POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.tutorials : Transparent water sphere Server Time
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  Transparent water sphere (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Trancequence
Subject: Transparent water sphere
Date: 26 Oct 2001 14:08:38
Message: <3bd9a6a6@news.povray.org>
Hello, I'm a bit of a newbie at povray, and I was wondering if it's possible
to make a sphere of water that you can see text inside... like the old skool


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From: Bob H 
Subject: Re: Transparent water sphere
Date: 26 Oct 2001 22:08:20
Message: <3bda1714@news.povray.org>
"Trancequence" <tra### [at] trancequencef2scom> wrote in message
> Hello, I'm a bit of a newbie at povray, and I was wondering if it's
> to make a sphere of water that you can see text inside... like the old
> demos.

As long as you are talking of just refraction of the text through a clear
sphere, very easily done.

// no camera needed

light_source {<15,20,-10>,1}

background {.5}

plane {y,-2
        pigment {checker rgb <1,1,0>, rgb <0,1,0>}

// water sphere with text inside
union {

sphere {
        pigment {rgbft <.7,.9,1,.9,.1>} // color and clearness
        normal {wrinkles .2 scale .3} // watery look
        finish {
                ambient 0 diffuse 0 specular .9 roughness .001 // highlights
                reflection .2 //
            interior {
    ior 1.3 caustics 1 // refractive with light interaction
    fade_distance 2 fade_power 1
 scale 2

text {
    ttf "timrom.ttf", "Text", .5, 0
        pigment {rgb 1}
        finish {ambient .2 diffuse .8 specular .3 roughness .01}
 translate <-1,-.25,-.5> scale 1.5

 translate 5*z


Bob H.

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