POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : --- Server Time
23 Feb 2025 12:22:59 EST (-0500)
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From: Tim Cook
Subject: Re: POV-Ray on Tablet PC
Date: 12 Feb 2005 23:47:43
Message: <420edbef$1@news.povray.org>
Darren New wrote:
> Has anyone else had problems with running POV-Ray on a tablet PC? On 
> mine, sometimes it starts (as in, pvengine.exe is in the task list) but 
> won't display a window, sometimes it finishes the render and closes all 
> the windows but doesn't exit (and hence my batch file doesn't resume on 
> the next line), and so on.
> If you've had this problem, is it better under 3.6?

Don't recall having this problem with POV 3.5 called from Moray 3.5, but 
I have often seen programs (esp. mozilla or acroread) leaving multiple 
or single instances in task manager after closing.

Tim Cook

Version: 3.12
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