I knocked this up while I was waiting for a long render to finish
It estimates how long your render is likely to take based on how it's
gone so far. I call it "eta" on my box.
I'm not sure if I can post an attachment here so I'll just inline it. Hope
somebody might find it useful.
#! /usr/bin/perl
$0 =~ s#.*/##;
if ("@ARGV" =~ /^(\d+):(\d\d):\d\d Rendering line (\d+) of (\d+)/) {
my ($h, $m, $ldone, $tlines) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
my $tdone = $h * 60 + $m;
my $total = $tdone * $tlines / $ldone;
my $remaining = $total - $tdone;
ptime('total', $total);
ptime('remaining', $remaining);
} else {
die "cut'n'paste the current povray status as argument\n",
"i.e. $0 37:13:20 Rendering line 787 of 1440 supersa..\n";
sub ptime {
my ($txt, $mins) = @_;
my $hours = int($mins / 60);
$mins %= 60;
printf("$txt: %d:%02d\n", $hours, $mins);
Bill Hails
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