Hi there!
I'm new to Slackware and for me building things from source is some kind
of revival - I used to build almost any kind of software since mid 90's.
So I'm not /that/ new to reading tons of docs, READMEs and whatever
comes in my way.
But I need some help with building pov
unix/install.txt tells me to run the usual configure and make commands.
But where is that configure script for povray?
PS: unix/install.txt:
Compiling and installing POV-Ray from sources is achieved by running the
usual 'configure' and 'make' commands. For a system-wide installation:
./configure COMPILED_BY="name <email@address or website>" [options]
make check
sudo make install
The COMPILED_BY argument to 'configure' is mandatory and must be filled
with your name and/or organization so that the generated binary can be
differentiated from official POV-Ray builds.
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