POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Link to Povray from external application Server Time
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  Link to Povray from external application (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Philipp
Subject: Link to Povray from external application
Date: 1 Feb 2007 06:35:01
Message: <web.45c1cfebc57f8cc192d2e2040@news.povray.org>

I would like to include rendering possibility in my application using
povray. My app is a scientific imaging tool which would have 3D rendering
as a plus, but it's not its core use.

Is there an official (licensed) way to this in a beautiful manner (API?
The full license of POVray could be shown and accepted by the end user
before using the 3D rendering option. This would also make clear that this
feature is not developped by us (a povray logo could be shown as well).

If this is not available now (it's not as far as I can see), I think this
would be an interesting thing to think about for the pov team.

For now, I see that I can write some files and render them, and reload the
result into my app (this does show the GUI and license etc). Is this OK?

Best regards

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From: Chris Cason
Subject: Re: Link to Povray from external application
Date: 2 Feb 2007 05:24:06
Message: <45c31146$1@news.povray.org>
Philipp wrote:
> I would like to include rendering possibility in my application using
> povray. My app is a scientific imaging tool which would have 3D rendering
> as a plus, but it's not its core use.
> Is there an official (licensed) way to this in a beautiful manner (API?
> CLI?).


Check out the GUIEXT API in the windows source tree (guiext subdir).

-- Chris

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