First off I'd like to say hello to everybody. Now for the questions....
1. Is POV-Raytracer like C++ and Visual Basic in regards to it having it's
"own" programming language?
2. If so how can I learn to "program" POV?
( I can't find any literature on the language itself)
I created a wireframe object using sPatch and previewed it with sPatch's
OpenGL preview renderer. It looked great! Then I exported it into .pov! I
then rendered it with POV and it looked horrible. The OpenGL render was
smooth and was appealing to the eye, but in POV it looked like it was
rendered in 2 bit!!! really blocky like I had a cheap video card. The
OpenGL render looked really smooth and professional. I don't want to give
up on POV just yet because I've seen what others have done with POV and I
was very impressed!!! Please help!!! Also if someone decides to help but
you need more than a posting will allow you could email me if it isn't too
much trouble!! My email address is fre### [at] fuse net!! Any and all
help would greatly be appreciated!!
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