate < 1.8537, -0.5555, -0.3076 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C22 at 1.0139 -0.1813 0.2150 Eigenvalues 0.0587 0.0661 0.0804 RMS displacements 0.2422 0.2571 0.2835 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 12.6624, 15.7770, 16.1787 >, < -0.5560, 1.8151, -1.7367 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 20.0674, 78.4523, 131.3072 >, < -43.6428, 60.2116, -171.6274 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 15.2730, 139.5007, 76.9749 >, < 35.3881, 27.0115, 171.7215 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 192.2427, 15.8596, 26.3336 >, < 7.1426, -83.5930, -3.5675 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1941 } } translate < -1.9103, -0.4427, -0.3030 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C15 at 0.7473 0.1729 0.3684 Eigenvalues 0.0504 0.0631 0.0667 RMS displacements 0.2245 0.2511 0.2582 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 15.4483, 18.8995, 16.3554 >, < -1.8499, 0.0171, 3.2504 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 21.7918, 163.6920, 47.6293 >, < -62.4631, -28.1529, 137.8348 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 76.4475, 30.0133, 130.6461 >, < -53.9241, 167.0097, -68.0293 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 134.9158, 46.3522, 56.6937 >, < 112.6874, -138.8228, -63.3047 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1767 } } translate < 1.2979, -0.5694, -0.3232 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C10 at 0.9703 -0.1229 0.2443 Eigenvalues 0.0533 0.0617 0.0707 RMS displacements 0.2308 0.2485 0.2659 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 17.0062, 16.5909, 15.5199 >, < -1.6119, -3.9707, 0.9350 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 122.9551, 44.6546, 64.9882 >, < -110.6681, -148.7618, 75.4538 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 34.0001, 173.9849, 27.1917 >, < 101.8238, -32.1380, -84.7870 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 79.3157, 16.8008, 141.1184 >, < 5.6205, 172.9583, 11.2033 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1820 } } translate < -1.3613, -0.4956, -0.3154 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H80A at 1.2071 -0.6324 0.1905 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -4.5482, -1.6665, 0.0472 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H31A at 0.8148 0.2111 0.1415 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.0012, 1.3771, -0.3002 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H74C at 0.4270 0.4453 0.5525 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 4.5446, -1.2101, 0.0417 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C80 at 1.1887 -0.5820 0.1648 Eigenvalues 0.1019 0.2630 0.3921 RMS displacements 0.3192 0.5128 0.6262 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 9.1565, 3.9222, 3.0904 >, < 3.7168, 1.6387, -0.7587 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 183.1325, 20.4920, 4.9874 >, < 111.0993, 37.9730, 10.4546 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 15.1894, 122.1522, 77.2829 >, < -49.6978, 43.9519, -188.0743 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 22.2495, 67.4585, 126.1688 >, < -53.9680, -78.6475, 176.1024 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4286 } } translate < -4.4149, -1.3018, 0.0460 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H45A at 0.5898 0.2677 0.4849 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.8762, -1.2171, -0.0919 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H64A at 1.0738 -0.3786 0.2235 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.8709, -1.1343, -0.0781 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C58 at 0.6481 0.4193 0.1331 Eigenvalues 0.0551 0.1261 0.2158 RMS displacements 0.2347 0.3552 0.4645 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 6.0714, 15.9018, 8.7377 >, < 7.6994, -3.0707, -5.1530 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 25.4095, 164.2549, 25.1561 >, < 114.8230, -38.7078, -103.8590 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 7.1236, 38.1852, 179.7326 >, < -1.9846, -29.8966, 118.3029 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 181.8682, 31.6220, 14.8452 >, < -97.4397, 62.4630, -24.7499 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3180 } } translate < 1.4013, 2.0901, -0.0887 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O29 at 1.1287 -0.5236 0.1878 Eigenvalues 0.0930 0.1686 0.2136 RMS displacements 0.3049 0.4106 0.4622 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 8.6063, 7.8226, 4.9388 >, < 4.7442, -0.8662, -1.7218 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 115.2492, 88.2867, 9.3356 >, < 190.0106, -44.1739, -39.3403 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 93.8153, 100.3474, 23.5314 >, < -172.8389, 78.7391, -84.6742 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 10.4066, 29.2697, 179.2691 >, < -7.6834, -36.2976, 120.5707 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.7462, -0.6482, 0.1515, 0.6588, -0.6865, 0.3077, 0.0955, -0.3295, -0.9393, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3164 } } translate < -3.8387, -1.3063, 0.1169 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O35 at 1.1091 -0.4373 0.1135 Eigenvalues 0.0962 0.1292 0.4849 RMS displacements 0.3102 0.3594 0.6963 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 10.1661, 7.5862, 2.4404 >, < -0.6789, 2.0389, -2.4313 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 191.0910, 14.0605, 6.9091 >, < -69.1295, 58.9068, -13.1889 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 18.7507, 187.2158, 8.7449 >, < 77.8591, -12.6746, -69.7358 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 12.7489, 16.1545, 191.4853 >, < -10.0874, -42.1544, 78.0621 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.9711, 0.1837, -0.1526, -0.2101, -0.9610, 0.1800, 0.1136, -0.2069, -0.9718, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4766 } } translate < -3.8162, -0.4377, 0.1183 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O13 at 0.6616 0.3453 0.1736 Eigenvalues 0.0579 0.0858 0.1814 RMS displacements 0.2407 0.2928 0.4259 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 6.7873, 14.2836, 13.3639 >, < 4.6512, -5.5357, -4.3503 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 26.0949, 107.5091, 85.8296 >, < 89.5031, -80.3458, -168.7358 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 8.2608, 102.6703, 114.1010 >, < -18.1734, -29.9028, 184.3698 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 181.4774, 20.6463, 29.0557 >, < -62.0273, 99.1772, -24.3345 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.3231, 0.7099, -0.6259, -0.0879, 0.6810, 0.7270, 0.9423, -0.1798, 0.2824, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2915 } } translate < 1.2716, 1.5304, -0.0333 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C59 at 1.0956 -0.4521 0.1589 Eigenvalues 0.0776 0.1353 0.1811 RMS displacements 0.2787 0.3679 0.4255 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.7565, 11.7691, 6.2653 >, < -2.6015, 0.8718, -4.3068 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 20.4299, 169.7507, 24.9898 >, < -92.0928, 31.6811, -113.0841 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 189.5779, 23.2344, 7.8478 >, < 88.7144, -33.0543, -12.8261 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 7.7637, 32.8114, 181.9514 >, < -1.8246, 3.1167, 117.2966 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2912 } } translate < -3.5849, -0.8497, 0.1317 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C66 at 0.8786 0.0818 -0.0077 Eigenvalues 0.0496 0.1926 0.3653 RMS displacements 0.2226 0.4389 0.6044 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 5.6649, 17.4651, 4.9715 >, < -12.3078, -0.6125, -2.6863 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 33.0969, 171.1394, 5.9513 >, < -142.1631, 9.7561, -27.2273 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 29.8281, 18.5263, 176.8136 >, < -2.1802, -129.4887, -29.6944 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 150.6631, 47.5230, 29.4367 >, < 119.7276, 118.5076, 51.5491 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4137 } } translate < -1.5392, 2.1649, 0.0228 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H58B at 0.5901 0.4480 0.1346 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.7396, 2.1627, 0.0877 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H80C at 1.1529 -0.6089 0.1287 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -4.5795, -1.1028, 0.3361 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H58C at 0.6418 0.3928 0.0956 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.1216, 2.3046, 0.0744 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O17 at 0.8706 0.0408 0.0471 Eigenvalues 0.0839 0.0967 0.2324 RMS displacements 0.2896 0.3109 0.4821 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 6.5336, 9.9226, 10.1140 >, < -6.5675, -1.9230, -1.2965 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 57.1414, 149.4447, 10.3175 >, < -174.6259, 4.4957, -11.9541 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 13.0375, 10.9575, 194.4905 >, < -1.3787, -71.1807, -28.9240 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 145.1468, 61.7014, 17.6784 >, < 162.8695, 62.8389, 38.2851 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, -2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.5156, -0.8562, 0.0327, 0.1841, 0.0734, -0.9802, -0.8368, -0.5114, -0.1955, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3300 } } translate < -1.3825, 1.5941, 0.0620 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O30 at 0.4454 0.4073 0.4460 Eigenvalues 0.1005 0.1696 0.2478 RMS displacements 0.3169 0.4119 0.4977 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 9.9385, 5.6796, 4.2679 >, < -0.5330, -0.0624, -1.2262 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 201.4929, 6.4282, 4.2682 >, < -24.4837, 0.4160, -1.2561 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 10.6177, 176.8864, 28.7457 >, < 21.0352, -8.2178, -130.6984 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 10.0248, 30.3030, 177.7804 >, < 2.3824, 7.6768, 129.5020 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.9981, 0.0624, -0.0012, -0.0588, -0.9337, 0.3531, -0.0209, -0.3525, -0.9356, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3407 } } translate < 3.7624, -0.4765, 0.2527 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C74 at 0.3914 0.3830 0.5459 Eigenvalues 0.0824 0.2196 0.2973 RMS displacements 0.2871 0.4686 0.5453 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 11.2193, 4.3169, 4.5111 >, < -4.9555, 1.5267, -1.3420 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 180.3184, 22.5278, 7.3285 >, < -115.9413, 45.1808, -15.6678 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 20.8703, 23.2516, 173.6306 >, < 22.0807, -79.2736, -114.5185 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 23.5084, 165.1127, 30.3216 >, < 83.9496, 37.1462, 127.5024 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3732 } } translate < 4.3950, -1.3601, 0.3672 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H74A at 0.3787 0.3590 0.5810 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 4.5328, -1.7194, 0.4194 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C56 at 0.4714 0.3412 0.4743 Eigenvalues 0.0958 0.1183 0.1574 RMS displacements 0.3095 0.3440 0.3967 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 9.6104, 7.5804, 8.0543 >, < -2.8546, -0.0242, -2.0111 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 146.7462, 54.3044, 16.0123 >, < -162.9487, 66.0462, -40.5769 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 40.5576, 28.9362, 149.5591 >, < 48.5615, -132.3750, -111.9557 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 34.1754, 134.1786, 52.7957 >, < 108.6781, 66.2802, 148.5103 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2715 } } translate < 3.5531, -0.9120, 0.2562 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H66B at 0.8285 0.1234 -0.0196 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.2510, 2.3878, 0.1570 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C64 at 1.0371 -0.3995 0.1857 Eigenvalues 0.0593 0.1121 0.1757 RMS displacements 0.2434 0.3349 0.4192 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 16.2654, 9.0670, 6.1507 >, < -4.3532, -0.8648, -2.0969 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 188.4097, 22.2769, 6.1808 >, < -99.7264, -5.4231, -0.8342 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 27.6508, 163.5947, 33.5781 >, < 79.5361, -36.2073, -132.3015 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 18.7288, 34.5208, 174.8008 >, < 11.4840, 39.9007, 128.9419 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2869 } } translate < -3.0163, -0.9031, 0.2036 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O12 at 0.5499 0.2905 0.4038 Eigenvalues 0.0649 0.0974 0.1071 RMS displacements 0.2548 0.3121 0.3272 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 14.0943, 11.1485, 9.7589 >, < -4.3021, 1.3417, -1.6493 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 153.9566, 52.6309, 15.2737 >, < -156.6415, 56.8866, -31.8994 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 59.6763, 107.5516, 59.7688 >, < 128.2762, -94.1477, -140.5178 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 16.8141, 64.3730, 146.7337 >, < 19.7612, 39.9445, 169.1185 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.8652, -0.4712, 0.1718, 0.4872, 0.7086, -0.5104, 0.1187, 0.5253, 0.8426, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2240 } } translate < 2.6870, -0.5005, 0.1719 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O21 at 0.4488 0.3184 0.5233 Eigenvalues 0.0810 0.1785 0.1851 RMS displacements 0.2847 0.4224 0.4302 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 10.5341, 7.1952, 5.6193 >, < -5.8770, 1.4939, -0.6410 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 150.6656, 54.2827, 8.3176 >, < -168.3386, 40.3840, -23.1846 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 21.8789, 77.3987, 120.7258 >, < 50.5657, 73.7673, 179.1465 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 50.7821, 84.9674, 84.4537 >, < 106.0189, -111.1635, -157.2439 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.8590, -0.4979, 0.1192, 0.2402, 0.5975, 0.7651, -0.4522, -0.6285, 0.6328, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2944 } } translate < 3.8060, -1.3795, 0.3226 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O11 at 1.0070 -0.3174 0.1534 Eigenvalues 0.0722 0.0812 0.1152 RMS displacements 0.2686 0.2850 0.3394 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 11.6789, 13.3053, 9.8661 >, < -0.0748, -3.1371, -2.5659 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 24.8063, 160.2672, 38.1780 >, < 87.7714, -41.6943, -131.5739 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 149.5832, 43.9806, 31.2310 >, < -130.1557, -111.6970, 48.6347 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 51.2266, 24.6213, 152.5817 >, < 42.2346, 147.1171, 77.8074 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.2640, 0.8832, -0.3877, 0.8521, -0.4019, -0.3354, -0.4520, -0.2418, -0.8586, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2323 } } translate < -2.7496, -0.3857, 0.1851 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C45 at 0.5293 0.2692 0.4566 Eigenvalues 0.0601 0.1058 0.1611 RMS displacements 0.2451 0.3252 0.4014 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 16.4762, 7.3041, 8.5240 >, < -1.4006, 2.1202, 2.8985 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 198.8645, 7.8819, 11.1729 >, < -21.9318, 46.0812, 0.4242 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 17.3226, 70.5137, 137.2730 >, < -16.0290, -18.7572, 183.3222 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 19.0238, 138.4711, 70.8604 >, < 35.1595, -23.0837, -177.9494 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2747 } } translate < 2.9581, -0.9928, 0.2195 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C20 at 0.5977 0.2230 0.3831 Eigenvalues 0.0393 0.0824 0.0849 RMS displacements 0.1982 0.2871 0.2914 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 24.5859, 12.5494, 12.2441 >, < -4.6761, 4.7950, -0.7112 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 189.9113, 18.2761, 17.9828 >, < -66.2153, 66.3983, -12.1766 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 27.8216, 186.9293, 24.7512 >, < 42.8318, 17.5182, 92.6908 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 33.6973, 22.1519, 184.0127 >, < 14.0313, -74.3266, -81.9367 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1995 } } translate < 2.1318, -0.5444, 0.1734 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H66C at 0.8712 0.0314 -0.0356 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.8592, 2.2261, 0.2342 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C23 at 0.9592 -0.2587 0.1822 Eigenvalues 0.0445 0.0652 0.1226 RMS displacements 0.2110 0.2554 0.3502 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 20.9428, 15.7899, 9.2049 >, < -3.4038, -7.3232, 0.8284 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 176.5057, 27.4016, 21.8375 >, < -88.4062, -95.9836, 25.0512 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 31.8623, 190.6292, 10.3737 >, < 83.9841, -14.4684, -27.7627 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 35.7760, 15.8074, 188.4570 >, < -2.3855, 95.8056, 4.3683 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2397 } } translate < -2.1863, -0.4339, 0.1912 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C25 at 0.8716 -0.1435 0.2396 Eigenvalues 0.0571 0.0655 0.0694 RMS displacements 0.2390 0.2559 0.2634 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 15.9057, 15.5062, 15.7898 >, < 0.8042, -2.7943, -1.2592 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 97.4415, 37.1217, 97.3866 >, < 84.7668, -165.9268, -85.2533 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 42.9492, 173.8132, 17.4216 >, < -130.0572, -16.0806, 30.8864 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 93.6792, 22.3360, 119.0297 >, < 46.8987, 176.4188, 51.8484 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1803 } } translate < -1.1001, -0.5358, 0.1749 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C24 at 0.6917 0.0943 0.3376 Eigenvalues 0.0452 0.0572 0.0767 RMS displacements 0.2127 0.2392 0.2770 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 19.4123, 17.3612, 15.8487 >, < -4.5128, -6.9038, -1.2155 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 145.3724, 38.5436, 48.8599 >, < -107.8209, -135.8703, 51.6714 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 20.9239, 152.7504, 63.7222 >, < 24.0991, -23.9176, -162.2317 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 74.7867, 45.6868, 121.3738 >, < 74.6963, 145.9804, 108.1292 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1896 } } translate < 1.0308, -0.5808, 0.1748 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H25 at 0.8414 -0.1054 0.2603 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.7270, -0.5833, 0.1718 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H24 at 0.7239 0.0503 0.3222 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.6549, -0.5948, 0.1742 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H32A at 0.6835 0.1852 0.2138 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.7680, 0.6996, 0.2051 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H28B at 0.8096 0.0108 0.1359 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.8054, 0.7806, 0.2420 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H32B at 0.6221 0.2318 0.2509 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.3775, 0.5444, 0.2861 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H28A at 0.8518 -0.0831 0.1223 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.4064, 0.5937, 0.3214 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H74B at 0.3308 0.3871 0.5189 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 4.4946, -1.1379, 0.6697 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H45B at 0.4931 0.2064 0.4543 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.8321, -1.1802, 0.5404 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H64B at 0.9799 -0.4406 0.1898 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.9446, -1.0740, 0.5495 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C36 at 0.5920 0.2744 0.1690 Eigenvalues 0.0614 0.0774 0.1191 RMS displacements 0.2477 0.2782 0.3452 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 11.2316, 14.3166, 12.0562 >, < 6.3060, -2.8341, 2.2036 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 61.1775, 149.8947, 12.4975 >, < 170.8850, 6.5559, 17.6744 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 41.2273, 21.1792, 164.5380 >, < -22.3888, -138.0938, 66.9003 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 122.3168, 59.8178, 49.3354 >, < -135.8842, 125.8697, -80.1674 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2363 } } translate < 1.2255, 1.3326, 0.4581 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C32 at 0.6191 0.2028 0.2140 Eigenvalues 0.0663 0.0703 0.0982 RMS displacements 0.2576 0.2652 0.3133 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 11.1189, 14.2443, 14.1168 >, < 1.6495, -3.4706, 0.0070 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 46.7747, 48.9659, 130.9242 >, < 72.0207, -132.5421, -127.3624 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 11.2500, 161.1000, 55.1668 >, < -7.1265, -8.1105, 155.2931 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 166.4716, 20.6811, 44.4009 >, < -61.5952, 133.7115, -27.9166 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2145 } } translate < 1.0786, 0.7468, 0.4401 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C28 at 0.7979 -0.0448 0.1105 Eigenvalues 0.0583 0.0790 0.1265 RMS displacements 0.2415 0.2811 0.3556 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 9.4262, 15.6264, 12.6585 >, < -6.8513, 0.0152, -0.0051 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 39.8778, 170.2866, 12.6587 >, < -144.1049, 0.1966, -0.4139 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 9.4263, 15.6269, 202.2579 >, < -6.8509, 0.2611, 0.6051 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 171.8068, 47.5978, 12.6588 >, < 137.2532, -0.4272, -0.2014 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2434 } } translate < -1.1163, 0.8049, 0.4801 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C42 at 0.7948 -0.0133 0.0524 Eigenvalues 0.0630 0.0863 0.1967 RMS displacements 0.2510 0.2937 0.4435 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 8.7006, 8.8918, 14.9643 >, < -6.8353, 0.2460, 4.5388 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 13.6835, 35.2725, 169.9808 >, < -29.7658, -55.3392, 132.4363 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 106.1693, 75.6597, 41.3929 >, < -168.1769, 101.7539, -79.4750 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 99.8069, 109.1099, 20.8133 >, < 184.2720, -45.9227, -43.8836 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3035 } } translate < -1.2867, 1.3701, 0.5200 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O18 at 0.6585 0.2150 0.0463 Eigenvalues 0.0833 0.0860 0.2240 RMS displacements 0.2887 0.2933 0.4733 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 4.7941, 11.8897, 11.4045 >, < -0.1262, -3.0233, 0.3178 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 7.4287, 146.9605, 63.9598 >, < -37.8547, -26.5574, 168.8253 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 10.7858, 67.1851, 140.7500 >, < 36.2777, -58.7009, -168.8236 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 193.6321, 11.8925, 20.3574 >, < 1.3245, 79.2117, 0.6337 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.1177, -0.8426, -0.5256, 0.1773, 0.5386, -0.8237, -0.9771, -0.0038, -0.2128, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3239 } } translate < 0.0939, 2.1332, 0.5435 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C30 at 0.5454 0.1451 0.3519 Eigenvalues 0.0566 0.0725 0.0953 RMS displacements 0.2379 0.2693 0.3086 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 10.8271, 13.8012, 17.3229 >, < -0.5268, 2.7943, 1.0624 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 17.7888, 16.4828, 192.2707 >, < 8.1147, 72.5921, 44.3819 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 14.1603, 197.2184, 19.0457 >, < -49.9787, 7.5869, -34.4895 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 191.9635, 16.1596, 25.5879 >, < 40.8105, -74.5905, -7.7676 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2112 } } translate < 1.8535, -0.5505, 0.6558 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C27 at 0.8600 -0.2749 0.1772 Eigenvalues 0.0536 0.0802 0.0966 RMS displacements 0.2316 0.2831 0.3108 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 12.1678, 12.1295, 17.1737 >, < -0.9504, -5.9715, -2.0066 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 42.9526, 14.3352, 167.7966 >, < 15.5301, -142.1612, -38.4609 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 50.3060, 162.0565, 18.8903 >, < -152.1848, 10.2111, -34.0920 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 133.3353, 50.1257, 49.9189 >, < 134.7538, 120.0071, 68.5397 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2128 } } translate < -1.9076, -0.4573, 0.6732 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C18 at 0.5906 0.0781 0.3286 Eigenvalues 0.0535 0.0656 0.0766 RMS displacements 0.2313 0.2560 0.2768 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 15.9524, 14.0997, 16.9399 >, < -2.1693, 4.3191, 0.8212 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 90.4343, 15.3320, 124.7936 >, < -21.3300, 183.5747, -22.2358 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 68.0987, 100.0693, 65.8284 >, < -136.0797, -96.6632, 130.4811 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 75.6303, 115.0566, 45.5163 >, < 153.0711, -78.2734, -106.6028 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1895 } } translate < 1.2958, -0.5722, 0.6720 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C26 at 0.8137 -0.2182 0.2057 Eigenvalues 0.0477 0.0734 0.0808 RMS displacements 0.2185 0.2708 0.2843 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 16.3221, 14.6108, 16.0172 >, < 3.6119, -6.3510, -5.3902 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 85.6101, 51.3650, 91.2863 >, < 104.5401, -150.7843, -110.5844 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 117.1293, 89.6009, 28.8466 >, < -170.2794, 65.5741, -67.4251 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 32.1633, 90.5141, 114.1598 >, < 72.9631, 72.5082, 167.2292 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1946 } } translate < -1.3596, -0.5098, 0.6786 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O5 at 0.6480 0.0809 0.1223 Eigenvalues 0.0560 0.0605 0.1122 RMS displacements 0.2366 0.2460 0.3349 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 9.2813, 16.3847, 17.6380 >, < -2.0799, -2.7410, -0.2514 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 14.0740, 16.5464, 197.0838 >, < -3.8409, -61.3937, 10.5239 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 12.5323, 198.3724, 18.1276 >, < -50.7272, -0.2178, -19.1297 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 194.2147, 20.1090, 22.3231 >, < 50.4083, 56.1295, 8.1029 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < -0.1612, 0.0296, 0.9865, -0.1323, 0.9899, -0.0513, 0.9780, 0.1388, 0.1557, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2292 } } translate < 0.0032, 1.0940, 0.7916 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O14 at 0.5179 0.2684 0.1334 Eigenvalues 0.0615 0.0995 0.1807 RMS displacements 0.2480 0.3155 0.4251 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 6.9068, 13.6121, 11.3177 >, < 6.4893, 0.8998, 5.1506 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 24.8500, 142.0316, 50.9578 >, < 102.4947, 54.2391, 147.8468 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 21.3042, 42.3882, 160.3563 >, < 47.1981, -91.7452, -125.8266 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 169.9178, 45.0628, 13.5799 >, < -136.7143, 39.3057, -11.7190 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.3106, -0.8309, -0.4616, 0.2737, 0.3869, -0.8806, -0.9103, 0.3998, -0.1072, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2909 } } translate < 1.2898, 1.5898, 0.8606 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O19 at 0.7227 -0.0269 0.0132 Eigenvalues 0.0900 0.1170 0.2485 RMS displacements 0.3000 0.3421 0.4985 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 6.3663, 8.5583, 8.7539 >, < -6.5020, -0.5150, 1.3832 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 64.5634, 125.4370, 24.8277 >, < -171.4505, -61.6852, 88.0708 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 14.3189, 17.2315, 185.8402 >, < -23.1122, 74.5394, -76.9984 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 136.1088, 76.7064, 9.0983 >, < 181.5588, -13.8842, -8.3061 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.5518, -0.7820, -0.2900, -0.2026, 0.2116, -0.9561, -0.8090, -0.5863, 0.0417, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3412 } } translate < -1.2790, 1.6323, 0.9396 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H72B at 0.5924 0.2194 -0.0676 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.2443, 3.0508, 1.0279 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H72C at 0.5361 0.2876 -0.0387 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.3892, 3.0310, 1.0468 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H54B at 0.4286 0.2440 0.3001 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.4065, 0.1672, 1.0072 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H55B at 0.8367 -0.2970 0.0754 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.4460, 0.2842, 1.0166 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C35 at 0.5914 0.1564 0.0362 Eigenvalues 0.0544 0.0828 0.1392 RMS displacements 0.2333 0.2877 0.3731 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.9550, 14.4890, 15.1970 >, < 0.1070, -4.4502, 6.5144 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 12.5788, 88.0527, 120.8881 >, < -36.7793, -48.6635, 182.8666 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 26.9869, 124.3179, 76.5171 >, < 91.5457, -72.7742, -157.6164 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 178.6026, 18.8659, 35.2471 >, < -54.5524, 112.5373, -12.2215 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2554 } } translate < 0.0582, 2.0184, 1.0029 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C19 at 0.6363 0.0117 0.1623 Eigenvalues 0.0425 0.0598 0.0989 RMS displacements 0.2062 0.2445 0.3145 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 11.0192, 15.9724, 23.3831 >, < -4.2211, -2.2298, -1.5495 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 12.0222, 17.1440, 199.9367 >, < -2.0530, -28.8445, -30.3140 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 34.3394, 177.7261, 23.8348 >, < -127.0565, -8.7208, 15.5454 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 177.9352, 39.3331, 25.2532 >, < 120.6674, 33.1055, 11.6697 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2152 } } translate < -0.0160, 0.5515, 0.9450 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O4 at 0.5517 0.1186 0.2062 Eigenvalues 0.0546 0.0787 0.0914 RMS displacements 0.2337 0.2806 0.3023 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 11.3289, 12.6309, 17.9934 >, < 1.5129, -0.1384, -2.6457 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 11.5501, 22.4541, 191.8971 >, < 4.4609, -12.5422, -85.3089 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 51.9466, 152.3516, 27.2145 >, < 152.1799, 38.5677, 69.1423 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 161.4195, 52.7145, 19.1336 >, < -153.6151, -26.3022, 10.8753 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.0347, -0.2311, 0.9723, 0.4629, 0.8585, 0.2206, 0.8857, -0.4577, -0.0772, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2069 } } translate < 0.9548, 0.5321, 0.9615 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O6 at 0.7094 -0.0996 0.1152 Eigenvalues 0.0581 0.0687 0.1341 RMS displacements 0.2410 0.2622 0.3662 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 11.5862, 12.5116, 15.1253 >, < -7.5677, -5.4603, -1.0984 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 79.4079, 43.1908, 101.6677 >, < -98.7974, -158.6850, 101.9560 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 26.2126, 103.4481, 97.2699 >, < -80.5078, 63.8642, -173.9560 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 119.8105, 80.6428, 33.5714 >, < 164.1698, 83.9001, 69.8032 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < -0.6054, 0.4072, 0.6839, -0.2791, 0.6960, -0.6615, 0.7454, 0.5914, 0.3077, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2506 } } translate < -0.9787, 0.5815, 0.9958 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C12 at 0.5921 0.0345 0.2051 Eigenvalues 0.0476 0.0637 0.0794 RMS displacements 0.2182 0.2523 0.2817 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 13.5678, 15.0129, 20.7289 >, < 3.0396, -1.6172, -1.7298 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 17.2235, 20.6688, 192.6721 >, < 12.1338, -51.7598, -64.0995 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 61.4838, 144.2201, 30.1594 >, < 160.4066, 40.8974, 68.0839 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 150.6868, 67.3954, 20.8847 >, < -166.4611, 7.6280, -7.4441 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1928 } } translate < 0.4647, 0.2771, 1.0014 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C16 at 0.6707 -0.0769 0.1598 Eigenvalues 0.0507 0.0670 0.0944 RMS displacements 0.2251 0.2588 0.3072 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 13.2587, 15.0597, 16.9489 >, < -5.3065, -6.2272, 1.7577 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 64.2692, 49.8562, 113.6630 >, < -89.5677, -146.7040, 117.7804 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 17.9369, 132.5435, 82.1107 >, < -52.1941, 28.6921, -173.2332 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 146.5698, 49.9781, 40.3825 >, < 131.1488, 105.5576, 58.9684 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2103 } } translate < -0.5087, 0.2922, 1.0251 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O9 at 0.4453 0.1308 0.3469 Eigenvalues 0.0636 0.1024 0.1093 RMS displacements 0.2522 0.3200 0.3306 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 12.4568, 9.4106, 12.7674 >, < 0.3489, 6.2116, -0.5136 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 100.9620, 9.4310, 110.7778 >, < -2.3383, 192.4848, -3.3413 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 71.6529, 91.1447, 64.3326 >, < 139.4652, -104.2866, -130.3540 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 54.5571, 120.5039, 52.6829 >, < -136.4293, -75.7751, 132.6682 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.6888, -0.0105, 0.7249, 0.5545, 0.6516, -0.5176, -0.4669, 0.7585, 0.4546, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2263 } } translate < 2.1431, -0.5680, 1.1370 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O10 at 0.8083 -0.3525 0.1448 Eigenvalues 0.0516 0.0879 0.1334 RMS displacements 0.2272 0.2965 0.3653 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 13.7882, 10.6937, 13.7552 >, < -3.4228, -11.0127, -0.9748 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 107.1511, 12.5996, 101.3778 >, < -30.1010, -191.9072, 24.8703 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 25.2299, 161.9864, 41.9047 >, < -86.6344, 24.8803, -131.4940 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 97.4539, 49.0600, 86.4863 >, < 109.8898, 145.0014, 104.6740 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < -0.7145, 0.1021, 0.6922, 0.2448, -0.8903, 0.3840, -0.6554, -0.4438, -0.6111, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2500 } } translate < -2.1934, -0.4528, 1.1547 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H55A at 0.8516 -0.4059 0.0811 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.9031, -0.1087, 1.2180 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C72 at 0.5337 0.2249 -0.0549 Eigenvalues 0.0468 0.1329 0.4501 RMS displacements 0.2164 0.3645 0.6709 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 3.3374, 19.5753, 8.1908 >, < 6.3518, -1.7396, 8.3141 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 7.5546, 181.2156, 23.2352 >, < 58.5697, 14.1909, 106.9401 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 27.9273, 28.9810, 168.9282 >, < 36.7680, -127.4778, -69.4510 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 173.4513, 31.2123, 26.4768 >, < -82.6342, 109.8076, -20.8609 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4592 } } translate < 0.0636, 2.9600, 1.2463 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C11 at 0.5798 -0.0317 0.2470 Eigenvalues 0.0376 0.0695 0.0753 RMS displacements 0.1938 0.2636 0.2745 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 14.5533, 14.3657, 25.3746 >, < -0.3517, -7.7830, -0.0270 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 31.0818, 14.3677, 184.4737 >, < -0.7131, -110.3437, 1.0941 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 18.5859, 197.7161, 25.8576 >, < -54.7350, -4.9919, -18.8476 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 181.6973, 18.9061, 42.6763 >, < 54.7446, 99.7695, 17.6995 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1879 } } translate < 0.4698, -0.2718, 1.1468 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C13 at 0.6611 -0.1426 0.2010 Eigenvalues 0.0481 0.0672 0.0820 RMS displacements 0.2193 0.2593 0.2864 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 14.3455, 12.9610, 20.5458 >, < -2.2377, -2.4102, -1.1301 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 19.9655, 13.3422, 196.0151 >, < 0.6898, -65.2162, -17.4883 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 146.3478, 65.3929, 23.4996 >, < -168.6245, 37.0818, -26.0197 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 64.6361, 149.4452, 23.8353 >, < 163.4593, 23.3139, 41.2477 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.1960 } } translate < -0.5160, -0.2490, 1.1588 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C55 at 0.8100 -0.3580 0.0870 Eigenvalues 0.0657 0.1228 0.1683 RMS displacements 0.2563 0.3504 0.4103 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.7307, 8.5958, 12.9770 >, < -3.4136, -6.2508, 3.4069 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 41.7607, 28.5799, 146.0033 >, < -55.5695, -140.8152, 106.5265 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 16.7599, 155.1010, 51.5557 >, < -76.1548, 31.0766, -146.9524 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 159.1992, 35.7692, 30.6535 >, < 124.8971, 97.2370, 47.2397 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2808 } } translate < -2.5272, -0.0073, 1.2664 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C7 at 0.5320 -0.0047 0.2941 Eigenvalues 0.0525 0.0700 0.0870 RMS displacements 0.2291 0.2645 0.2950 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 11.7011, 14.3075, 18.8214 >, < 0.2477, -2.4521, -0.5663 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 16.7111, 15.0379, 196.2940 >, < 4.0735, -62.0885, -23.3365 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 11.7501, 201.3899, 19.6579 >, < 6.2994, -2.0474, 24.4537 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 197.1996, 14.4457, 23.9493 >, < -9.8774, 59.2318, -2.2497 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2019 } } translate < 1.0040, -0.5680, 1.2001 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C17 at 0.7056 -0.2360 0.1986 Eigenvalues 0.0585 0.0811 0.1019 RMS displacements 0.2418 0.2848 0.3192 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 11.1912, 11.7313, 16.3177 >, < -1.9624, -4.2860, -0.8781 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 32.4545, 11.7730, 180.1744 >, < -0.0791, -122.3394, -6.1062 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 52.0380, 156.3592, 20.7717 >, < -155.6841, 22.6904, -51.6392 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 140.1483, 57.5889, 33.9477 >, < 151.8383, 91.0769, 55.9892 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2185 } } translate < -1.0649, -0.5228, 1.2071 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H43B at 0.6942 -0.2827 0.2773 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.7913, -1.3036, 1.2318 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C34 at 0.5711 0.0758 0.0726 Eigenvalues 0.0475 0.0776 0.1125 RMS displacements 0.2179 0.2785 0.3354 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 9.2070, 14.1482, 19.4944 >, < -0.4887, -3.5897, 5.9245 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 13.0411, 42.2378, 168.7620 >, < -21.2444, -51.4359, 135.4293 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 12.0867, 173.5426, 46.5846 >, < 42.3602, -21.2545, -125.4989 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 195.5446, 14.7744, 25.9007 >, < -22.0931, 65.5111, 1.9187 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2296 } } translate < 0.0072, 1.4668, 1.2295 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C54 at 0.3874 0.1907 0.3104 Eigenvalues 0.0856 0.1010 0.1592 RMS displacements 0.2926 0.3179 0.3989 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 9.7018, 7.2391, 10.9165 >, < -1.6072, 1.6273, 3.3084 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 22.4201, 23.9339, 172.0844 >, < 27.5359, 92.1765, 107.0515 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 172.5190, 32.9742, 14.7258 >, < -131.0694, -48.1815, 23.1108 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 26.7229, 159.8286, 37.2812 >, < 100.3192, -40.7405, -123.5455 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2731 } } translate < 2.4032, -0.0906, 1.3030 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C14 at 0.6158 -0.1190 0.2435 Eigenvalues 0.0434 0.0685 0.0880 RMS displacements 0.2084 0.2617 0.2967 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 12.1440, 15.8513, 20.9918 >, < -2.4911, -1.2349, -7.6336 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 12.1466, 55.4955, 160.5803 >, < -3.1249, -0.0457, -156.4136 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 57.5143, 126.4122, 52.7143 >, < -144.1411, -77.1101, 110.8109 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 156.8857, 52.0533, 30.9474 >, < 142.2838, 74.6859, 30.3356 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2031 } } translate < -0.0291, -0.5187, 1.2182 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H38A at 0.5648 -0.1205 0.3442 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.6873, -1.3357, 1.2602 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H73C at 0.2182 0.3580 0.3659 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 3.9908, -0.0201, 1.5126 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O36 at 0.3082 0.2166 0.3857 Eigenvalues 0.0975 0.1699 0.2037 RMS displacements 0.3122 0.4122 0.4514 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 8.7720, 5.2049, 7.0787 >, < -2.0778, 3.7100, -1.2942 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 137.2694, 15.8322, 59.9519 >, < -75.9854, 168.5621, -48.7031 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 65.2872, 5.2589, 146.8813 >, < -5.5732, -174.0648, 4.2034 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 17.2459, 191.5771, 9.5828 >, < 77.4030, 12.9228, 41.9112 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.8181, -0.2353, 0.5248, -0.5365, 0.0166, 0.8438, 0.2072, 0.9718, 0.1126, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3089 } } translate < 3.1994, -0.6200, 1.4444 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O15 at 0.5244 0.1526 -0.0115 Eigenvalues 0.0572 0.1014 0.2490 RMS displacements 0.2392 0.3185 0.4990 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 5.0464, 13.9367, 12.3733 >, < 2.8398, -3.4325, 8.5132 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 5.0465, 122.9819, 88.1036 >, < 2.6584, -3.5836, 190.2607 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 38.9989, 78.9226, 105.8350 >, < 96.7852, -116.0958, -147.3547 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 168.3059, 28.2273, 33.0664 >, < -93.7640, 112.8145, -25.8796 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, -2.0000 > matrix < 0.0006, -0.7682, -0.6402, 0.4201, 0.5812, -0.6970, -0.9075, 0.2685, -0.3231, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3416 } } translate < 0.0411, 2.3803, 1.3913 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H43A at 0.7258 -0.3607 0.2412 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.4094, -1.2601, 1.3585 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H14 at 0.6093 -0.1638 0.2711 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.0367, -0.8832, 1.3106 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H38B at 0.4943 -0.0589 0.3662 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.3103, -1.3233, 1.3703 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C40 at 0.3145 0.2274 0.3389 Eigenvalues 0.0706 0.0959 0.1739 RMS displacements 0.2657 0.3096 0.4170 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 13.4000, 6.3569, 10.5932 >, < 2.1811, 2.3756, 3.2340 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 164.7096, 14.3530, 39.3771 >, < 71.7478, 134.3649, 33.5759 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 49.3678, 16.5105, 156.3004 >, < -36.0394, -142.4107, 80.1611 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 14.9810, 184.1089, 27.7673 >, < -31.3462, 12.7971, -107.2691 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2854 } } translate < 2.9714, -0.2101, 1.4749 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C43 at 0.6816 -0.3120 0.2396 Eigenvalues 0.0600 0.1083 0.1350 RMS displacements 0.2450 0.3291 0.3674 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 9.2316, 9.4596, 14.6135 >, < -0.0938, 0.1039, -7.6889 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 9.2471, 50.5869, 159.0638 >, < -1.6896, 3.0946, -161.8426 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 202.2262, 9.4625, 14.6433 >, < -1.5952, -4.6931, -7.6702 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 9.2484, 161.1282, 57.7783 >, < 3.0973, 1.8062, 154.1351 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2515 } } translate < -1.0597, -1.0970, 1.4299 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H72A at 0.4786 0.2146 -0.0867 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.0607, 3.1746, 1.5699 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H34B at 0.5674 0.0156 0.0523 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.3253, 1.4361, 1.4357 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C38 at 0.5078 -0.0864 0.3323 Eigenvalues 0.0706 0.0780 0.0979 RMS displacements 0.2657 0.2793 0.3129 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 10.4590, 12.5790, 14.1657 >, < -1.5130, -0.1430, -0.0185 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 10.5345, 12.5816, 202.1789 >, < -1.5411, -7.6808, 1.3810 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 28.0490, 184.4087, 14.1834 >, < -111.4672, 0.9714, -3.5017 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 184.5929, 30.4262, 14.2276 >, < 109.9822, 6.4233, 2.0837 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2141 } } translate < 0.9724, -1.1379, 1.4435 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H7 at 0.4697 0.0178 0.2753 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.2262, -0.3531, 1.4483 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H17 at 0.6793 -0.2632 0.1601 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.2780, -0.3050, 1.4608 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H34A at 0.5093 0.0802 0.0829 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.3089, 1.3909, 1.4685 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O28 at 0.2591 0.2803 0.3031 Eigenvalues 0.0912 0.1533 0.2585 RMS displacements 0.3020 0.3916 0.5084 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 8.3331, 5.2713, 7.7490 >, < 3.7617, 3.0694, 4.1549 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 93.2003, 42.2944, 77.1537 >, < 115.8698, 156.5645, 105.5370 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 105.4967, 7.4698, 104.1236 >, < -25.4693, -190.4672, 33.2670 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 20.2278, 163.0368, 36.4789 >, < -82.8769, 40.0414, -130.4944 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < -0.6661, -0.4399, -0.6023, -0.7046, 0.1060, 0.7017, 0.2449, -0.8918, 0.3805, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3480 } } translate < 3.1982, 0.2392, 1.6471 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H54A at 0.3538 0.1554 0.2758 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 2.2060, 0.0695, 1.6022 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C73 at 0.1840 0.3213 0.3326 Eigenvalues 0.0762 0.2450 0.3868 RMS displacements 0.2760 0.4950 0.6219 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 12.5374, 2.7013, 4.5554 >, < -0.0896, 4.4957, 0.8033 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 189.4701, 2.7073, 16.7480 >, < 1.9689, 97.3885, 1.3437 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 24.4717, 18.0370, 175.4622 >, < -27.1465, -85.8290, 103.1942 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 13.3916, 186.9168, 19.1591 >, < 24.9984, -2.5680, -102.9312 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4257 } } translate < 3.7964, 0.1255, 1.8156 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H73A at 0.1451 0.3615 0.3067 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 3.9638, 0.4567, 1.9298 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C63 at 0.7109 -0.3831 0.0523 Eigenvalues 0.0733 0.1420 0.1649 RMS displacements 0.2707 0.3768 0.4060 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 8.3575, 11.9307, 6.4730 >, < -5.7090, -0.1986, 2.1763 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 50.3835, 154.8938, 10.0910 >, < -160.7336, -24.8604, 47.6623 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 128.4050, 34.8843, 58.6865 >, < 99.2770, 158.1441, 71.4146 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 40.1851, 36.3419, 146.4269 >, < 50.0385, -133.6810, -114.7243 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2779 } } translate < -2.4406, 0.1782, 1.8248 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O24 at 0.7156 -0.4043 -0.0007 Eigenvalues 0.0947 0.1787 0.2494 RMS displacements 0.3078 0.4227 0.4994 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 5.5760, 7.0627, 7.5228 >, < -4.3570, -2.5977, 4.0976 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 43.3609, 86.2851, 82.2173 >, < -113.7811, -108.8488, 157.9480 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 39.8181, 50.1656, 126.8407 >, < -81.1927, 125.2412, -139.3310 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 130.2315, 79.9332, 8.2461 >, < 186.2599, -21.5878, -10.4217 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < 0.4440, -0.6429, -0.6242, -0.4173, 0.4682, -0.7789, -0.7930, -0.6063, 0.0604, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3418 } } translate < -2.8219, 0.5354, 1.9550 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H73B at 0.1425 0.2696 0.3432 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 3.8022, -0.1300, 2.1080 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H78B at 0.5738 -0.4189 0.3066 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.7278, -1.9874, 2.0484 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C71 at 0.5802 -0.3594 0.2258 Eigenvalues 0.0937 0.1576 0.2196 RMS displacements 0.3061 0.3970 0.4686 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 6.3524, 6.2496, 8.9685 >, < 0.0763, -0.5540, -5.4559 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 7.0214, 58.9437, 147.1917 >, < 11.9517, -19.7874, -176.1434 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 200.7981, 7.6620, 9.0243 >, < -33.0684, 6.0381, -6.0177 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 7.1436, 148.1519, 63.9794 >, < 21.2693, 12.6414, 171.2493 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3207 } } translate < -0.9430, -1.1499, 2.0167 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H78A at 0.6186 -0.4868 0.2698 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.3587, -1.9049, 2.0932 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C37 at 0.4232 -0.1567 0.3056 Eigenvalues 0.0674 0.1153 0.1322 RMS displacements 0.2596 0.3396 0.3636 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 7.6486, 10.2320, 13.1867 >, < -0.9357, 0.7656, -5.4023 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 8.8145, 59.1057, 150.5725 >, < -16.0326, 26.0774, -169.2871 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 14.5858, 145.3811, 64.6883 >, < -62.1747, -37.0379, 161.4557 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 194.1554, 18.2356, 13.3710 >, < 76.3360, 12.4917, -2.9732 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2489 } } translate < 0.8676, -1.1587, 2.0390 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H65A at 0.4524 -0.2714 0.3565 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.5727, -1.9296, 2.1104 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for O23 at 0.6371 -0.3937 0.0674 Eigenvalues 0.0992 0.1513 0.1744 RMS displacements 0.3150 0.3889 0.4176 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ object { difference { union { object { quadric { < 5.8994, 9.5636, 6.9588 >, < 0.5470, 0.8728, 2.4088 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 7.7901, 173.4545, 33.3593 >, < 35.7534, 15.0031, 133.9656 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 33.1530, 37.7865, 147.1299 >, < -54.9211, 124.4879, -123.3852 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 173.1141, 10.1447, 35.6868 >, < 20.2617, -137.7453, -5.7628 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } box { < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > , < -2.0000, -2.0000, 2.0000 > matrix < -0.0992, -0.9235, -0.3706, -0.3732, 0.3798, -0.8464, -0.9224, -0.0544, 0.3823, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }} texture { Cutout_Texture } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2858 } } translate < -2.1277, 0.0148, 2.1449 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H71B at 0.5352 -0.3131 0.2286 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.5768, -1.0294, 2.0893 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H65B at 0.3886 -0.2033 0.3796 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.2029, -1.9044, 2.1726 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H37A at 0.4378 -0.1870 0.2729 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.5199, -0.9921, 2.1120 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C78 at 0.5686 -0.4441 0.2685 Eigenvalues 0.0708 0.2694 0.3416 RMS displacements 0.2662 0.5190 0.5845 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 3.4392, 6.9579, 10.3591 >, < 0.3679, -1.8446, -10.2294 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 4.6427, 70.4245, 133.8303 >, < 17.8471, -26.2245, -187.2752 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 114.8810, 71.7157, 32.7060 >, < -169.5347, -101.6520, 65.8532 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 89.6133, 74.0340, 56.4403 >, < 152.4234, 124.1873, 100.9633 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4001 } } translate < -1.0099, -1.7638, 2.2046 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H71A at 0.5644 -0.3848 0.1870 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.1892, -0.9224, 2.2207 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H37B at 0.3666 -0.1225 0.2919 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.1419, -0.9469, 2.2230 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C65 at 0.3979 -0.2336 0.3455 Eigenvalues 0.0622 0.1728 0.2197 RMS displacements 0.2493 0.4157 0.4687 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 4.5620, 8.7455, 13.1219 >, < 0.2460, 0.0048, -9.3374 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 4.5677, 62.3333, 145.6967 >, < 1.3547, -1.7392, -177.9126 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 5.9968, 147.5560, 69.3483 >, < 28.4714, 17.9686, 167.3524 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 200.8179, 9.8601, 13.4572 >, < -29.3341, -16.2199, -8.1147 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3208 } } translate < 0.8674, -1.7267, 2.2716 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C81 at 0.6221 -0.4388 -0.0424 Eigenvalues 0.0901 0.2476 0.4105 RMS displacements 0.3002 0.4976 0.6407 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 2.8891, 6.3280, 8.3522 >, < -2.6532, -2.1190, 6.5440 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 10.2792, 73.2231, 125.2315 >, < -47.1218, -60.8985, 183.3902 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 17.5310, 112.9332, 85.3242 >, < -81.6696, 65.0230, -174.6257 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 180.2264, 28.7583, 8.4071 >, < 123.4850, -8.3627, 4.3235 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4385 } } translate < -2.8310, 0.7479, 2.5256 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H81A at 0.6358 -0.4528 -0.0786 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -3.1282, 0.9943, 2.5673 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H81B at 0.5784 -0.3902 -0.0468 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.4979, 0.9331, 2.6001 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H83B at 0.4730 -0.5243 0.3181 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.7093, -2.4288, 2.7340 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H81C at 0.5925 -0.4956 -0.0285 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -2.8727, 0.4518, 2.7734 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H83C at 0.5169 -0.5959 0.2836 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.3390, -2.3763, 2.7873 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C82 at 0.4671 -0.4969 0.2450 Eigenvalues 0.1255 0.3866 0.4627 RMS displacements 0.3543 0.6217 0.6802 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 2.4849, 4.7727, 5.4562 >, < -0.5005, 1.2004, -5.5219 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 4.9110, 88.1243, 113.9712 >, < -28.9414, 33.6517, -195.7313 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 120.3158, 61.7115, 30.3580 >, < 163.3183, 109.5371, 69.7877 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 82.0014, 61.9681, 68.8415 >, < -135.3778, -140.7880, 114.8999 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4656 } } translate < -0.9650, -1.7565, 2.8232 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H77C at 0.3444 -0.4108 0.3743 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.5168, -2.5304, 2.9020 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C83 at 0.4650 -0.5563 0.2820 Eigenvalues 0.2639 0.4509 0.5641 RMS displacements 0.5137 0.6715 0.7511 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 1.9235, 3.1851, 2.6704 >, < 0.2714, 0.3232, -1.6432 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 1.9345, 132.2481, 72.0661 >, < 2.6503, -1.4212, -190.9199 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 69.7085, 48.7614, 89.3499 >, < 111.4360, 153.6278, 124.0635 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 134.4625, 27.6191, 46.1832 >, < -113.5435, -151.5602, 63.5701 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.5141 } } translate < -0.9977, -2.2427, 2.9157 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C70 at 0.3082 -0.2988 0.3199 Eigenvalues 0.0892 0.2253 0.3210 RMS displacements 0.2987 0.4746 0.5666 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 3.5705, 6.9697, 8.2256 >, < 1.6728, -0.0823, -7.0306 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 4.6366, 86.4570, 118.7193 >, < 20.0843, -21.7898, -194.4644 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 64.8223, 79.5906, 72.1721 >, < 135.0619, 125.0871, 129.2611 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 139.9405, 50.1502, 27.8181 >, < -151.8007, -103.4619, 51.1421 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3878 } } translate < 0.8085, -1.7413, 2.8744 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H77B at 0.2820 -0.3418 0.3980 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.1483, -2.5071, 2.9551 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H82A at 0.4161 -0.4549 0.2425 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.6221, -1.6079, 2.9428 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H82B at 0.4620 -0.5267 0.2080 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -1.2594, -1.5565, 2.9884 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H70A at 0.3167 -0.3307 0.2860 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.4711, -1.5713, 2.9801 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for C77 at 0.2899 -0.3739 0.3645 Eigenvalues 0.1185 0.3449 0.5980 RMS displacements 0.3442 0.5873 0.7733 ORTEP ellipsoid style 702 */ object { union { object { quadric { < 1.8672, 5.8406, 5.3031 >, < 1.2045, 0.0432, -5.6528 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_C } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > } object { quadric { < 2.7051, 112.3982, 91.7267 >, < 20.1025, -16.9761, -197.5808 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 28.7762, 78.6192, 104.9748 >, < 89.7122, 103.6206, 164.6877 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } object { quadric { < 174.5115, 22.9222, 16.1633 >, < -107.4057, -86.5581, 21.5876 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Equator_Texture } scale < 0.4126, 0.4126, 0.4126 > } } bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.5293 } } translate < 0.8147, -2.3407, 3.0635 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H70B at 0.2527 -0.2622 0.3092 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 1.1037, -1.5450, 3.0425 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H83A at 0.4036 -0.5954 0.2731 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < -0.9704, -2.3038, 3.2982 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for H77A at 0.2319 -0.4155 0.3488 Eigenvalues 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 RMS displacements 0.1000 0.1001 0.1001 ORTEP ellipsoid style 704 */ object { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, H_Radius } texture { Texture_H } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > translate < 0.7827, -2.3547, 3.4502 > } #if (Bond_Truncate) /* draw bonds with truncation at ellipsoid surface */ object { difference { union { #end /* Bond between H76A at -0.9850 -2.2186 -3.1129 and C76 at -1.0094 -2.2441 -2.7261 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -0.9850, -2.2186, -3.1129 > < -1.0094, -2.2441, -2.7261 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H52A at 0.6804 -2.3936 -3.0704 and C52 at 0.7747 -2.3973 -2.6937 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 0.6804, -2.3936, -3.0704 > < 0.7747, -2.3973, -2.6937 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C76 at -1.0094 -2.2441 -2.7261 and H76B at -1.3426 -2.4179 -2.6285 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -1.0094, -2.2441, -2.7261 > < -1.3426, -2.4179, -2.6285 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C76 at -1.0094 -2.2441 -2.7261 and H76C at -0.7106 -2.4520 -2.5910 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -1.0094, -2.2441, -2.7261 > < -0.7106, -2.4520, -2.5910 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C76 at -1.0094 -2.2441 -2.7261 and C67 at -0.9946 -1.7247 -2.5016 Distance = 1.399 A */ cylinder {< -1.0094, -2.2441, -2.7261 > < -0.9946, -1.7247, -2.5016 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C52 at 0.7747 -2.3973 -2.6937 and H52C at 1.1415 -2.5182 -2.6532 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 0.7747, -2.3973, -2.6937 > < 1.1415, -2.5182, -2.6532 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C52 at 0.7747 -2.3973 -2.6937 and H52B at 0.5372 -2.6381 -2.5031 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 0.7747, -2.3973, -2.6937 > < 0.5372, -2.6381, -2.5031 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C52 at 0.7747 -2.3973 -2.6937 and C53 at 0.7197 -1.8332 -2.4647 Distance = 1.511 A */ cylinder {< 0.7747, -2.3973, -2.6937 > < 0.7197, -1.8332, -2.4647 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H60B at 1.8783 0.9810 -2.6931 and C60 at 2.0595 1.1500 -2.3941 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 1.8783, 0.9810, -2.6931 > < 2.0595, 1.1500, -2.3941 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H53A at 0.9528 -1.5924 -2.6688 and C53 at 0.7197 -1.8332 -2.4647 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.9528, -1.5924, -2.6688 > < 0.7197, -1.8332, -2.4647 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H67A at -1.2957 -1.5181 -2.6453 and C67 at -0.9946 -1.7247 -2.5016 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.2957, -1.5181, -2.6453 > < -0.9946, -1.7247, -2.5016 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H67B at -0.6640 -1.5480 -2.6174 and C67 at -0.9946 -1.7247 -2.5016 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.6640, -1.5480, -2.6174 > < -0.9946, -1.7247, -2.5016 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H79A at -2.0302 1.8030 -2.5186 and C79 at -1.9753 1.7681 -2.1358 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -2.0302, 1.8030, -2.5186 > < -1.9753, 1.7681, -2.1358 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H60A at 2.1939 1.4973 -2.5037 and C60 at 2.0595 1.1500 -2.3941 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 2.1939, 1.4973, -2.5037 > < 2.0595, 1.1500, -2.3941 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H84C at 2.8280 -0.4307 -2.4433 and C84 at 3.0311 -0.6136 -2.1674 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 2.8280, -0.4307, -2.4433 > < 3.0311, -0.6136, -2.1674 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H53B at 0.3500 -1.7127 -2.5174 and C53 at 0.7197 -1.8332 -2.4647 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.3500, -1.7127, -2.5174 > < 0.7197, -1.8332, -2.4647 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C67 at -0.9946 -1.7247 -2.5016 and C69 at -1.0208 -1.7072 -1.8897 Distance = 1.515 A */ cylinder {< -0.9946, -1.7247, -2.5016 > < -1.0208, -1.7072, -1.8897 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C53 at 0.7197 -1.8332 -2.4647 and C41 at 0.8554 -1.7824 -1.8838 Distance = 1.480 A */ cylinder {< 0.7197, -1.8332, -2.4647 > < 0.8554, -1.7824, -1.8838 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C60 at 2.0595 1.1500 -2.3941 and H60C at 2.3558 0.9267 -2.2794 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 2.0595, 1.1500, -2.3941 > < 2.3558, 0.9267, -2.2794 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C60 at 2.0595 1.1500 -2.3941 and O16 at 1.6916 1.2160 -1.9607 Distance = 1.415 A */ cylinder {< 2.0595, 1.1500, -2.3941 > < 1.6916, 1.2160, -1.9607 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H61B at -3.0535 0.4507 -2.3218 and C61 at -3.0435 0.7382 -2.0610 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -3.0535, 0.4507, -2.3218 > < -3.0435, 0.7382, -2.0610 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H84A at 3.0775 -0.9862 -2.2664 and C84 at 3.0311 -0.6136 -2.1674 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 3.0775, -0.9862, -2.2664 > < 3.0311, -0.6136, -2.1674 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C84 at 3.0311 -0.6136 -2.1674 and H84B at 3.3790 -0.4454 -2.1298 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 3.0311, -0.6136, -2.1674 > < 3.3790, -0.4454, -2.1298 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C84 at 3.0311 -0.6136 -2.1674 and O33 at 2.7271 -0.5795 -1.6316 Distance = 1.525 A */ cylinder {< 3.0311, -0.6136, -2.1674 > < 2.7271, -0.5795, -1.6316 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H61C at -2.7500 0.9784 -2.1444 and C61 at -3.0435 0.7382 -2.0610 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -2.7500, 0.9784, -2.1444 > < -3.0435, 0.7382, -2.0610 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H61A at -3.3784 0.9344 -2.0717 and C61 at -3.0435 0.7382 -2.0610 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -3.3784, 0.9344, -2.0717 > < -3.0435, 0.7382, -2.0610 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C79 at -1.9753 1.7681 -2.1358 and H79B at -1.8179 2.0949 -1.9971 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -1.9753, 1.7681, -2.1358 > < -1.8179, 2.0949, -1.9971 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C79 at -1.9753 1.7681 -2.1358 and O20 at -1.6077 1.3085 -2.0283 Distance = 1.479 A */ cylinder {< -1.9753, 1.7681, -2.1358 > < -1.6077, 1.3085, -2.0283 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C79 at -1.9753 1.7681 -2.1358 and H79C at -2.3164 1.7045 -1.9614 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -1.9753, 1.7681, -2.1358 > < -2.3164, 1.7045, -1.9614 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C61 at -3.0435 0.7382 -2.0610 and O22 at -2.9648 0.5106 -1.5184 Distance = 1.467 A */ cylinder {< -3.0435, 0.7382, -2.0610 > < -2.9648, 0.5106, -1.5184 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O20 at -1.6077 1.3085 -2.0283 and C57 at -1.4733 1.1644 -1.5287 Distance = 1.328 A */ cylinder {< -1.6077, 1.3085, -2.0283 > < -1.4733, 1.1644, -1.5287 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O16 at 1.6916 1.2160 -1.9607 and C46 at 1.4540 0.8367 -1.7068 Distance = 1.272 A */ cylinder {< 1.6916, 1.2160, -1.9607 > < 1.4540, 0.8367, -1.7068 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C69 at -1.0208 -1.7072 -1.8897 and H69B at -1.3598 -1.8653 -1.7710 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.0208, -1.7072, -1.8897 > < -1.3598, -1.8653, -1.7710 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C69 at -1.0208 -1.7072 -1.8897 and H69A at -0.7289 -1.9241 -1.7424 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.0208, -1.7072, -1.8897 > < -0.7289, -1.9241, -1.7424 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C69 at -1.0208 -1.7072 -1.8897 and C47 at -0.9776 -1.1359 -1.6695 Distance = 1.517 A */ cylinder {< -1.0208, -1.7072, -1.8897 > < -0.9776, -1.1359, -1.6695 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C41 at 0.8554 -1.7824 -1.8838 and H41A at 1.2234 -1.9075 -1.8295 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.8554, -1.7824, -1.8838 > < 1.2234, -1.9075, -1.8295 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C41 at 0.8554 -1.7824 -1.8838 and H41B at 0.6186 -2.0184 -1.6784 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.8554, -1.7824, -1.8838 > < 0.6186, -2.0184, -1.6784 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C41 at 0.8554 -1.7824 -1.8838 and C39 at 0.8069 -1.2131 -1.6602 Distance = 1.517 A */ cylinder {< 0.8554, -1.7824, -1.8838 > < 0.8069, -1.2131, -1.6602 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O27 at 1.4918 0.3666 -1.8766 and C46 at 1.4540 0.8367 -1.7068 Distance = 1.239 A */ cylinder {< 1.4918, 0.3666, -1.8766 > < 1.4540, 0.8367, -1.7068 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H39A at 1.0333 -0.9733 -1.8728 and C39 at 0.8069 -1.2131 -1.6602 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 1.0333, -0.9733, -1.8728 > < 0.8069, -1.2131, -1.6602 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H47B at -1.2378 -0.9080 -1.8548 and C47 at -0.9776 -1.1359 -1.6695 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.2378, -0.9080, -1.8548 > < -0.9776, -1.1359, -1.6695 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O26 at -2.2066 0.0891 -1.7593 and C49 at -2.5458 0.2019 -1.4108 Distance = 1.234 A */ cylinder {< -2.2066, 0.0891, -1.7593 > < -2.5458, 0.2019, -1.4108 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O34 at 2.8830 0.2737 -1.6466 and C68 at 2.6701 -0.1205 -1.4481 Distance = 1.211 A */ cylinder {< 2.8830, 0.2737, -1.6466 > < 2.6701, -0.1205, -1.4481 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H47A at -0.6193 -0.9962 -1.7474 and C47 at -0.9776 -1.1359 -1.6695 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.6193, -0.9962, -1.7474 > < -0.9776, -1.1359, -1.6695 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H51B at -1.1628 0.4637 -1.7347 and C51 at -1.0606 0.7704 -1.5123 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.1628, 0.4637, -1.7347 > < -1.0606, 0.7704, -1.5123 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O33 at 2.7271 -0.5795 -1.6316 and C68 at 2.6701 -0.1205 -1.4481 Distance = 1.230 A */ cylinder {< 2.7271, -0.5795, -1.6316 > < 2.6701, -0.1205, -1.4481 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C46 at 1.4540 0.8367 -1.7068 and C48 at 1.1053 0.9557 -1.2950 Distance = 1.366 A */ cylinder {< 1.4540, 0.8367, -1.7068 > < 1.1053, 0.9557, -1.2950 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H39B at 0.4356 -1.0925 -1.6992 and C39 at 0.8069 -1.2131 -1.6602 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.4356, -1.0925, -1.6992 > < 0.8069, -1.2131, -1.6602 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C47 at -0.9776 -1.1359 -1.6695 and C33 at -1.0769 -1.1013 -1.0698 Distance = 1.505 A */ cylinder {< -0.9776, -1.1359, -1.6695 > < -1.0769, -1.1013, -1.0698 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C39 at 0.8069 -1.2131 -1.6602 and C29 at 0.9678 -1.1690 -1.0758 Distance = 1.503 A */ cylinder {< 0.8069, -1.2131, -1.6602 > < 0.9678, -1.1690, -1.0758 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H51A at -0.7290 0.9215 -1.6580 and C51 at -1.0606 0.7704 -1.5123 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.7290, 0.9215, -1.6580 > < -1.0606, 0.7704, -1.5123 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O22 at -2.9648 0.5106 -1.5184 and C49 at -2.5458 0.2019 -1.4108 Distance = 1.314 A */ cylinder {< -2.9648, 0.5106, -1.5184 > < -2.5458, 0.2019, -1.4108 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C57 at -1.4733 1.1644 -1.5287 and C51 at -1.0606 0.7704 -1.5123 Distance = 1.411 A */ cylinder {< -1.4733, 1.1644, -1.5287 > < -1.0606, 0.7704, -1.5123 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C57 at -1.4733 1.1644 -1.5287 and O31 at -1.7159 1.3396 -1.1576 Distance = 1.179 A */ cylinder {< -1.4733, 1.1644, -1.5287 > < -1.7159, 1.3396, -1.1576 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C68 at 2.6701 -0.1205 -1.4481 and C44 at 2.4061 -0.0867 -0.9240 Distance = 1.453 A */ cylinder {< 2.6701, -0.1205, -1.4481 > < 2.4061, -0.0867, -0.9240 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C51 at -1.0606 0.7704 -1.5123 and O2 at -0.9710 0.5949 -0.9722 Distance = 1.421 A */ cylinder {< -1.0606, 0.7704, -1.5123 > < -0.9710, 0.5949, -0.9722 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C49 at -2.5458 0.2019 -1.4108 and C62 at -2.5185 0.0434 -0.8489 Distance = 1.445 A */ cylinder {< -2.5458, 0.2019, -1.4108 > < -2.5185, 0.0434, -0.8489 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H48A at 0.7710 1.0864 -1.4537 and C48 at 1.1053 0.9557 -1.2950 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.7710, 1.0864, -1.4537 > < 1.1053, 0.9557, -1.2950 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C48 at 1.1053 0.9557 -1.2950 and H48B at 1.2591 1.2515 -1.0881 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 1.1053, 0.9557, -1.2950 > < 1.2591, 1.2515, -1.0881 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C48 at 1.1053 0.9557 -1.2950 and O1 at 0.9736 0.5323 -0.9278 Distance = 1.423 A */ cylinder {< 1.1053, 0.9557, -1.2950 > < 0.9736, 0.5323, -0.9278 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H75B at -0.1795 3.0278 -1.0669 and C75 at -0.2358 2.9519 -0.6902 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -0.1795, 3.0278, -1.0669 > < -0.2358, 2.9519, -0.6902 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H8 at 1.2299 -0.3887 -1.1232 and C8 at 0.9983 -0.5833 -0.8669 Distance = 0.980 A */ cylinder {< 1.2299, -0.3887, -1.1232 > < 0.9983, -0.5833, -0.8669 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H2 at -1.3043 -0.3152 -1.1034 and C2 at -1.0774 -0.5224 -0.8529 Distance = 0.980 A */ cylinder {< -1.3043, -0.3152, -1.1034 > < -1.0774, -0.5224, -0.8529 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C29 at 0.9678 -1.1690 -1.0758 and H29A at 1.3185 -1.3387 -1.0280 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.9678, -1.1690, -1.0758 > < 1.3185, -1.3387, -1.0280 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C29 at 0.9678 -1.1690 -1.0758 and H29B at 0.7089 -1.3676 -0.8580 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.9678, -1.1690, -1.0758 > < 0.7089, -1.3676, -0.8580 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C29 at 0.9678 -1.1690 -1.0758 and C8 at 0.9983 -0.5833 -0.8669 Distance = 1.539 A */ cylinder {< 0.9678, -1.1690, -1.0758 > < 0.9983, -0.5833, -0.8669 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C33 at -1.0769 -1.1013 -1.0698 and H33B at -1.4229 -1.2675 -0.9887 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.0769, -1.1013, -1.0698 > < -1.4229, -1.2675, -0.9887 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C33 at -1.0769 -1.1013 -1.0698 and H33A at -0.7992 -1.3064 -0.8832 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.0769, -1.1013, -1.0698 > < -0.7992, -1.3064, -0.8832 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C33 at -1.0769 -1.1013 -1.0698 and C2 at -1.0774 -0.5224 -0.8529 Distance = 1.528 A */ cylinder {< -1.0769, -1.1013, -1.0698 > < -1.0774, -0.5224, -0.8529 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O32 at 0.3744 2.1692 -1.0275 and C50 at -0.0159 2.0255 -0.8015 Distance = 1.170 A */ cylinder {< 0.3744, 2.1692, -1.0275 > < -0.0159, 2.0255, -0.8015 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O3 at 0.0176 1.1243 -1.0514 and C3 at -0.0011 0.5702 -0.9527 Distance = 1.392 A */ cylinder {< 0.0176, 1.1243, -1.0514 > < -0.0011, 0.5702, -0.9527 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O3 at 0.0176 1.1243 -1.0514 and C31 at -0.1670 1.4707 -0.6433 Distance = 1.400 A */ cylinder {< 0.0176, 1.1243, -1.0514 > < -0.1670, 1.4707, -0.6433 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C44 at 2.4061 -0.0867 -0.9240 and H44B at 2.1442 0.2054 -0.9288 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 2.4061, -0.0867, -0.9240 > < 2.1442, 0.2054, -0.9288 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C44 at 2.4061 -0.0867 -0.9240 and O8 at 2.1411 -0.5772 -0.7924 Distance = 1.416 A */ cylinder {< 2.4061, -0.0867, -0.9240 > < 2.1411, -0.5772, -0.7924 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C44 at 2.4061 -0.0867 -0.9240 and H44A at 2.6734 -0.0053 -0.6486 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 2.4061, -0.0867, -0.9240 > < 2.6734, -0.0053, -0.6486 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O2 at -0.9710 0.5949 -0.9722 and C5 at -0.4968 0.3049 -0.9331 Distance = 1.378 A */ cylinder {< -0.9710, 0.5949, -0.9722 > < -0.4968, 0.3049, -0.9331 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C3 at -0.0011 0.5702 -0.9527 and C5 at -0.4968 0.3049 -0.9331 Distance = 1.391 A */ cylinder {< -0.0011, 0.5702, -0.9527 > < -0.4968, 0.3049, -0.9331 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C3 at -0.0011 0.5702 -0.9527 and C6 at 0.4760 0.2794 -0.9319 Distance = 1.382 A */ cylinder {< -0.0011, 0.5702, -0.9527 > < 0.4760, 0.2794, -0.9319 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C62 at -2.5185 0.0434 -0.8489 and O7 at -2.1958 -0.4211 -0.7808 Distance = 1.408 A */ cylinder {< -2.5185, 0.0434, -0.8489 > < -2.1958, -0.4211, -0.7808 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C62 at -2.5185 0.0434 -0.8489 and H62B at -2.8806 -0.0291 -0.7163 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -2.5185, 0.0434, -0.8489 > < -2.8806, -0.0291, -0.7163 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C62 at -2.5185 0.0434 -0.8489 and H62A at -2.3687 0.3382 -0.6376 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -2.5185, 0.0434, -0.8489 > < -2.3687, 0.3382, -0.6376 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O1 at 0.9736 0.5323 -0.9278 and C6 at 0.4760 0.2794 -0.9319 Distance = 1.380 A */ cylinder {< 0.9736, 0.5323, -0.9278 > < 0.4760, 0.2794, -0.9319 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C5 at -0.4968 0.3049 -0.9331 and C4 at -0.5306 -0.2485 -0.8617 Distance = 1.382 A */ cylinder {< -0.4968, 0.3049, -0.9331 > < -0.5306, -0.2485, -0.8617 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C6 at 0.4760 0.2794 -0.9319 and C1 at 0.4581 -0.2815 -0.8642 Distance = 1.397 A */ cylinder {< 0.4760, 0.2794, -0.9319 > < 0.4581, -0.2815, -0.8642 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C8 at 0.9983 -0.5833 -0.8669 and C1 at 0.4581 -0.2815 -0.8642 Distance = 1.530 A */ cylinder {< 0.9983, -0.5833, -0.8669 > < 0.4581, -0.2815, -0.8642 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C8 at 0.9983 -0.5833 -0.8669 and C15 at 1.2979 -0.5694 -0.3232 Distance = 1.535 A */ cylinder {< 0.9983, -0.5833, -0.8669 > < 1.2979, -0.5694, -0.3232 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C2 at -1.0774 -0.5224 -0.8529 and C4 at -0.5306 -0.2485 -0.8617 Distance = 1.512 A */ cylinder {< -1.0774, -0.5224, -0.8529 > < -0.5306, -0.2485, -0.8617 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C2 at -1.0774 -0.5224 -0.8529 and C10 at -1.3613 -0.4956 -0.3154 Distance = 1.504 A */ cylinder {< -1.0774, -0.5224, -0.8529 > < -1.3613, -0.4956, -0.3154 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O8 at 2.1411 -0.5772 -0.7924 and C21 at 1.8537 -0.5555 -0.3076 Distance = 1.394 A */ cylinder {< 2.1411, -0.5772, -0.7924 > < 1.8537, -0.5555, -0.3076 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C1 at 0.4581 -0.2815 -0.8642 and C9 at -0.0430 -0.5189 -0.8195 Distance = 1.375 A */ cylinder {< 0.4581, -0.2815, -0.8642 > < -0.0430, -0.5189, -0.8195 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C50 at -0.0159 2.0255 -0.8015 and O25 at -0.3722 2.3689 -0.6211 Distance = 1.302 A */ cylinder {< -0.0159, 2.0255, -0.8015 > < -0.3722, 2.3689, -0.6211 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C50 at -0.0159 2.0255 -0.8015 and C31 at -0.1670 1.4707 -0.6433 Distance = 1.474 A */ cylinder {< -0.0159, 2.0255, -0.8015 > < -0.1670, 1.4707, -0.6433 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C4 at -0.5306 -0.2485 -0.8617 and C9 at -0.0430 -0.5189 -0.8195 Distance = 1.382 A */ cylinder {< -0.5306, -0.2485, -0.8617 > < -0.0430, -0.5189, -0.8195 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O7 at -2.1958 -0.4211 -0.7808 and C22 at -1.9103 -0.4427 -0.3030 Distance = 1.377 A */ cylinder {< -2.1958, -0.4211, -0.7808 > < -1.9103, -0.4427, -0.3030 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C75 at -0.2358 2.9519 -0.6902 and H75A at -0.5280 3.1699 -0.5564 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -0.2358, 2.9519, -0.6902 > < -0.5280, 3.1699, -0.5564 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C75 at -0.2358 2.9519 -0.6902 and O25 at -0.3722 2.3689 -0.6211 Distance = 1.490 A */ cylinder {< -0.2358, 2.9519, -0.6902 > < -0.3722, 2.3689, -0.6211 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C75 at -0.2358 2.9519 -0.6902 and H75C at 0.0880 3.0334 -0.4919 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -0.2358, 2.9519, -0.6902 > < 0.0880, 3.0334, -0.4919 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C9 at -0.0430 -0.5189 -0.8195 and H9 at -0.0547 -0.8896 -0.7560 Distance = 0.930 A */ cylinder {< -0.0430, -0.5189, -0.8195 > < -0.0547, -0.8896, -0.7560 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C31 at -0.1670 1.4707 -0.6433 and H31B at -0.5565 1.4413 -0.6058 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.1670, 1.4707, -0.6433 > < -0.5565, 1.4413, -0.6058 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C31 at -0.1670 1.4707 -0.6433 and H31A at -0.0012 1.3771 -0.3002 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.1670, 1.4707, -0.6433 > < -0.0012, 1.3771, -0.3002 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H80B at -4.5023 -1.1332 -0.2927 and C80 at -4.4149 -1.3018 0.0460 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -4.5023, -1.1332, -0.2927 > < -4.4149, -1.3018, 0.0460 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H58A at 1.4299 2.1797 -0.4655 and C58 at 1.4013 2.0901 -0.0887 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 1.4299, 2.1797, -0.4655 > < 1.4013, 2.0901, -0.0887 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H66A at -1.6101 2.2545 -0.3483 and C66 at -1.5392 2.1649 0.0228 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -1.6101, 2.2545, -0.3483 > < -1.5392, 2.1649, 0.0228 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C21 at 1.8537 -0.5555 -0.3076 and C15 at 1.2979 -0.5694 -0.3232 Distance = 1.375 A */ cylinder {< 1.8537, -0.5555, -0.3076 > < 1.2979, -0.5694, -0.3232 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C21 at 1.8537 -0.5555 -0.3076 and C20 at 2.1318 -0.5444 0.1734 Distance = 1.374 A */ cylinder {< 1.8537, -0.5555, -0.3076 > < 2.1318, -0.5444, 0.1734 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C22 at -1.9103 -0.4427 -0.3030 and C10 at -1.3613 -0.4956 -0.3154 Distance = 1.364 A */ cylinder {< -1.9103, -0.4427, -0.3030 > < -1.3613, -0.4956, -0.3154 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C22 at -1.9103 -0.4427 -0.3030 and C23 at -2.1863 -0.4339 0.1912 Distance = 1.399 A */ cylinder {< -1.9103, -0.4427, -0.3030 > < -2.1863, -0.4339, 0.1912 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C15 at 1.2979 -0.5694 -0.3232 and C24 at 1.0308 -0.5808 0.1748 Distance = 1.397 A */ cylinder {< 1.2979, -0.5694, -0.3232 > < 1.0308, -0.5808, 0.1748 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C10 at -1.3613 -0.4956 -0.3154 and C25 at -1.1001 -0.5358 0.1749 Distance = 1.377 A */ cylinder {< -1.3613, -0.4956, -0.3154 > < -1.1001, -0.5358, 0.1749 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H80A at -4.5482 -1.6665 0.0472 and C80 at -4.4149 -1.3018 0.0460 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -4.5482, -1.6665, 0.0472 > < -4.4149, -1.3018, 0.0460 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H74C at 4.5446 -1.2101 0.0417 and C74 at 4.3950 -1.3601 0.3672 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 4.5446, -1.2101, 0.0417 > < 4.3950, -1.3601, 0.3672 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C80 at -4.4149 -1.3018 0.0460 and O29 at -3.8387 -1.3063 0.1169 Distance = 1.435 A */ cylinder {< -4.4149, -1.3018, 0.0460 > < -3.8387, -1.3063, 0.1169 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C80 at -4.4149 -1.3018 0.0460 and H80C at -4.5795 -1.1028 0.3361 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -4.4149, -1.3018, 0.0460 > < -4.5795, -1.1028, 0.3361 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H45A at 2.8762 -1.2171 -0.0919 and C45 at 2.9581 -0.9928 0.2195 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 2.8762, -1.2171, -0.0919 > < 2.9581, -0.9928, 0.2195 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H64A at -2.8709 -1.1343 -0.0781 and C64 at -3.0163 -0.9031 0.2036 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -2.8709, -1.1343, -0.0781 > < -3.0163, -0.9031, 0.2036 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C58 at 1.4013 2.0901 -0.0887 and O13 at 1.2716 1.5304 -0.0333 Distance = 1.427 A */ cylinder {< 1.4013, 2.0901, -0.0887 > < 1.2716, 1.5304, -0.0333 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C58 at 1.4013 2.0901 -0.0887 and H58B at 1.7396 2.1627 0.0877 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 1.4013, 2.0901, -0.0887 > < 1.7396, 2.1627, 0.0877 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C58 at 1.4013 2.0901 -0.0887 and H58C at 1.1216 2.3046 0.0744 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 1.4013, 2.0901, -0.0887 > < 1.1216, 2.3046, 0.0744 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O29 at -3.8387 -1.3063 0.1169 and C59 at -3.5849 -0.8497 0.1317 Distance = 1.292 A */ cylinder {< -3.8387, -1.3063, 0.1169 > < -3.5849, -0.8497, 0.1317 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O35 at -3.8162 -0.4377 0.1183 and C59 at -3.5849 -0.8497 0.1317 Distance = 1.168 A */ cylinder {< -3.8162, -0.4377, 0.1183 > < -3.5849, -0.8497, 0.1317 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O13 at 1.2716 1.5304 -0.0333 and C36 at 1.2255 1.3326 0.4581 Distance = 1.314 A */ cylinder {< 1.2716, 1.5304, -0.0333 > < 1.2255, 1.3326, 0.4581 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C59 at -3.5849 -0.8497 0.1317 and C64 at -3.0163 -0.9031 0.2036 Distance = 1.423 A */ cylinder {< -3.5849, -0.8497, 0.1317 > < -3.0163, -0.9031, 0.2036 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C66 at -1.5392 2.1649 0.0228 and O17 at -1.3825 1.5941 0.0620 Distance = 1.466 A */ cylinder {< -1.5392, 2.1649, 0.0228 > < -1.3825, 1.5941, 0.0620 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C66 at -1.5392 2.1649 0.0228 and H66B at -1.2510 2.3878 0.1570 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -1.5392, 2.1649, 0.0228 > < -1.2510, 2.3878, 0.1570 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C66 at -1.5392 2.1649 0.0228 and H66C at -1.8592 2.2261 0.2342 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -1.5392, 2.1649, 0.0228 > < -1.8592, 2.2261, 0.2342 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O17 at -1.3825 1.5941 0.0620 and C42 at -1.2867 1.3701 0.5200 Distance = 1.282 A */ cylinder {< -1.3825, 1.5941, 0.0620 > < -1.2867, 1.3701, 0.5200 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O30 at 3.7624 -0.4765 0.2527 and C56 at 3.5531 -0.9120 0.2562 Distance = 1.194 A */ cylinder {< 3.7624, -0.4765, 0.2527 > < 3.5531, -0.9120, 0.2562 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C74 at 4.3950 -1.3601 0.3672 and H74A at 4.5328 -1.7194 0.4194 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 4.3950, -1.3601, 0.3672 > < 4.5328, -1.7194, 0.4194 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C74 at 4.3950 -1.3601 0.3672 and O21 at 3.8060 -1.3795 0.3226 Distance = 1.461 A */ cylinder {< 4.3950, -1.3601, 0.3672 > < 3.8060, -1.3795, 0.3226 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C74 at 4.3950 -1.3601 0.3672 and H74B at 4.4946 -1.1379 0.6697 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 4.3950, -1.3601, 0.3672 > < 4.4946, -1.1379, 0.6697 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C56 at 3.5531 -0.9120 0.2562 and O21 at 3.8060 -1.3795 0.3226 Distance = 1.324 A */ cylinder {< 3.5531, -0.9120, 0.2562 > < 3.8060, -1.3795, 0.3226 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C56 at 3.5531 -0.9120 0.2562 and C45 at 2.9581 -0.9928 0.2195 Distance = 1.487 A */ cylinder {< 3.5531, -0.9120, 0.2562 > < 2.9581, -0.9928, 0.2195 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C64 at -3.0163 -0.9031 0.2036 and O11 at -2.7496 -0.3857 0.1851 Distance = 1.440 A */ cylinder {< -3.0163, -0.9031, 0.2036 > < -2.7496, -0.3857, 0.1851 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C64 at -3.0163 -0.9031 0.2036 and H64B at -2.9446 -1.0740 0.5495 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -3.0163, -0.9031, 0.2036 > < -2.9446, -1.0740, 0.5495 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O12 at 2.6870 -0.5005 0.1719 and C45 at 2.9581 -0.9928 0.2195 Distance = 1.395 A */ cylinder {< 2.6870, -0.5005, 0.1719 > < 2.9581, -0.9928, 0.2195 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O12 at 2.6870 -0.5005 0.1719 and C20 at 2.1318 -0.5444 0.1734 Distance = 1.377 A */ cylinder {< 2.6870, -0.5005, 0.1719 > < 2.1318, -0.5444, 0.1734 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O11 at -2.7496 -0.3857 0.1851 and C23 at -2.1863 -0.4339 0.1912 Distance = 1.398 A */ cylinder {< -2.7496, -0.3857, 0.1851 > < -2.1863, -0.4339, 0.1912 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C45 at 2.9581 -0.9928 0.2195 and H45B at 2.8321 -1.1802 0.5404 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 2.9581, -0.9928, 0.2195 > < 2.8321, -1.1802, 0.5404 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C20 at 2.1318 -0.5444 0.1734 and C30 at 1.8535 -0.5505 0.6558 Distance = 1.377 A */ cylinder {< 2.1318, -0.5444, 0.1734 > < 1.8535, -0.5505, 0.6558 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C23 at -2.1863 -0.4339 0.1912 and C27 at -1.9076 -0.4573 0.6732 Distance = 1.378 A */ cylinder {< -2.1863, -0.4339, 0.1912 > < -1.9076, -0.4573, 0.6732 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C25 at -1.1001 -0.5358 0.1749 and H25 at -0.7270 -0.5833 0.1718 Distance = 0.930 A */ cylinder {< -1.1001, -0.5358, 0.1749 > < -0.7270, -0.5833, 0.1718 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C25 at -1.1001 -0.5358 0.1749 and C26 at -1.3596 -0.5098 0.6786 Distance = 1.402 A */ cylinder {< -1.1001, -0.5358, 0.1749 > < -1.3596, -0.5098, 0.6786 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C24 at 1.0308 -0.5808 0.1748 and H24 at 0.6549 -0.5948 0.1742 Distance = 0.930 A */ cylinder {< 1.0308, -0.5808, 0.1748 > < 0.6549, -0.5948, 0.1742 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C24 at 1.0308 -0.5808 0.1748 and C18 at 1.2958 -0.5722 0.6720 Distance = 1.393 A */ cylinder {< 1.0308, -0.5808, 0.1748 > < 1.2958, -0.5722, 0.6720 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H32A at 0.7680 0.6996 0.2051 and C32 at 1.0786 0.7468 0.4401 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.7680, 0.6996, 0.2051 > < 1.0786, 0.7468, 0.4401 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H28B at -0.8054 0.7806 0.2420 and C28 at -1.1163 0.8049 0.4801 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.8054, 0.7806, 0.2420 > < -1.1163, 0.8049, 0.4801 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H32B at 1.3775 0.5444 0.2861 and C32 at 1.0786 0.7468 0.4401 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 1.3775, 0.5444, 0.2861 > < 1.0786, 0.7468, 0.4401 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H28A at -1.4064 0.5937 0.3214 and C28 at -1.1163 0.8049 0.4801 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.4064, 0.5937, 0.3214 > < -1.1163, 0.8049, 0.4801 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C36 at 1.2255 1.3326 0.4581 and C32 at 1.0786 0.7468 0.4401 Distance = 1.494 A */ cylinder {< 1.2255, 1.3326, 0.4581 > < 1.0786, 0.7468, 0.4401 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C36 at 1.2255 1.3326 0.4581 and O14 at 1.2898 1.5898 0.8606 Distance = 1.192 A */ cylinder {< 1.2255, 1.3326, 0.4581 > < 1.2898, 1.5898, 0.8606 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C32 at 1.0786 0.7468 0.4401 and O4 at 0.9548 0.5321 0.9615 Distance = 1.427 A */ cylinder {< 1.0786, 0.7468, 0.4401 > < 0.9548, 0.5321, 0.9615 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C28 at -1.1163 0.8049 0.4801 and C42 at -1.2867 1.3701 0.5200 Distance = 1.463 A */ cylinder {< -1.1163, 0.8049, 0.4801 > < -1.2867, 1.3701, 0.5200 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C28 at -1.1163 0.8049 0.4801 and O6 at -0.9787 0.5815 0.9958 Distance = 1.430 A */ cylinder {< -1.1163, 0.8049, 0.4801 > < -0.9787, 0.5815, 0.9958 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C42 at -1.2867 1.3701 0.5200 and O19 at -1.2790 1.6323 0.9396 Distance = 1.223 A */ cylinder {< -1.2867, 1.3701, 0.5200 > < -1.2790, 1.6323, 0.9396 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O18 at 0.0939 2.1332 0.5435 and C35 at 0.0582 2.0184 1.0029 Distance = 1.174 A */ cylinder {< 0.0939, 2.1332, 0.5435 > < 0.0582, 2.0184, 1.0029 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C30 at 1.8535 -0.5505 0.6558 and C18 at 1.2958 -0.5722 0.6720 Distance = 1.380 A */ cylinder {< 1.8535, -0.5505, 0.6558 > < 1.2958, -0.5722, 0.6720 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C30 at 1.8535 -0.5505 0.6558 and O9 at 2.1431 -0.5680 1.1370 Distance = 1.389 A */ cylinder {< 1.8535, -0.5505, 0.6558 > < 2.1431, -0.5680, 1.1370 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C27 at -1.9076 -0.4573 0.6732 and C26 at -1.3596 -0.5098 0.6786 Distance = 1.361 A */ cylinder {< -1.9076, -0.4573, 0.6732 > < -1.3596, -0.5098, 0.6786 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C27 at -1.9076 -0.4573 0.6732 and O10 at -2.1934 -0.4528 1.1547 Distance = 1.384 A */ cylinder {< -1.9076, -0.4573, 0.6732 > < -2.1934, -0.4528, 1.1547 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C18 at 1.2958 -0.5722 0.6720 and C7 at 1.0040 -0.5680 1.2001 Distance = 1.491 A */ cylinder {< 1.2958, -0.5722, 0.6720 > < 1.0040, -0.5680, 1.2001 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C26 at -1.3596 -0.5098 0.6786 and C17 at -1.0649 -0.5228 1.2071 Distance = 1.496 A */ cylinder {< -1.3596, -0.5098, 0.6786 > < -1.0649, -0.5228, 1.2071 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O5 at 0.0032 1.0940 0.7916 and C19 at -0.0160 0.5515 0.9450 Distance = 1.395 A */ cylinder {< 0.0032, 1.0940, 0.7916 > < -0.0160, 0.5515, 0.9450 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O5 at 0.0032 1.0940 0.7916 and C34 at 0.0072 1.4668 1.2295 Distance = 1.422 A */ cylinder {< 0.0032, 1.0940, 0.7916 > < 0.0072, 1.4668, 1.2295 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H72B at -0.2443 3.0508 1.0279 and C72 at 0.0636 2.9600 1.2463 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -0.2443, 3.0508, 1.0279 > < 0.0636, 2.9600, 1.2463 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H72C at 0.3892 3.0310 1.0468 and C72 at 0.0636 2.9600 1.2463 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 0.3892, 3.0310, 1.0468 > < 0.0636, 2.9600, 1.2463 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H54B at 2.4065 0.1672 1.0072 and C54 at 2.4032 -0.0906 1.3030 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 2.4065, 0.1672, 1.0072 > < 2.4032, -0.0906, 1.3030 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H55B at -2.4460 0.2842 1.0166 and C55 at -2.5272 -0.0073 1.2664 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -2.4460, 0.2842, 1.0166 > < -2.5272, -0.0073, 1.2664 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C35 at 0.0582 2.0184 1.0029 and C34 at 0.0072 1.4668 1.2295 Distance = 1.480 A */ cylinder {< 0.0582, 2.0184, 1.0029 > < 0.0072, 1.4668, 1.2295 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C35 at 0.0582 2.0184 1.0029 and O15 at 0.0411 2.3803 1.3913 Distance = 1.313 A */ cylinder {< 0.0582, 2.0184, 1.0029 > < 0.0411, 2.3803, 1.3913 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C19 at -0.0160 0.5515 0.9450 and C12 at 0.4647 0.2771 1.0014 Distance = 1.375 A */ cylinder {< -0.0160, 0.5515, 0.9450 > < 0.4647, 0.2771, 1.0014 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C19 at -0.0160 0.5515 0.9450 and C16 at -0.5087 0.2922 1.0251 Distance = 1.390 A */ cylinder {< -0.0160, 0.5515, 0.9450 > < -0.5087, 0.2922, 1.0251 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O4 at 0.9548 0.5321 0.9615 and C12 at 0.4647 0.2771 1.0014 Distance = 1.369 A */ cylinder {< 0.9548, 0.5321, 0.9615 > < 0.4647, 0.2771, 1.0014 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O6 at -0.9787 0.5815 0.9958 and C16 at -0.5087 0.2922 1.0251 Distance = 1.366 A */ cylinder {< -0.9787, 0.5815, 0.9958 > < -0.5087, 0.2922, 1.0251 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C12 at 0.4647 0.2771 1.0014 and C11 at 0.4698 -0.2718 1.1468 Distance = 1.404 A */ cylinder {< 0.4647, 0.2771, 1.0014 > < 0.4698, -0.2718, 1.1468 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C16 at -0.5087 0.2922 1.0251 and C13 at -0.5160 -0.2490 1.1588 Distance = 1.378 A */ cylinder {< -0.5087, 0.2922, 1.0251 > < -0.5160, -0.2490, 1.1588 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O9 at 2.1431 -0.5680 1.1370 and C54 at 2.4032 -0.0906 1.3030 Distance = 1.405 A */ cylinder {< 2.1431, -0.5680, 1.1370 > < 2.4032, -0.0906, 1.3030 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O10 at -2.1934 -0.4528 1.1547 and C55 at -2.5272 -0.0073 1.2664 Distance = 1.404 A */ cylinder {< -2.1934, -0.4528, 1.1547 > < -2.5272, -0.0073, 1.2664 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H55A at -2.9031 -0.1087 1.2180 and C55 at -2.5272 -0.0073 1.2664 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -2.9031, -0.1087, 1.2180 > < -2.5272, -0.0073, 1.2664 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C72 at 0.0636 2.9600 1.2463 and O15 at 0.0411 2.3803 1.3913 Distance = 1.478 A */ cylinder {< 0.0636, 2.9600, 1.2463 > < 0.0411, 2.3803, 1.3913 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C72 at 0.0636 2.9600 1.2463 and H72A at 0.0607 3.1746 1.5699 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 0.0636, 2.9600, 1.2463 > < 0.0607, 3.1746, 1.5699 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C11 at 0.4698 -0.2718 1.1468 and C7 at 1.0040 -0.5680 1.2001 Distance = 1.516 A */ cylinder {< 0.4698, -0.2718, 1.1468 > < 1.0040, -0.5680, 1.2001 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C11 at 0.4698 -0.2718 1.1468 and C14 at -0.0291 -0.5187 1.2182 Distance = 1.387 A */ cylinder {< 0.4698, -0.2718, 1.1468 > < -0.0291, -0.5187, 1.2182 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C13 at -0.5160 -0.2490 1.1588 and C17 at -1.0649 -0.5228 1.2071 Distance = 1.521 A */ cylinder {< -0.5160, -0.2490, 1.1588 > < -1.0649, -0.5228, 1.2071 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C13 at -0.5160 -0.2490 1.1588 and C14 at -0.0291 -0.5187 1.2182 Distance = 1.384 A */ cylinder {< -0.5160, -0.2490, 1.1588 > < -0.0291, -0.5187, 1.2182 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C55 at -2.5272 -0.0073 1.2664 and C63 at -2.4406 0.1782 1.8248 Distance = 1.470 A */ cylinder {< -2.5272, -0.0073, 1.2664 > < -2.4406, 0.1782, 1.8248 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C7 at 1.0040 -0.5680 1.2001 and C38 at 0.9724 -1.1379 1.4435 Distance = 1.534 A */ cylinder {< 1.0040, -0.5680, 1.2001 > < 0.9724, -1.1379, 1.4435 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C7 at 1.0040 -0.5680 1.2001 and H7 at 1.2262 -0.3531 1.4483 Distance = 0.980 A */ cylinder {< 1.0040, -0.5680, 1.2001 > < 1.2262, -0.3531, 1.4483 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C17 at -1.0649 -0.5228 1.2071 and C43 at -1.0597 -1.0970 1.4299 Distance = 1.523 A */ cylinder {< -1.0649, -0.5228, 1.2071 > < -1.0597, -1.0970, 1.4299 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C17 at -1.0649 -0.5228 1.2071 and H17 at -1.2780 -0.3050 1.4608 Distance = 0.980 A */ cylinder {< -1.0649, -0.5228, 1.2071 > < -1.2780, -0.3050, 1.4608 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H43B at -0.7913 -1.3036 1.2318 and C43 at -1.0597 -1.0970 1.4299 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.7913, -1.3036, 1.2318 > < -1.0597, -1.0970, 1.4299 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C34 at 0.0072 1.4668 1.2295 and H34B at -0.3253 1.4361 1.4357 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.0072, 1.4668, 1.2295 > < -0.3253, 1.4361, 1.4357 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C34 at 0.0072 1.4668 1.2295 and H34A at 0.3089 1.3909 1.4685 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.0072, 1.4668, 1.2295 > < 0.3089, 1.3909, 1.4685 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C54 at 2.4032 -0.0906 1.3030 and C40 at 2.9714 -0.2101 1.4749 Distance = 1.497 A */ cylinder {< 2.4032, -0.0906, 1.3030 > < 2.9714, -0.2101, 1.4749 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C54 at 2.4032 -0.0906 1.3030 and H54A at 2.2060 0.0695 1.6022 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 2.4032, -0.0906, 1.3030 > < 2.2060, 0.0695, 1.6022 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C14 at -0.0291 -0.5187 1.2182 and H14 at -0.0367 -0.8832 1.3106 Distance = 0.930 A */ cylinder {< -0.0291, -0.5187, 1.2182 > < -0.0367, -0.8832, 1.3106 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H38A at 0.6873 -1.3357 1.2602 and C38 at 0.9724 -1.1379 1.4435 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.6873, -1.3357, 1.2602 > < 0.9724, -1.1379, 1.4435 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H73C at 3.9908 -0.0201 1.5126 and C73 at 3.7964 0.1255 1.8156 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 3.9908, -0.0201, 1.5126 > < 3.7964, 0.1255, 1.8156 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between O36 at 3.1994 -0.6200 1.4444 and C40 at 2.9714 -0.2101 1.4749 Distance = 1.162 A */ cylinder {< 3.1994, -0.6200, 1.4444 > < 2.9714, -0.2101, 1.4749 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H43A at -1.4094 -1.2601 1.3585 and C43 at -1.0597 -1.0970 1.4299 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.4094, -1.2601, 1.3585 > < -1.0597, -1.0970, 1.4299 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H38B at 1.3103 -1.3233 1.3703 and C38 at 0.9724 -1.1379 1.4435 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 1.3103, -1.3233, 1.3703 > < 0.9724, -1.1379, 1.4435 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C40 at 2.9714 -0.2101 1.4749 and O28 at 3.1982 0.2392 1.6471 Distance = 1.315 A */ cylinder {< 2.9714, -0.2101, 1.4749 > < 3.1982, 0.2392, 1.6471 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C43 at -1.0597 -1.0970 1.4299 and C71 at -0.9430 -1.1499 2.0167 Distance = 1.485 A */ cylinder {< -1.0597, -1.0970, 1.4299 > < -0.9430, -1.1499, 2.0167 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C38 at 0.9724 -1.1379 1.4435 and C37 at 0.8676 -1.1587 2.0390 Distance = 1.496 A */ cylinder {< 0.9724, -1.1379, 1.4435 > < 0.8676, -1.1587, 2.0390 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O28 at 3.1982 0.2392 1.6471 and C73 at 3.7964 0.1255 1.8156 Distance = 1.562 A */ cylinder {< 3.1982, 0.2392, 1.6471 > < 3.7964, 0.1255, 1.8156 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C73 at 3.7964 0.1255 1.8156 and H73A at 3.9638 0.4567 1.9298 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 3.7964, 0.1255, 1.8156 > < 3.9638, 0.4567, 1.9298 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C73 at 3.7964 0.1255 1.8156 and H73B at 3.8022 -0.1300 2.1080 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 3.7964, 0.1255, 1.8156 > < 3.8022, -0.1300, 2.1080 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C63 at -2.4406 0.1782 1.8248 and O24 at -2.8219 0.5354 1.9550 Distance = 1.331 A */ cylinder {< -2.4406, 0.1782, 1.8248 > < -2.8219, 0.5354, 1.9550 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C63 at -2.4406 0.1782 1.8248 and O23 at -2.1277 0.0148 2.1449 Distance = 1.178 A */ cylinder {< -2.4406, 0.1782, 1.8248 > < -2.1277, 0.0148, 2.1449 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O24 at -2.8219 0.5354 1.9550 and C81 at -2.8310 0.7479 2.5256 Distance = 1.505 A */ cylinder {< -2.8219, 0.5354, 1.9550 > < -2.8310, 0.7479, 2.5256 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H78B at -0.7278 -1.9874 2.0484 and C78 at -1.0099 -1.7638 2.2046 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.7278, -1.9874, 2.0484 > < -1.0099, -1.7638, 2.2046 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C71 at -0.9430 -1.1499 2.0167 and H71B at -0.5768 -1.0294 2.0893 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.9430, -1.1499, 2.0167 > < -0.5768, -1.0294, 2.0893 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C71 at -0.9430 -1.1499 2.0167 and C78 at -1.0099 -1.7638 2.2046 Distance = 1.596 A */ cylinder {< -0.9430, -1.1499, 2.0167 > < -1.0099, -1.7638, 2.2046 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C71 at -0.9430 -1.1499 2.0167 and H71A at -1.1892 -0.9224 2.2207 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.9430, -1.1499, 2.0167 > < -1.1892, -0.9224, 2.2207 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H78A at -1.3587 -1.9049 2.0932 and C78 at -1.0099 -1.7638 2.2046 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -1.3587, -1.9049, 2.0932 > < -1.0099, -1.7638, 2.2046 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C37 at 0.8676 -1.1587 2.0390 and H37A at 0.5199 -0.9921 2.1120 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.8676, -1.1587, 2.0390 > < 0.5199, -0.9921, 2.1120 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C37 at 0.8676 -1.1587 2.0390 and H37B at 1.1419 -0.9469 2.2230 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.8676, -1.1587, 2.0390 > < 1.1419, -0.9469, 2.2230 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C37 at 0.8676 -1.1587 2.0390 and C65 at 0.8674 -1.7267 2.2716 Distance = 1.517 A */ cylinder {< 0.8676, -1.1587, 2.0390 > < 0.8674, -1.7267, 2.2716 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between H65A at 0.5727 -1.9296 2.1104 and C65 at 0.8674 -1.7267 2.2716 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.5727, -1.9296, 2.1104 > < 0.8674, -1.7267, 2.2716 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H65B at 1.2029 -1.9044 2.1726 and C65 at 0.8674 -1.7267 2.2716 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 1.2029, -1.9044, 2.1726 > < 0.8674, -1.7267, 2.2716 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C78 at -1.0099 -1.7638 2.2046 and C82 at -0.9650 -1.7565 2.8232 Distance = 1.533 A */ cylinder {< -1.0099, -1.7638, 2.2046 > < -0.9650, -1.7565, 2.8232 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C65 at 0.8674 -1.7267 2.2716 and C70 at 0.8085 -1.7413 2.8744 Distance = 1.498 A */ cylinder {< 0.8674, -1.7267, 2.2716 > < 0.8085, -1.7413, 2.8744 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C81 at -2.8310 0.7479 2.5256 and H81A at -3.1282 0.9943 2.5673 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -2.8310, 0.7479, 2.5256 > < -3.1282, 0.9943, 2.5673 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C81 at -2.8310 0.7479 2.5256 and H81B at -2.4979 0.9331 2.6001 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -2.8310, 0.7479, 2.5256 > < -2.4979, 0.9331, 2.6001 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C81 at -2.8310 0.7479 2.5256 and H81C at -2.8727 0.4518 2.7734 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -2.8310, 0.7479, 2.5256 > < -2.8727, 0.4518, 2.7734 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H83B at -0.7093 -2.4288 2.7340 and C83 at -0.9977 -2.2427 2.9157 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -0.7093, -2.4288, 2.7340 > < -0.9977, -2.2427, 2.9157 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H83C at -1.3390 -2.3763 2.7873 and C83 at -0.9977 -2.2427 2.9157 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -1.3390, -2.3763, 2.7873 > < -0.9977, -2.2427, 2.9157 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C82 at -0.9650 -1.7565 2.8232 and C83 at -0.9977 -2.2427 2.9157 Distance = 1.226 A */ cylinder {< -0.9650, -1.7565, 2.8232 > < -0.9977, -2.2427, 2.9157 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C82 at -0.9650 -1.7565 2.8232 and H82A at -0.6221 -1.6079 2.9428 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.9650, -1.7565, 2.8232 > < -0.6221, -1.6079, 2.9428 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C82 at -0.9650 -1.7565 2.8232 and H82B at -1.2594 -1.5565 2.9884 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< -0.9650, -1.7565, 2.8232 > < -1.2594, -1.5565, 2.9884 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H77C at 0.5168 -2.5304 2.9020 and C77 at 0.8147 -2.3407 3.0635 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 0.5168, -2.5304, 2.9020 > < 0.8147, -2.3407, 3.0635 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C83 at -0.9977 -2.2427 2.9157 and H83A at -0.9704 -2.3038 3.2982 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< -0.9977, -2.2427, 2.9157 > < -0.9704, -2.3038, 3.2982 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C70 at 0.8085 -1.7413 2.8744 and H70A at 0.4711 -1.5713 2.9801 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.8085, -1.7413, 2.8744 > < 0.4711, -1.5713, 2.9801 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C70 at 0.8085 -1.7413 2.8744 and C77 at 0.8147 -2.3407 3.0635 Distance = 1.554 A */ cylinder {< 0.8085, -1.7413, 2.8744 > < 0.8147, -2.3407, 3.0635 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between C70 at 0.8085 -1.7413 2.8744 and H70B at 1.1037 -1.5450 3.0425 Distance = 0.970 A */ cylinder {< 0.8085, -1.7413, 2.8744 > < 1.1037, -1.5450, 3.0425 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between H77B at 1.1483 -2.5071 2.9551 and C77 at 0.8147 -2.3407 3.0635 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 1.1483, -2.5071, 2.9551 > < 0.8147, -2.3407, 3.0635 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } /* Bond between C77 at 0.8147 -2.3407 3.0635 and H77A at 0.7827 -2.3547 3.4502 Distance = 0.960 A */ cylinder {< 0.8147, -2.3407, 3.0635 > < 0.7827, -2.3547, 3.4502 > HBond_Radius texture { HBond_Texture } } #if (Bond_Truncate) /* remove sections of bonds inside cut-out ellipses */ } union { object { quadric { < 8.0579, 7.1719, 6.8221 >, < -6.6621, 3.2072, -4.6991 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3436 } } translate < -1.6077, 1.3085, -2.0283 > } object { quadric { < 9.4273, 10.6975, 8.3521 >, < 1.8690, -6.8377, -7.7227 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3280 } } translate < 1.6916, 1.2160, -1.9607 > } object { quadric { < 4.5417, 7.1360, 9.2683 >, < -0.2651, -5.8897, -1.3234 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3895 } } translate < 1.4918, 0.3666, -1.8766 > } object { quadric { < 5.5619, 6.0800, 8.2914 >, < -2.1283, -0.2561, 0.7377 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3150 } } translate < -2.2066, 0.0891, -1.7593 > } object { quadric { < 6.7685, 4.3818, 6.7935 >, < 2.3992, -3.7140, -3.2225 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3634 } } translate < 2.8830, 0.2737, -1.6466 > } object { quadric { < 3.4673, 5.5073, 8.3566 >, < -0.6361, -6.1658, 4.1813 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.5027 } } translate < 2.7271, -0.5795, -1.6316 > } object { quadric { < 5.7126, 8.1734, 9.2759 >, < -6.5772, 2.5231, 0.4592 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3823 } } translate < -2.9648, 0.5106, -1.5184 > } object { quadric { < 6.2719, 5.7570, 6.3584 >, < -6.5705, 0.5236, 1.6725 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4283 } } translate < -1.7159, 1.3396, -1.1576 > } object { quadric { < 6.4782, 10.3933, 6.1717 >, < 1.6210, -4.8497, -2.2777 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3473 } } translate < 0.3744, 2.1692, -1.0275 > } object { quadric { < 12.5729, 18.3661, 16.1529 >, < -6.6297, -10.4069, 4.8226 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2326 } } translate < 0.0176, 1.1243, -1.0514 > } object { quadric { < 13.3553, 13.8055, 17.6479 >, < -3.5988, -1.4698, -4.9612 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2064 } } translate < -0.9710, 0.5949, -0.9722 > } object { quadric { < 12.5298, 18.1784, 12.5767 >, < 3.6779, -5.0485, -4.1453 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2162 } } translate < 0.9736, 0.5323, -0.9278 > } object { quadric { < 13.5539, 9.2441, 11.6406 >, < -0.3008, -4.7721, -1.1731 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2289 } } translate < 2.1411, -0.5772, -0.7924 > } object { quadric { < 14.4862, 12.0401, 10.2604 >, < -5.9310, 2.6021, 0.1987 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2247 } } translate < -2.1958, -0.4211, -0.7808 > } object { quadric { < 5.4946, 15.4381, 5.0773 >, < -3.0490, -3.8677, -1.8597 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3886 } } translate < -0.3722, 2.3689, -0.6211 > } object { quadric { < 8.6063, 7.8226, 4.9388 >, < 4.7442, -0.8662, -1.7218 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3164 } } translate < -3.8387, -1.3063, 0.1169 > } object { quadric { < 10.1661, 7.5862, 2.4404 >, < -0.6789, 2.0389, -2.4313 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.4766 } } translate < -3.8162, -0.4377, 0.1183 > } object { quadric { < 6.7873, 14.2836, 13.3639 >, < 4.6512, -5.5357, -4.3503 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2915 } } translate < 1.2716, 1.5304, -0.0333 > } object { quadric { < 6.5336, 9.9226, 10.1140 >, < -6.5675, -1.9230, -1.2965 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3300 } } translate < -1.3825, 1.5941, 0.0620 > } object { quadric { < 9.9385, 5.6796, 4.2679 >, < -0.5330, -0.0624, -1.2262 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3407 } } translate < 3.7624, -0.4765, 0.2527 > } object { quadric { < 14.0943, 11.1485, 9.7589 >, < -4.3021, 1.3417, -1.6493 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2240 } } translate < 2.6870, -0.5005, 0.1719 > } object { quadric { < 10.5341, 7.1952, 5.6193 >, < -5.8770, 1.4939, -0.6410 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2944 } } translate < 3.8060, -1.3795, 0.3226 > } object { quadric { < 11.6789, 13.3053, 9.8661 >, < -0.0748, -3.1371, -2.5659 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2323 } } translate < -2.7496, -0.3857, 0.1851 > } object { quadric { < 4.7941, 11.8897, 11.4045 >, < -0.1262, -3.0233, 0.3178 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3239 } } translate < 0.0939, 2.1332, 0.5435 > } object { quadric { < 9.2813, 16.3847, 17.6380 >, < -2.0799, -2.7410, -0.2514 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2292 } } translate < 0.0032, 1.0940, 0.7916 > } object { quadric { < 6.9068, 13.6121, 11.3177 >, < 6.4893, 0.8998, 5.1506 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2909 } } translate < 1.2898, 1.5898, 0.8606 > } object { quadric { < 6.3663, 8.5583, 8.7539 >, < -6.5020, -0.5150, 1.3832 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3412 } } translate < -1.2790, 1.6323, 0.9396 > } object { quadric { < 11.3289, 12.6309, 17.9934 >, < 1.5129, -0.1384, -2.6457 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2069 } } translate < 0.9548, 0.5321, 0.9615 > } object { quadric { < 11.5862, 12.5116, 15.1253 >, < -7.5677, -5.4603, -1.0984 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2506 } } translate < -0.9787, 0.5815, 0.9958 > } object { quadric { < 12.4568, 9.4106, 12.7674 >, < 0.3489, 6.2116, -0.5136 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2263 } } translate < 2.1431, -0.5680, 1.1370 > } object { quadric { < 13.7882, 10.6937, 13.7552 >, < -3.4228, -11.0127, -0.9748 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2500 } } translate < -2.1934, -0.4528, 1.1547 > } object { quadric { < 8.7720, 5.2049, 7.0787 >, < -2.0778, 3.7100, -1.2942 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3089 } } translate < 3.1994, -0.6200, 1.4444 > } object { quadric { < 5.0464, 13.9367, 12.3733 >, < 2.8398, -3.4325, 8.5132 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3416 } } translate < 0.0411, 2.3803, 1.3913 > } object { quadric { < 8.3331, 5.2713, 7.7490 >, < 3.7617, 3.0694, 4.1549 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3480 } } translate < 3.1982, 0.2392, 1.6471 > } object { quadric { < 5.5760, 7.0627, 7.5228 >, < -4.3570, -2.5977, 4.0976 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.3418 } } translate < -2.8219, 0.5354, 1.9550 > } object { quadric { < 5.8994, 9.5636, 6.9588 >, < 0.5470, 0.8728, 2.4088 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } scale < 0.4045, 0.4045, 0.4045 > bounded_by { sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , 0.2858 } } translate < -2.1277, 0.0148, 2.1449 > } } } } #end scale 2.0 rotate < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > translate < 0.0130, 6.0000, 0.0104 > }