POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Editor keeps reverting my tab setting : Re: Editor keeps reverting my tab setting Server Time
9 Nov 2024 11:20:50 EST (-0500)
  Re: Editor keeps reverting my tab setting  
From: clipka
Date: 10 Aug 2011 16:30:02
Message: <4e42ea4a$1@news.povray.org>
Am 12.07.2011 00:45, schrieb Cousin Ricky:
> Every time I open a file, it sets the tabs at 8 spaces, and I set it to 3.  Then
> the next file I open has the tabs set at 8, and I have to set it back to 3, and
> so on, and so on.
> How do I get it to stay at 3 spaces?
> I've only had this problem since I upgraded to Windows 7.
> Windows edition:
>     Windows 7 Ultimate
> System:
>     Manufacturer: Intel
>     Processor: AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology ML-37
>     System type: 32-bit Operating System
> POV-Ray version:
>     3.6.2.msvc9-sse2.win32

Are you setting the tab size via the "Text"/"Tab Size..." setting?

Try the "Options"/"Editor Window"/"Editor Preferences..." menu instead. 
Here you can set the tab size on a per-file-type base.

Note that this setting does not affect currently open files. Also note 
that POV-Ray remembers the tab size of the most recently used files. You 
can wipe out POV-Ray's corresponding memory by deleting the 
HKCU\Software\POV-Ray\v3.6\POV-Edit\Recent\* registry entries. (Not sure 
if you also need to delete the ...\POV-Edit\Older\* and 
...\POV-Edit\Open\* entries.)

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