POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : mpi povray -cygwin Server Time
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  mpi povray -cygwin (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Jole
Subject: mpi povray -cygwin
Date: 22 Mar 2006 08:05:00
Message: <web.44214ad873043a146bf6134b0@news.povray.org>

I'm trying to compile mpi-povray under cygwin to work on windows. But with
no success. Does anyone have a mpi povray binary for windows or some extra
information on how to compile it under cygwin?

Thanks a lot in advance!


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From: Warp
Subject: Re: mpi povray -cygwin
Date: 23 Mar 2006 02:31:48
Message: <44224ee4@news.povray.org>
Jole <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> I'm trying to compile mpi-povray under cygwin to work on windows. But with
> no success. Does anyone have a mpi povray binary for windows or some extra
> information on how to compile it under cygwin?

  How about just using pov3.7?

  (Or does MPI distribute among several computers? Neither the mpi-pov
homepage nor the definition of MPI makes it clear...)

                                                          - Warp

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From: Jole
Subject: Re: mpi povray -cygwin
Date: 23 Mar 2006 04:15:00
Message: <web.442265f5947e26b76bf6134b0@news.povray.org>
Warp <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote:
> Jole <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > I'm trying to compile mpi-povray under cygwin to work on windows. But with
> > no success. Does anyone have a mpi povray binary for windows or some extra
> > information on how to compile it under cygwin?
>   How about just using pov3.7?
>   (Or does MPI distribute among several computers? Neither the mpi-pov
> homepage nor the definition of MPI makes it clear...)
> --
>                                                           - Warp

I need mpi-povray 3.6.1 binary to run on windows cluster. Does anyone have
Pov3.7 doesn't support MPI.


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From: Warp
Subject: Re: mpi povray -cygwin
Date: 23 Mar 2006 07:03:51
Message: <44228ea6@news.povray.org>
Jole <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Pov3.7 doesn't support MPI.

  What is MPI? According to wikipedia it's a messaging system. It's quite
vague on whether it's used for SMP or for distributed rendering or both.

                                                          - Warp

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