POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : GPU : Re: GPU Server Time
8 Dec 2024 11:03:29 EST (-0500)
  Re: GPU  
From: SGeier
Date: 11 May 2011 14:16:39
Message: <4dcad287$1@news.povray.org>
"nemesis" <nam### [at] gmailcom> wrote in message 
> "Tamas Gunda" <gen### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
>> When checking the CPU and graphics card performances, temperatures etc. 
>> while a
>> picture is being rendered I realized that when the render window is 
>> hidden or
>> POVray is minimized, the GPU is still working with full throttle. CPU is 
>> always
>> about 100%, this is OK. But why the GPU, too? I'm not an expert of 
>> hardware so
>> sorry for the question.

The obvious questions in my head would be:

1) How are you measuring GPU utilization (and could that method be misled 
somehow) and
2) What else is running on your computer (i.e. what happens when POV-Ray is 

> Surely some mistake.  Everyone knows povray is a CPU-only math surfaces
> raytracer and GPU is just for games...


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