POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : How to uninstall? Server Time
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  How to uninstall? (Message 31 to 34 of 34)  
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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: How to uninstall?
Date: 6 Jul 2017 00:45:28
Message: <595dc068$1@news.povray.org>
On 7/4/2017 3:08 AM, clipka wrote:
> Am 04.07.2017 um 04:09 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>> On 7/3/2017 3:38 AM, clipka wrote:
>>>> Every other program ever has asked me for privileges during installation
>>>> if needed.
>>> Virtually no installer does that. Most rely on the operating system
>>> asking you for privileges /before/ the installer actually runs.
>> Why not also the POV-Ray installer? Can't it also advertise that it
>> needs elevated privileges?
> It does.

Couldn't it also advertise this to non-admins?


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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: How to uninstall?
Date: 6 Jul 2017 00:50:43
Message: <595dc1a3$1@news.povray.org>
On 7/4/2017 3:08 AM, clipka wrote:
> Am 04.07.2017 um 04:03 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>>>> Further, even if this worked, it would not help when using the File >
>>>> Open command inside POV-Ray.
>>> If you were relying on UAC rather than the outdated (for end users)
>>> approach of using separate accounts, you wouldn't have that problem:
>>> You'd click on the other user's directory, would be prompted with a UAC
>>> dialog, and be perfectly fine.
>> This is a security/privacy issue. User B gets access to all documents
>> belonging to User A, whether they have anything to do with POV-Ray or not.
> If you are an admin of a computer that may be used by multiple users,
> then I agree, admin/user separation makes sense in that case.
> But in that case you also should have enough background knowledge to
> work around the problems that you're presented with when installing
> POV-Ray in such a setting.
> That doesn't mean that the POV-Ray installer is perfect. But it means
> that I think you should be less vocal in your complaining about it.

Well, when trying to figure this out for myself I have gotten mostly 
non-helpful suggestions that don't work in my OS.


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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: How to uninstall?
Date: 6 Jul 2017 01:24:54
Message: <595dc9a6$1@news.povray.org>
On 6/23/2017 6:01 PM, clipka wrote:
> Am 23.06.2017 um 22:51 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>> Next, I tried installing RC1 using my non-admin account, but the
>> installation failed when trying to write to "C:\Program
>> Files\POV-Ray\v3.7\agpl-3.0.txt". After switching to my admin account,
>> the installation completed successfully, but did not copy the Start Menu
>> items and assorted include files to my non-admin accounts. Is there no
>> way to install POV-Ray for all users?
> No, not really. This is a systematic issue with modern Windows (and any
> multi-user system, actually), where technically the user-modifiable
> portions of any given program need to be installed for each user
> individually.
> To my knowledge, running "pvengine.exe /INSTALL" should perform this
> step for the current user.
> Theoretically there would be a way to "advertise" this step during
> installation, i.e. make it known to Windows so that it can automatically
> be executed when a user runs POV-Ray for the first time, but that's
> tricky to do, and might not be possible with the Nullsoft Installer
> System (NSIS) we're using to create the installer.
> The alternative would be to let POV-Ray test whether it is being run by
> the user for the first time, and in that case perform the step
> automatically, but again this needs some time and effort to implement
> cleanly.

Can I write a wiki article on how to properly install POV-Ray? Where in 
the wiki should it go?


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: How to uninstall?
Date: 6 Jul 2017 03:59:35
Message: <595dede7@news.povray.org>
Am 06.07.2017 um 07:25 schrieb Mike Horvath:
> Can I write a wiki article on how to properly install POV-Ray? Where in
> the wiki should it go?

You may want to ask this on the `povray.documentation.inbuilt` newsgroup.

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