Here's an interesting problem. I ran this scene today with a clock starting
at 0.1 and ending at 1 and a total of 10 frames. The scene ran fine through
all ten frames. I then changed the final frame to 150, and the scene crashed
MegaPOV 5.0 after the 11th frame. Then I tried to run it with only 10 frames
and it crashes after 6.
After rebooting, it crashed after 1 completed frame of a 10-frame render!
Very odd
behavior! Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.
#version unofficial MegaPov 0.4;
#include "textures.inc"
#declare R=1.0; file://1.1
camera { location <0, -1, -10> look_at <0, 1, 0> } // angle 40
sky_sphere { pigment {
gradient y
color_map { [0.0 color blue 0.6] [1.0 color rgb 1] }
light_source {<100,200,-100> colour rgb 1}
light_source {<-100,-200,-100> colour rgb 0.5}
plane {<0,1,0>,-5 texture {DMFLightOak}
finish { roughness .0001
} }
#declare F1 = function {u*v*sin(15*v)}
#declare F2 = function {u*v*cos(15*v)}
#declare Rod = union{
parametric {
function F1(1,2,3), v, F2(v,v,v)
accuracy 0.003
precompute 18, [x,y,z]
pigment {rgb 0.9}
finish {phong 0.5 phong_size 10}
scale <.75,5,.75> } }
object {Rod translate <0,-2+(clock * 10),0> }
object {Rod translate <2*clock,-4+(clock * 10),2*clock>}
object {Rod translate <-4*clock,-5+(clock * 10),4*clock>}
object {Rod translate <6*clock,-6+(clock * 10),6*clock> }
object {Rod translate <-8*clock,-7+(clock * 10),8*clock> }
object {Rod translate <10*clock,-8+(clock * 10),10*clock> }
object {Rod translate <-12*clock,-9+(clock * 10),12*clock> }
object {Rod translate <14*clock,-10+(clock * 10),14*clock> }
object {Rod translate <-16*clock,-11+(clock * 10),16*clock> }
object {Rod translate <18*clock,-12+(clock * 10),18*clock> }
object {Rod translate <14*clock,-10+(clock * 10),20*clock> }
object {Rod translate <-12*clock,-9+(clock * 10),22*clock> }
object {Rod translate <10*clock,-8+(clock * 10),24*clock> }
object {Rod translate <-8*clock,-7+(clock * 10),26*clock> }
dhm### [at] mediaonenet
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