Bruce L <dke### [at] sksympaticoca> wrote...
> But suppose you want to render the same mesh2
> object twice, once using uv coordinates, and the second time not? As
> long as uv_mapping hasn't been declared within the actual mesh2 object,
> you can #declare it twice in the main file, once with uv_mapping and
> once without.
Unfortunately, this is not as easy to implement as it sounds. POV-Ray
transforms textures with the object (for speed reasons). However, if
uv_mapping is used, the textures should not be transformed. That is why you
are supposed to specify uv_mapping before any textures are added to the
object. Exceptions are made for mesh-triangle textures and blob-component
textures, though that should probably be considered a bug.
In the future, this limitation can probably be removed, but the current
implementation is heavily worked into the core of POV, so it would be very
difficult to change it.
> <g> You know how tedious it is commenting out and then later
> un-commenting out 43 occurances of uv_mapping in a 6MB .inc file? Sort
> of comparable to going back and re-exporting the whole thing with the
> proper keywords <g>)
You should either
1) use search-and-replace
2) use POV's #if directive around the uv_mapping and then set a variable
before you #include the file
I hope this helps.
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