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I need some help about terminals.
For Pyvon, I would like to use a script to start boths Pyvon and a
terminal to which the verbose, errors, stats ( in short all the normal
output) of POV is redirected; with Pyvon taking up 2/3 of the upper
screen and the terminal the 1/3 left.
For the time being, I start konsole (KDE terminal), resize it so that it
takes up about 1/3 (at the bottem ) of the screen, type python pyvon.py
( to start Pyvon), and then resize Pyvon to fill up the rest to the screen.
The best would be a script that test the screen resolution and does the
rest automatically.
Something else :
How do you send a command into a terminal ( like Xterminal ) which is
already created so that the output of the command goes back to Xterminal
? It's the end of the day's work I am not sure my english is clear
enough .............
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On Tue, 23 Jul 2002 18:09:10 +0200, Fabien wrote:
> I need some help about terminals.
> For Pyvon, I would like to use a script to start boths Pyvon and a
> terminal to which the verbose, errors, stats ( in short all the normal
> output) of POV is redirected; with Pyvon taking up 2/3 of the upper
> screen and the terminal the 1/3 left.
> For the time being, I start konsole (KDE terminal), resize it so that it
> takes up about 1/3 (at the bottem ) of the screen, type python pyvon.py
> ( to start Pyvon), and then resize Pyvon to fill up the rest to the screen.
How about something a bit more standard like Xterm rather than something that's
desktop specific.
> The best would be a script that test the screen resolution and does the
> rest automatically.
Maybe the X man page or Xresorces man page would be a good place to start
here, also look at the xterm man page there is the "-geometry" option this
is explained in more detail in the X man page.
> Something else :
> How do you send a command into a terminal ( like Xterminal ) which is
> already created so that the output of the command goes back to Xterminal
> ? It's the end of the day's work I am not sure my english is clear
> enough .............
Open your Xterm like this:
xterm -e tail -f some.file.to.be.read
And start POV something like this:
povray -whatever -option -All_File=some.file.to.be.read
I havn't tested anything here and there are probably better solutions
but it may get you started.
#local i=.1;#local I=(i/i)/i;#local l=(i+i)/i;#local ll=(I/i)/l;box{<-ll,
-((I/I)+l),-ll><ll,-l,ll>pigment{checker scale l}finish{ambient((I/l)/I)+
(l/I)}}sphere{<i-i,l-l,(I/l)>l/l pigment{rgb((I/l)/I)}finish{reflection((
I/l)/I)-(l/I)specular(I/l)/I}}light_source{<I-l,I+I,(I-l)/l>l/l} // Steve
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Steve wrote:
> Open your Xterm like this:
> xterm -e tail -f some.file.to.be.read
> And start POV something like this:
> povray -whatever -option -All_File=some.file.to.be.read
I think this will work only if some.file.to.be.read is a FIFO (otherwise
tail will end because the file is empty).
so first do :
mknod some.file.to.be.read p
and this should work.
Yann Remond (mailto:Yan### [at] imagfr)
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Yann Remond <yan### [at] imagfr> wrote:
> I think this will work only if some.file.to.be.read is a FIFO (otherwise
> tail will end because the file is empty).
Not if you use tail -f
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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> with Pyvon taking up 2/3 of the upper
> screen and the terminal the 1/3 left.
> The best would be a script that test the screen resolution and does the
> rest automatically.
Just a little quick hack in c-shell demonstrating this with
two konsole windows. Cons: this is csh, any other shell would be
for sure much better; it does not take into account the size of
windows decorations and other toolbars; some applications (xterm)
do not resize properly. Pros: none ;o)
set width = `xwininfo -root | grep Width | cut -d: -f2`
set height = `xwininfo -root | grep Height | cut -d: -f2`
set twothird = `echo "scale = 0; $height * 2./3" | bc -l`
set onethird = `echo "scale = 0; $height - $twothird" | bc -l`
konsole -geometry ${width}x${twothird}+0+0 &
konsole -geometry ${width}x${onethird}+0-0 &
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On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:28:24 +0200, Yann Remond wrote:
> I think this will work only if some.file.to.be.read is a FIFO (otherwise
> tail will end because the file is empty).
> so first do :
> mknod some.file.to.be.read p
> and this should work.
You don't need to do this, as my example says use tail -f.
<50,-2,50>pigment{checker/*\__\\__/ * \_\\__*/scale 2}finish{ambient.7}}
light_source/*__\\__\\__\\__\\__\( ~ )\__\\__\\__\\__\\*/{<2,5,1>*4,1}
/*\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\~ -/__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\*//* Steve */
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Steve wrote:
> You don't need to do this, as my example says use tail -f.
Ok, I just miss it !
But the file must exist. So either you launch PoV before xterm or you
use something like "touch some.file.to.be.read".
This works : this time I try before posting stupids tricks :-)
Yann Remond (mailto:Yan### [at] imagfr)
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On Thu, 25 Jul 2002 09:39:54 +0200, Yann Remond wrote:
> Steve wrote:
> (...)
>> You don't need to do this, as my example says use tail -f.
> Ok, I just miss it !
> But the file must exist. So either you launch PoV before xterm or you
> use something like "touch some.file.to.be.read".
> This works : this time I try before posting stupids tricks :-)
> Yann
Yes touching the file every time Pyvon is started is a good idea, it'd
be nice to purge the file after it reaches a certain size too - and keep
previous output and let the file grow to a size specified by the user in
the config file, maybe default to something like 1 Meg. And if the file
is over 1 Meg when render is pressed then use > rather than >> and maybe
even copy the old some.file.to.be.read to a backup file.
#local i=.1;#local I=(i/i)/i;#local l=(i+i)/i;#local ll=(I/i)/l;box{<-ll,
-((I/I)+l),-ll><ll,-l,ll>pigment{checker scale l}finish{ambient((I/l)/I)+
(l/I)}}sphere{<i-i,l-l,(I/l)>l/l pigment{rgb((I/l)/I)}finish{reflection((
I/l)/I)-(l/I)specular(I/l)/I}}light_source{<I-l,I+I,(I-l)/l>l/l} // Steve
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I'll try that one, because Python for once does not seem to fit the bill.
Fabien HENON
Nicolas Calimet wrote:
>> with Pyvon taking up 2/3 of the upper
>> screen and the terminal the 1/3 left.
>> The best would be a script that test the screen resolution and does
>> the rest automatically.
> Just a little quick hack in c-shell demonstrating this with
> two konsole windows. Cons: this is csh, any other shell would be
> for sure much better; it does not take into account the size of
> windows decorations and other toolbars; some applications (xterm)
> do not resize properly. Pros: none ;o)
> #!/bin/csh
> set width = `xwininfo -root | grep Width | cut -d: -f2`
> set height = `xwininfo -root | grep Height | cut -d: -f2`
> set twothird = `echo "scale = 0; $height * 2./3" | bc -l`
> set onethird = `echo "scale = 0; $height - $twothird" | bc -l`
> konsole -geometry ${width}x${twothird}+0+0 &
> konsole -geometry ${width}x${onethird}+0-0 &
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