Segmentation Fault During Parsing (Message 1 to 3 of 3)
From: Daniel
Subject: Segmentation Fault During Parsing
Date: 1 Aug 2003 12:35:40
Message: <>
Segmentation Fault During Parsing
I am trying to render a polymer that has 250k atoms. I wrote a script
to convert the xyz file into pov code. There are around 1 million
lines. I get a segmentation fault during parsing. Is there a way to
fix this or am I just trying to render to many lines?
Also if anyone has any suggesting on other posible programs that could
animate large xyz files.
I am doing my rendering on a unix cluster.
dual 2.4 mhz 2gigs ram.
Please Email me at: Dan### [at] csumbedu
From: Christoph Hormann
Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault During Parsing
Date: 1 Aug 2003 14:02:13
Message: <>
Daniel wrote:
> > Segmentation Fault During Parsing> > I am trying to render a polymer that has 250k atoms. I wrote a script> to convert the xyz file into pov code. There are around 1 million> lines. I get a segmentation fault during parsing. Is there a way to> fix this or am I just trying to render to many lines?
There is no limitation in POV for the number of lines a scene file can
have (at least not in the order of one million).
> I am doing my rendering on a unix cluster.> dual 2.4 mhz 2gigs ram.
On a cluster - then probably not the official version - in that case the
problem could lie just anywhere.
If you really want support for your problem you should:
- see if it happens with the latest official unmodified version.
- tell what hardware you are using.
- tell what the scene file contains (type of objects and other features
- tell at what size of scene (number of objects) this starts.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more:
Last updated 17 Jun. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
From: Jellby
Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault During Parsing
Date: 1 Aug 2003 14:22:40
Message: <>
Among other things, Daniel wrote:
> Also if anyone has any suggesting on other posible programs that could> animate large xyz files.>
I think this Windows program can:
light_source{9+9*x,1}camera{orthographic look_at(1-y)/4angle 30location
9/4-z*4}light_source{-9*z,1}union{box{.9-z.1+x clipped_by{plane{2+y-4*x