Hi everyone,
I have a source code with three quadrics that behave strangely: when I put
only two of the three quadrics, everything looks like it should, but when I
render with the three of them, one is strangely clipped off.
Here is the code:
// --- code begin --- //
#declare Tex = texture {
pigment {rgbt <.6,.6,.6,.8>}
finish {ambient .3 diffuse .7}
#declare nappe0 = quadric
{<2,-1,2><0,0,0><0,0,0> 0
texture {Tex}
#declare nappe1 = quadric
{<2,-1,2><0,0,0><0,0,0> 3
texture {Tex}
#declare nappe2 = quadric
{<2,-1,2><0,0,0><0,0,0> 0-3
clipped_by{box {<10,1.7,10><-10,-1.7,-10>}}
texture {Tex}
camera {location <0,6,-8> look_at <0,1.1,0>}
background {color rgb 1}
global_settings {max_trace_level 12}
light_source {<4,8,-8> rgb 1}
// --- code end --- //
Does any of you have an idea of what is going on ?
I use povray 3.6 on a mandrake 10.1, and when I rendered (almost) the same
image some month ago with the version of povray 3.1 compiled by mandrake,
the problem didn't showed up.
Last point: the problem disappears if I replace nappe2 by an isosurface
having exactly the same equation.
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