POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.tutorials : Radiosity Voodoo - Volume 1: How Radiosity Really Works : Re: Radiosity Voodoo - Volume 1: How Radiosity Really Works Server Time
5 Oct 2024 14:10:43 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Radiosity Voodoo - Volume 1: How Radiosity Really Works  
From: clipka
Date: 6 Feb 2009 11:35:00
Message: <web.498c65fd8195ec9abdc576310@news.povray.org>
"Thomas de Groot" <tDOTdegroot@interDOTnlANOTHERDOTnet> wrote:
> Just found this now. I am going to consult this in detail. Excellent work.
> Thank you very much indeed.

Well, I guess I need to post a revised version; some of the observations &
guesses turned out wrong, as I found out by trying to optimize the code

For example, to my great dismay the low error factor can *not* be used for the
same effect as nearest reuse count when alway sample is off.

I still don't really understand *why* that is though (or, to be precise, I do
understand why it can make *some* difference, but I have no clue why it gives
the results it does).

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