"Bob H." wrote:

Might be a faulty install file (redownload needed) as Pabs suggests; but just in case, you should check your
system out there in the usual manner, doing a scandisk and defrag.
Ummm... problem there... defrag does not seem to want to work - apparently it stops if there is anything
writing to the disc, and *something* seems to make the disc lite "beep" every 15 secs or so, I have no idea
how to keep this from happening - yes all windows are closed. Is there any way to *determine* what is
talking to the disc?? Nor do I know if this is the problem.

A just aquired copy of Norton Utilities 2001 also does not install - with the SAME error message!
(not looking good now, eh?)

Also, while the windows fix area of the CD runs fine from the CD (wierd isn't it), "Disk Doctor" doesn't
get going since it too stops if there is a write to the disc, and yes there seems to be a write to the disc!!
(you'd think they'd write a utility to tell the user what's doing it...)

Also try Start|Run... SFC  to do a system
What is SFC?? (i presume "system file check") but what is it called, and how is it controlled?

Scandisc runs "regularly" on this computer, since often on shutdown and then a subsequent start, it
seems to think that it wasn't shut down right... the OS was replaced from the CD once after it got
corrupted, early on, (geez, isn't there a way to replace all or part of the OS, like on a Mac without
scrubbing the friggin disc??) [arrrgh!] and it ran the same way before and after...

file check.  The problem could be in your computer as you said.  Memory swapping trouble during install
execution or something.
I just found a great web page for help on the "kernel": http://www.windowstrouble.com/kernel32dll.shtml
I'll check this...


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