POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : Povray crashes with segfault when started via cron Server Time
26 Dec 2024 15:23:53 EST (-0500)
  Povray crashes with segfault when started via cron (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Stefan Schleifer
Subject: Povray crashes with segfault when started via cron
Date: 24 Mar 2003 16:31:46
Message: <3e7f7942$1@news.povray.org>

i've got the following problem:

I've set up a few shell-scripts which prepair some .pov-Files regularly and
everything works fine when executing them on bash directly. When i put the
main-shell script everything (creating pov-files, moving something around
...) works perfectly but povray drops out with

./mdf2navi.sh: line 41: 23667 Segmentation fault
     /usr/local/bin/povray -GW -GS -GR -GD -GF 1,1,5.pov

Any hints?


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