I am a new POV-RAY user and i have alittle problem with difference. :(
(im using ver 3.02 for win95)
If i use difference to cut something and do not give the second object
a pigment, the cut-surface becomes black ? :( in the toturial it
stated that it woud take the color of the first object ??
Even If i use the difference example in the Pov tutorial ... the one
with the blue cylinder and just remove the pigment i get a black
pigment, cut surface.
I kow it's easy to just make the second object the same color as the
first but if i use a wood texture and want it to look is if its cut
out then it wont work cause the textures wont mach up.
pls help me find a way around the problem or tell me where i have made
an error.
g-f### [at] usa net
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