POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : GUIEXT Help. Trying to make Enabled status persist. Server Time
24 Feb 2025 00:17:23 EST (-0500)
  GUIEXT Help. Trying to make Enabled status persist. (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Andrew Wilcox
Subject: GUIEXT Help. Trying to make Enabled status persist.
Date: 2 Aug 2002 17:39:29
Message: <3d4afc11@news.povray.org>
I cannot do an (*Instance->Request)(RequestGetVars, &ExternalVars) ; in the
following method. I assume its because POV hasn't fully initialized Instance
yet. I need to know the Instance.HomePath so that I can read my .ini file
and initialize Instance.Enabled correctly.

What do I do?

Is there some place else I can set Enabled after POV has initialized the
DLL?  Or do I just have to know the directory where POV is installed,
without being able to ask POV itself?

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Wilcox

DWORD WINAPI PovGuiExtensionGetPointers (int RecSize, GuiPointerBlock
   InstanceStruct        *Instance ;

... <code omitted>

   // READ THIS FROM AN INI FILE ! it should be persistent.
   Instance->Enabled = TRUE ;

   LoadPrefs(Instance);  // *** I cannot do an
(*Instance->Request)(RequestGetVars, &ExternalVars) ; in here.

   Instance->hInstance = hInstance ;
   // this is really a pointer to our InstanceStruct. don't confuse the term
'Instance' in this context
   // with Microsoft Windows's concept of an 'instance'. they're two
different things.
   PointerBlock->InstanceID = (DWORD) Instance ;
   return(TRUE) ;

#macro Q(A,E,W)box{-A/2,A/2pigment{rgb 9*W}translate E*A+W/1000}#end#macro
M(D,E)#local A=1/pow(3,D);#if(D<3)#local C=D+1;union{M(C,1)M(C,x+y)M(C,x+z)
x-z)M(C,z-y)M(C,x-y-z)M(C,y-x-z)M(C,z-x-y)translate A*E}#else Q(A,E,x)Q(A,E
,y)Q(A,E,z)#end#end union{M(0,0)rotate<45,145,0>translate z*2}//Andrew

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