Hi All.
    I just saw the Moray for Windows bug report on the Moray Website. In it is a bug report about the X,Y,Z toggles disappearing when pushed. But, the Moray team hasn't been able to reproduce the problem.
    I had this problem appear after upgrading my system. So, I thought I'd post my old and new system details in hopes that it helps find the problem and a fix.
     Cyrix 5x86/133
     36 megs ram
     AceCat graphics tablet on COM1
     Cyrix 6x86mmx/200
     96 megs ram 
     Acecat graphics tablet on COM!
     Logitech Mouseman+(Wheelmouse) on PS/2 port
Anyone else having this problem might want to post their system details so that the Moray team can find a common denominator...:)