#version unofficial MegaPov 0.7; // woodbox.pov // POV-Ray 3.5 scene file by Dan Farmer // Copyright POV-Team, 1995 // Demonstrates some of the woods.inc textures. // Several wooden spheres (and one glass one), in and around // a wooden box. #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "woods.inc" #if(1) global_settings { radiosity { pretrace_start 0.03//0.08*1//5 pretrace_end 0.01//0.04*1//2 count 400 nearest_count 5 error_bound 1.2//1.4 1.8 recursion_limit 3 low_error_factor 0.5 gray_threshold 0.0 minimum_reuse 0.015 brightness 1.0 adc_bailout 0.01/2 } #default {finish {ambient 0}} } #declare lightbulb= cylinder{<-14,0,0>,<14,0,0>,.05 pigment {White} finish { diffuse 0 ambient 100 } } #declare n=0; #while (n<6) object{lightbulb translate <0,4.5,-33 +6*n> } #declare n=n+1; #end #else #default {finish {ambient 0.14}} #declare lightbulb= light_source {<-1.5,0.25,-5>, color rgb 1} //sphere {<-1.5,0.25,0>,.1} //sphere {<-1.5,0.25,0>,.1 pigment {rgbft 0.5} translate <0,-1,0>} object{lightbulb} #end #declare lamp= union{ //object{lightbulb} intersection{ cylinder{<-1.5,2.500,-0.>,<-1.5,0.5,-0.>,2.200 } difference{ cone{<-1.5,1.500,-0.>,0.900,<-1.5,0.00,-0.>,0 } cone{<-1.5,1.500,-0.>,0.900,<-1.5,0.00,-0.>,0 translate <0,.05,0>} } translate <0,-2,0> } //cylinder{<-1.5,0.500,-0.>,<-1.5,0.6,-0.>,1.200 pigment {Brown}} cylinder{<-1.5,0.4300,-0.>,<-1.5,0.6,-0.>,0.2500 translate <0,-2,0> texture{T_Chrome_1B }} cylinder{<-1.5,0.30,0.>,<-1.0,0.30,0>,0.0500 translate <0,-2,0> texture{T_Chrome_1B }} cylinder{<-1.5,1.000,-0.>,<-1.5,-4,-0.>,0.1600 translate <0,-2,0>} cone{<-1.5,-3.2,-0.>,0.1,<-1.5,-3.5,-0.>,1.100 translate <0,-1,0>} cylinder{<-1.5,0.4300,-0.>,<-1.5,0.6,-0.>,0.2500 translate <0,-4.7,0> texture{T_Chrome_1B }} pigment {Brown/3+White/3+Yellow/3} } object {lamp //translate <-2,3.5,2> } #declare mirror= union{ box {<-0.75,3,5.4>,<0.75,0,6> pigment {Silver*0.7} //mirror finish{diffuse 0.2 reflection 0.7} } difference{ box{<-0.80,3.05,5.35>,<0.80,-0.05,6.05>} box{<-0.75,3,0.4>,<0.75,0,60>} pigment {Brown} } translate <1,0,19> } box {<-20.1,4.99,-20.1>,<20.1,5.01,20.1> pigment{White}} //ceiling difference{ box{<-21,-2,-21>,<21,6,121> //note: 5units ought to be 20 ft. } box{<-20,-1,-20>,<20,5,20> //note: 5units ought to be 20 ft. } box{<-5,-2,15>,<5,2,1035>} texture { pigment { crackle solid pigment_map{ [0.5 color rgb < 0.5, 0.6, 1.0 >] [0.5 color rgb < 1, 1, 0.7 >/2+< 0.5, 0.6, 1.0 >/2] } scale 0.2 } } } // =================================================== #declare Tex_1= texture { pigment { color rgb 0.8 } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.6 specular 0.1 } } #declare Tex_2= texture { pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.65, 0.3> } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.6 } } /* camera { location <1, 1.5, -5.3> //if eyeballs 6ft, then 1.5 units //direction <0, 0, 2.25> //right x*1.33 look_at <-0,1.4,78> rotate <0,30,0> angle 40//60 } */ camera { location <.25, 1.5, -5.3> //if eyeballs 6ft, then 1.5 units //direction <0, 0, 2.25> //right x*1.33 look_at <-0,.8,0> rotate <0,0,0> angle 45//60 } box{<-141,-3,-141>,<141,0,141> //plane {y,-1 pigment {White*0.6+Green*0.4} normal {bumps scale 0.1} } #declare xcx=.075; #declare tablepos=<1,-0.6,-2.5>; union{ #declare n=0; #while (n<10) cylinder{<0,0-0.5,0>,<0,0.5,0>,0.05 translate <0.5,0,0> rotate <0,n*36,0> translate tablepos pigment{P_WoodGrain19A scale xcx rotate <90,0,0> scale <1,10,1>} } #declare n=n+1; #end #cylinder {<0,0.5,0>,<0,0.55,0>,0.65 translate tablepos pigment{P_WoodGrain19A scale xcx rotate <90,0,0> scale <1,10,1>} } } #declare Gball = union{ //sphere { 0, 1 } #declare N = 150; //arbitrary 150422; #declare nn = 0; //arbitrary 150422; #declare R = 1/sqrt(N); //also arbitrary #declare Theta = 0; // #declare H = (N-1)/N; //I dunno which of these makes a better pattern. #declare H = 1; //There's a logical argument for either. #while (H >= -1) #declare Phi = degrees(acos(H)); sphere { <0,1,0>, R*2 rotate inverse pigment{color rgb nn/150} finish{reflection 0.2} } #declare H = H - 2/N; #declare Theta = mod (Theta + 137.5077641, 360); #declare nn=nn+1; #end texture {Tex_2 } } //#object {Gball rotate <0,0,0> translate <1,0,10>} #declare Cmultclock=clock*2; //1.15 #declare modclock=mod(Cmultclock,1); #include "thebodyparams08e11.pov" #include "thebody79e.pov" #declare n=0; #while (n<30) object { B translate <0,buttboost(modclock).y,0> translate <0,18,0> scale 0.06 translate <-3+3*mod(n,3),0, 20-0.06*34*Cmultclock-2*n> // } #declare n=n+1; #end