Compiling MegaPov for linux requires more work than it should. I have
finished a patch which does this work.
There is a link on Nathan Kopp's site http://nathan.kopp.com/patched.htm
to another page which claims to give instructions on how to do this, but
I have never seen this link work, and I believe the page is dead.
Building MegaPov requires a few canges to the source code, all minor,
and a major addition to the makefile. This patch makes those changes.
In order to apply this patch, get povuni_s.tgz from the povray site,
megasrc07.zip from Nathan's site, and my patch from
povray.binaries.programming. Copy all the files to /usr/local/src or
wherever else you feel like. Unpack povuni_s.tgz. It will create a
subdirectory povray31. go to povray31/source, and unzip megasrc.zip
using the following command:
unzip -LL -a ../../megasrc07.zip
This will cause all filenames to be converted to lower case and convert
MS-DOS \r\n into Unix \n line endings. This is important, since Linux
filenames are case sensitive, and GCC chokes on MS-DOS line endings.
When it asks, tell it to replace all files it finds.
goto the povray31 directory and apply the patch as follows:
bunzip2 -c ../megapov07.patch.bz2 | patch -Np1
now go to povray31/source/unix, edit the makefile to match your system,
and run
make newunix
to compile the system.
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Chris Jeppesen wrote:
> Compiling MegaPov for linux requires more work than it should. I have
> finished a patch which does this work.
> There is a link on Nathan Kopp's site http://nathan.kopp.com/patched.htm
> to another page which claims to give instructions on how to do this, but
> I have never seen this link work, and I believe the page is dead.
There are several megapov derived versions ready to compile with Linux,
for example Megapov plus:
and my own Megapov MCP:
mirror: http://www-public.tu-bs.de:8080/~y0013390/povcyg/index.html
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmxde>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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