/* Generate and plot a Gaussian Distribution */ #declare Numbarands = 10000; // Generate this number of Gaussianly distributed values #declare Hyte = Numbarands/15; // A scaling value for plotting the results #declare Cell = array[12] // Sorting cells to measure the distribution #declare i = 1; // initialize the cells #while (i<=11 ) #declare Cell[i] = 0; #declare i = i + 1; #end #warning "\n" #declare i =1; // a loop to generate the Gaussian values #while ( i<= Numbarands) #declare sd1 = seed(i*2123); // a seed to generate a uniformly distributed value in the range 0,<0.15,5*Cell[j]/Hyte,0.15> pigment { rgb<1,1,0> } finish {ambient 1 } translate <-j+5,-10,1>} #declare j=j+1; #end camera { location -z*120 up y right x*1.33 look_at 0 angle 15}