POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : hangs with latest beta (3.7 beta 18) Server Time
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  hangs with latest beta (3.7 beta 18) (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: LiquidEyes
Subject: hangs with latest beta (3.7 beta 18)
Date: 1 Jan 2007 06:40:00
Message: <web.4598f259433b56946e2081290@news.povray.org>
I'm having problems with the latest beta of PovRay (3.7 beta 18) on 32-bit
Windows, with an Athlon 64 x2 CPU.

I'm using the latest non-beta version (3.6.1) which works fine on its own.
It continues to work okay with cmedit32.dll and povcmax32.dll substituted
for the versions in povwin-3.7.beta.zip. But if I replace pvengine.exe with
either pvengine.exe or pvengine-sse2.exe from the same zip, I experience the
following problems:

PovRay doesn't seem to know when it's finished rendering. It reaches 100%,
but doesn't get as far as the message telling you rendering is complete,
the bmp file is in such-and-such a folder, etc. Sometimes it does work the
first few times, rendering the sample biscuit.pov file at +w320 +h240, but
then if I render at +w800 +h600 I get the problems. Once it's broken,
that's it -- I have to force PovRay to shut down, since it thinks there is
still a render in progress and can't stop it. I have to restart it to get
any rendering done.

Also, manually stopping a render while in progress often doesn't work. The
render does stop, but the application doesn't seem to notice, so the
command line remains greyed out, and the 'stop' button isn't replaced with
the 'run' button, meaning I can't start a new render. Sometimes it notices
eventually ... sometimes it doesn't.

But even then, I usually can't start a new render: nothing useful happens
when I click 'run'. I just get an 'Unknown internal error' report in the
message window. Also, sometimes I'm left with a hanging process using 50%
of the CPU, even though it's supposed to have finished rendering and it's
at 100% completion.

Everything works again if I go back to the v3.6 exe. But then rendering is
half as quick, because only one CPU core gets used. :(

I did not have these problems with beta 17. Seems like a thread-related
issue. Any ideas what's going wrong?

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: hangs with latest beta (3.7 beta 18)
Date: 1 Jan 2007 08:36:45
Message: <45990e6d$1@news.povray.org>
LiquidEyes wrote:
> I'm having problems with the latest beta of PovRay (3.7 beta 18) on 32-bit
> Windows, with an Athlon 64 x2 CPU.

This is the wrong group for this question.  Please post messages regarding
the beta versions of POV-Ray *only* in the beta-test group.

	Thorsten, POV-Team

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