I am trying to automatically create an array of splines whose
control points are determined by 3 other splines (hope I'm clear !!).
However, the spline function does not allow me to "redefine"
a spline, e.g. using the same name as a previous one.
So, I had to generate a random name for each new spline, but,
at the last spline initialisation, POV-Ray tells me that "SplineName"
is an undeclared identifier !!!
Help ! Here's the code :
#declare Position = 0;
#while (Position < 1)
//generate a string with random append number
#declare SplineName = concat ("Spline_",str(rand(r1)*1000,0,0))
//display the generated name
#debug SplineName
#debug "\n"
//check if SplineName has been well defined. Output shows no
#ifndef (SplineName)
#debug "string is NOT defined \n"
#debug "string is defined \n"
//defines the new spline. works for every spline, except
//the last of the loop !!
#init_3d_spline {SplineName,natural,
eval_3d_spline ("Spline1",Position),
eval_3d_spline ("Spline2",Position),
eval_3d_spline ("Spline3",Position)
#declare Position = Position + .2;
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