POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : jr's large csv and dictionary segfault in the povr fork. : Re: jr's large csv and dictionary segfault in the povr fork. Server Time
4 Oct 2024 04:08:55 EDT (-0400)
  Re: jr's large csv and dictionary segfault in the povr fork.  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 4 Oct 2023 06:50:02
Message: <651d435a$1@news.povray.org>
On 3/26/23 02:46, William F Pokorny wrote:
> A status update.

FWIW. Another status update ahead of some time away.

As I was running test cases ahead of another povr tarball release, I 
started getting a parse error from inside the HF_Torus() macro on a test 
case running cleanly for years.

The failing behavior, and tendency to run cleanly again on most any SDL 
change slowing down the parsing is similar to the issue in this thread.

The new bit I see is an existing, macro local, identifier changing type 
from a 3D vector to a float - while the internal macro loops run. This, 
of course, shouldn't happen and I still don't know why it is.

There's a good deal of expression parsing going on in the loops - 
especially '.' vector element accesses. Most of that parsing being in 
the parser code, but some of it is happening in the VM too due a 
function call. Thinking aloud...

Bill P.

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