I'm glad to see the texture_map/photons bug fixed, but the average "pattern"
seems to have problems still. It doesn't seem to be related to translation.
Here's a scene I made while tracking the texture_map bug. As before,
changing the texture_map to texture{pigment_map} make caustics show up.
#version unofficial MegaPov 0.5;
light_source { 0, 2 translate Lpos }
camera {
location <0, 10 ,-10>
look_at 0
rotate 90*y
max_trace_level 12
count 80000
autostop 0
$Ruby_mat=material {
texture {
pigment {rgb x filter 0.95}
finish {specular .4 roughness .01}
interior { ior 1.06}
$Plan= plane{y,.3 clipped_by {box {-1.4,1.4 }} }
#macro Box(Pattern,Pos)
object {Plan
texture {
#switch (Pattern)
#case (1) pigment {color <120,1,165>/255} #break
#case (2) hexagon #break
#case (3) brick #break
#case (4) checker #break
#case (5) average #break
#case (6) wood #break
#case (7) gradient x #break
#case (8) bozo #break
#case (9) agate #break
#case (10) onion #break
#case (11) granite #break
#case (12) marble #break
#case (13) cells #break
#case (14) cylindrical #break
#case (15) spherical #break
#case (16) waves #break
#if (Pattern <=4 & Pattern !=1)
texture {pigment {color C1} }
texture {pigment {color C1*1.5} }
#if (Pattern=2) texture {pigment {color C1*.4} } #end
#if (Pattern >4)
texture_map {
[.5 pigment {color C1} ]
[.5 pigment {color C1*1.5} ]
scale .5
translate Pos
#while (k<=1)
#while (l<=1)
box {-.5,.5
material {Ruby_mat}
photons { target refraction on}
$Pos=<-5+k*10, 0, -5+10*l>;
translate Pos+(Lpos-Pos)*.04 +y*.3
plane {y,.01 pigment {rgb .2} finish{diffuse .7 specular .3 roughness .1
brilliance 1.2}}
plane {y, 100 pigment {rgb <.2,.2,.7>}}
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Sigmund Kyrre Aas <as### [at] studntnuno> wrote...
> I'm glad to see the texture_map/photons bug fixed, but the average
> seems to have problems still. It doesn't seem to be related to
> Here's a scene I made while tracking the texture_map bug. As before,
> changing the texture_map to texture{pigment_map} make caustics show up.
I have confirmed this bug and have solved it. There was an errant statement
that assigned the color black to all photons that hit a surface with an
average texture. This has been fixed.
I hope to release a bug-fixed MegaPov 0.5a in a few weeks, so you shouldn't
have to wait too long. Thanks for your help.
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