William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> ...
> I found a solution using the new to v3.8 global dictionary. You have to
> code macros with the 'global.' prefix...
> Supposing I have a macro wrapping id_type():
> #macro Mcr_id_type(_id)
> id_type(_id)
> #end
> so I can create IDs on the fly as in:
> #debug concat("float id = ",str(Mcr_id_type(1.2*(1/3)),4,1),"\n")
> I can then grab the Mcr_id_type macro's id type number with:
> #debug concat("macro = ",str(id_type(global.Mcr_id_type),4,1),"\n")
neat. (lucky there's a non-"messy" way :-)) question: does 'id_type()' rely on
any 'povr' branch only features, or could it be implemented as-easily in POV-Ray
too? (and if yes, when?? :-))
regards, jr.
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