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Hi there,
I have a legcy rendering code which is based on povray 3.6. Now I have a bunch
of input data to be used together with one .pov file. In every single rendering
process, one data will be read by a simple program and copyed to, let's say
currentData.txt, and this file will be read as an input data and rendered by
this modified povray program. It works fine if I just want to render every frame
manually. So I wrote a simple code and try to automate the rendering task.
Every time an image is finished rendering, the GUI is closed and re-opened as
expected. But the problem is that I have to press the "run" button to render it
Does anyone know how to avoid this manual intervention and let it render images
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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Command line to make windows povray 3.6 autorun
Date: 13 Apr 2014 13:38:27
Message: <534acb93@news.povray.org>
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> Hi there,
> I have a legcy rendering code which is based on povray 3.6. Now I have a bunch
> of input data to be used together with one .pov file. In every single rendering
> process, one data will be read by a simple program and copyed to, let's say
> currentData.txt, and this file will be read as an input data and rendered by
> this modified povray program. It works fine if I just want to render every frame
> manually. So I wrote a simple code and try to automate the rendering task.
> Every time an image is finished rendering, the GUI is closed and re-opened as
> expected. But the problem is that I have to press the "run" button to render it
> again.
> Does anyone know how to avoid this manual intervention and let it render images
> automatically?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Xiao
Be sure to add /run in your script on the line that invoque POV-Ray.
You should use an INI file instead of calling POV-Ray directly.
That ini file will provide the name of the file to be rendered,
optionaly, the resolution to be used and other options, like the data
Another option is to use the animation feature.
It work great if you can batch create your currentData files before you
start the rendering. You want files named somewhat like this:
Data00001.txt, Data00002.txt, Data00003.txt,...
Next, in your scene, use string manipulation to construct the name
needed for the current frame.
#declare InputFileName= concat("Data", str(frame_number,
Using read and write, the current render can read your data and write
your currentData.txt file for the next frame.
The animation can be initiated from the ini file or using command line
Files based on version 3.6 will render fine with version 3.7 with the
following changes:
The default image format is now PNG
In radiosity scenes, ambient is disabled. Use emission in your finish
instead if you want the texture to glow.
It is recomended to use assumed_gamma 1.
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Alain <kua### [at] videotron ca> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I have a legcy rendering code which is based on povray 3.6. Now I have a bunch
> > of input data to be used together with one .pov file. In every single rendering
> > process, one data will be read by a simple program and copyed to, let's say
> > currentData.txt, and this file will be read as an input data and rendered by
> > this modified povray program. It works fine if I just want to render every frame
> > manually. So I wrote a simple code and try to automate the rendering task.
> >
> > Every time an image is finished rendering, the GUI is closed and re-opened as
> > expected. But the problem is that I have to press the "run" button to render it
> > again.
> >
> > Does anyone know how to avoid this manual intervention and let it render images
> > automatically?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Xiao
> >
> >
> Be sure to add /run in your script on the line that invoque POV-Ray.
> You should use an INI file instead of calling POV-Ray directly.
> That ini file will provide the name of the file to be rendered,
> optionaly, the resolution to be used and other options, like the data
> source.
> Another option is to use the animation feature.
> It work great if you can batch create your currentData files before you
> start the rendering. You want files named somewhat like this:
> Data00001.txt, Data00002.txt, Data00003.txt,...
> Next, in your scene, use string manipulation to construct the name
> needed for the current frame.
> #declare InputFileName= concat("Data", str(frame_number,
> Using read and write, the current render can read your data and write
> your currentData.txt file for the next frame.
> The animation can be initiated from the ini file or using command line
> options.
> Files based on version 3.6 will render fine with version 3.7 with the
> following changes:
> The default image format is now PNG
> In radiosity scenes, ambient is disabled. Use emission in your finish
> instead if you want the texture to glow.
> It is recomended to use assumed_gamma 1.
Hi Alain,
Thanks for the tips. I tried with /run, but it didn't work. Actually, the
modified povray code works fine under mac os x. Since it has some issues when
recompiling on intel cpu, I ported to windows platform.
Here is the command line used for mac os x version which runs as expected:
unix/povray -Itest.pov +W800 +H600 +FN +Linclude &>/dev/null
On windows, I used the following command in the for loop:
povwin.exe -Itest.pov +W800 +H600 +FN +Linclude /render /exit >null
But when even frame is finished, it still waits for me to press the "run" button
to render the next frame again. Can you please correct me?
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> Alain <kua### [at] videotron ca> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I have a legcy rendering code which is based on povray 3.6. Now I have a bunch
>>> of input data to be used together with one .pov file. In every single rendering
>>> process, one data will be read by a simple program and copyed to, let's say
>>> currentData.txt, and this file will be read as an input data and rendered by
>>> this modified povray program. It works fine if I just want to render every frame
>>> manually. So I wrote a simple code and try to automate the rendering task.
>>> Every time an image is finished rendering, the GUI is closed and re-opened as
>>> expected. But the problem is that I have to press the "run" button to render it
>>> again.
>>> Does anyone know how to avoid this manual intervention and let it render images
>>> automatically?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Regards,
>>> Xiao
>> Be sure to add /run in your script on the line that invoque POV-Ray.
>> You should use an INI file instead of calling POV-Ray directly.
>> That ini file will provide the name of the file to be rendered,
>> optionaly, the resolution to be used and other options, like the data
>> source.
>> Another option is to use the animation feature.
>> It work great if you can batch create your currentData files before you
>> start the rendering. You want files named somewhat like this:
>> Data00001.txt, Data00002.txt, Data00003.txt,...
>> Next, in your scene, use string manipulation to construct the name
>> needed for the current frame.
>> #declare InputFileName= concat("Data", str(frame_number,
>> Using read and write, the current render can read your data and write
>> your currentData.txt file for the next frame.
>> The animation can be initiated from the ini file or using command line
>> options.
>> Files based on version 3.6 will render fine with version 3.7 with the
>> following changes:
>> The default image format is now PNG
>> In radiosity scenes, ambient is disabled. Use emission in your finish
>> instead if you want the texture to glow.
>> It is recomended to use assumed_gamma 1.
> Hi Alain,
> Thanks for the tips. I tried with /run, but it didn't work. Actually, the
> modified povray code works fine under mac os x. Since it has some issues when
> recompiling on intel cpu, I ported to windows platform.
> Here is the command line used for mac os x version which runs as expected:
> unix/povray -Itest.pov +W800 +H600 +FN +Linclude &>/dev/null
> On windows, I used the following command in the for loop:
> povwin.exe -Itest.pov +W800 +H600 +FN +Linclude /render /exit >null
> But when even frame is finished, it still waits for me to press the "run" button
> to render the next frame again. Can you please correct me?
Personaly, I prefered to add +fn in the povray.ini file before going to
version 3.7.
If at all possible, use the animation feature. That way, you can render
many frames with only one command. Use the #fopen #fread commands to
read your data, or beter, use #include "FileName" (you can include files
that have any extention as long as they contain valid SDL code), and use
string operation to construct the required files names if you need
different data set per frame.
If your legacy code DON'T support animation, then it's pre version 3.0...
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Alain <kua### [at] videotron ca> wrote:
> Personaly, I prefered to add +fn in the povray.ini file before going to
> version 3.7.
> If at all possible, use the animation feature. That way, you can render
> many frames with only one command. Use the #fopen #fread commands to
> read your data, or beter, use #include "FileName" (you can include files
> that have any extention as long as they contain valid SDL code), and use
> string operation to construct the required files names if you need
> different data set per frame.
> If your legacy code DON'T support animation, then it's pre version 3.0...
> Alain
The code is based on version 3.5/6. As you suggested, I will use its animation
function. As I will render some scenarios with moving rigid bodies/soft bodies
as well, it's kinda a must-use feature in this case.
You helped me a lot.Thanks again.
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