POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : read problem in Win Vista Server Time
22 Dec 2024 12:59:19 EST (-0500)
  read problem in Win Vista (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: melo
Subject: read problem in Win Vista
Date: 15 Feb 2008 21:50:00
Message: <web.47b64f0d36bc6f2192254edf0@news.povray.org>
I have been trying to read from a file containing rotation vectors for joints
involved in a move, however I could not get it working.

I set up a while loop to read all the records in the file,  in the while
loop, POV-RAY reads the first record correctly, however in the second record it
complains about "Expecting a float, string, or a rotation vector, but finding a

I could not see anything different between 1st record it likes and the 2nd it
bumbs on, I even copied the 1st record twice to see if it will read it for the
seond time, it had not.

Again, here is my walk01.txt file:

"R_Hip_Ind",13,<45, 0, 0>
"R_Knee_Ind",14,<5, 0, 0>
"L_Elbow_Ind",10,<2, 0, 0>
"R_Acromioclav_Ind",18,<0, 10, 0>
"L_Acromioclav_Ind",8,<0, -10, 0>
"R_Acromioclav_Ind",18,<-40, 0, 20>
"R_Elbow_Ind",20,<-90, 0, 0>
"R_Ball_Ind",17,<-60, 0, 0>
"HumanoidRoot_Ind",0,<20, 0, 0>

Here is the loop that POV-RAY refuses to  use to read beyond 1st record:

         #fopen PosFile "walk01.txt" read
         #while (defined( PosFile ))
            #read (PosFile, Joint_Name, AVar_Ndx, Rot_Vector )
            #declare AVAR[1][AVar_Ndx] = Rot_Vector * clock;
            #debug concat( Joint_Name, ",", str(AVar_Ndx, 2, 0), ",",
                           vstr( 3, Rot_Vector, ", ", 3, 0), "\n" )
         #fclose PosFile

Any insight would be greatly appreciated, I attempted embedding blank spaces
among the three elements I am trying to read off of the file.  No matter what
combinations I had tried, I could not succeed.  I looked at the file with a hex
code encoder to make sure no funny invisible character was hiding.  Nope it was
not.  Carriage Return character was at the end of each line right after ">"
closing bracet of the Rot_Vector.


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From: Mike Williams
Subject: Re: read problem in Win Vista
Date: 16 Feb 2008 00:32:47
Message: <5Gh1T8I3VntHFwY5@econym.demon.co.uk>
Wasn't it melo who wrote:
>I have been trying to read from a file containing rotation vectors for joints
>involved in a move, however I could not get it working.
>I set up a while loop to read all the records in the file,  in the while
>loop, POV-RAY reads the first record correctly, however in the second record it
>complains about "Expecting a float, string, or a rotation vector, but finding a
>I could not see anything different between 1st record it likes and the 2nd it
>bumbs on, I even copied the 1st record twice to see if it will read it for the
>seond time, it had not.
>Again, here is my walk01.txt file:
>"R_Hip_Ind",13,<45, 0, 0>
>"R_Knee_Ind",14,<5, 0, 0>
>"L_Elbow_Ind",10,<2, 0, 0>
>"R_Acromioclav_Ind",18,<0, 10, 0>
>"L_Acromioclav_Ind",8,<0, -10, 0>
>"R_Acromioclav_Ind",18,<-40, 0, 20>
>"R_Elbow_Ind",20,<-90, 0, 0>
>"R_Ball_Ind",17,<-60, 0, 0>
>"HumanoidRoot_Ind",0,<20, 0, 0>

POVRay doesn't see line breaks as being field separators. You need to 
have commas at the end of each line except the last.

Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: read problem in Win Vista
Date: 16 Feb 2008 20:14:30
Message: <47b78a76@news.povray.org>
Mike Williams nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2008/02/16 00:32:
> Wasn't it melo who wrote:
>> I have been trying to read from a file containing rotation vectors for 
>> joints
>> involved in a move, however I could not get it working.
>> I set up a while loop to read all the records in the file,  in the while
>> loop, POV-RAY reads the first record correctly, however in the second 
>> record it
>> complains about "Expecting a float, string, or a rotation vector, but 
>> finding a
>> instead."
>> I could not see anything different between 1st record it likes and the 
>> 2nd it
>> bumbs on, I even copied the 1st record twice to see if it will read it 
>> for the
>> seond time, it had not.
>> Again, here is my walk01.txt file:
>> "L_Hip_Ind",3,<-40,0,0>
>> "L_Knee_Ind",4,<0,0,0>
>> "L_Ankle_Ind",5,<50,0,0>
>> "R_Hip_Ind",13,<45, 0, 0>
>> "R_Knee_Ind",14,<5, 0, 0>
>> "L_Elbow_Ind",10,<2, 0, 0>
>> "R_Acromioclav_Ind",18,<0, 10, 0>
>> "L_Acromioclav_Ind",8,<0, -10, 0>
>> "R_Acromioclav_Ind",18,<-40, 0, 20>
>> "R_Elbow_Ind",20,<-90, 0, 0>
>> "R_Ball_Ind",17,<-60, 0, 0>
>> "Lower_Back_Ind",2,<-0,0,0>
>> "HumanoidRoot_Ind",0,<20, 0, 0>
> POVRay doesn't see line breaks as being field separators. You need to 
> have commas at the end of each line except the last.
You can even have an extra, and useless, coma after the last item.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of
patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

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From: melo
Subject: Re: read problem in Win Vista
Date: 21 Feb 2008 01:50:00
Message: <web.47bd1e75cc21e5dd587ef5e20@news.povray.org>
Alain <ele### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
Thank you gentlemen, adding commas surely did the trick.  It was one of those
things that had never occurred to me, neither had I noticed it mentioned in the
online documentation.

> Mike Williams nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2008/02/16 00:32:
> > Wasn't it melo who wrote:
> >> I have been trying to read from a file containing rotation vectors for
> >> joints
> >> involved in a move, however I could not get it working.
> >>
> >> I set up a while loop to read all the records in the file,  in the while
> >> loop, POV-RAY reads the first record correctly, however in the second
> >> record it
> >> complains about "Expecting a float, string, or a rotation vector, but
> >> finding a
> >> instead."
> >>
> >> I could not see anything different between 1st record it likes and the
> >> 2nd it
> >> bumbs on, I even copied the 1st record twice to see if it will read it
> >> for the
> >> seond time, it had not.
> >>
> >> Again, here is my walk01.txt file:
> >>
> >> "L_Hip_Ind",3,<-40,0,0>
> >> "L_Knee_Ind",4,<0,0,0>
> >> "L_Ankle_Ind",5,<50,0,0>
> >> "R_Hip_Ind",13,<45, 0, 0>
> >> "R_Knee_Ind",14,<5, 0, 0>
> >> "L_Elbow_Ind",10,<2, 0, 0>
> >> "R_Acromioclav_Ind",18,<0, 10, 0>
> >> "L_Acromioclav_Ind",8,<0, -10, 0>
> >> "R_Acromioclav_Ind",18,<-40, 0, 20>
> >> "R_Elbow_Ind",20,<-90, 0, 0>
> >> "R_Ball_Ind",17,<-60, 0, 0>
> >> "Lower_Back_Ind",2,<-0,0,0>
> >> "HumanoidRoot_Ind",0,<20, 0, 0>
> >
> > POVRay doesn't see line breaks as being field separators. You need to
> > have commas at the end of each line except the last.
> >
> You can even have an extra, and useless, coma after the last item.
> --
> Alain
> -------------------------------------------------
> The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of
> patriots and tyrants.
> Thomas Jefferson

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