POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.tutorials : Newbie to POV : Re: Newbie to POV Server Time
5 Oct 2024 14:25:04 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Newbie to POV  
From: Txemi Jendrix
Date: 15 Mar 2005 15:58:02
Message: <42374c59@news.povray.org>
Toshiya wrote:

> can someone help me with the basics? I've messed around with 3D Studio Max
> in the past and it looks very different to this

This is the better link I can provide:


But if you come from 3D Studio Max you can try with Moray


Install it and follow the tutorials included in the help file.

Hope this helps

Txemi Jendrix

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