jfmiller <jfm### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> With all dew deference to the work put into the Pov documentation, it would
> be really helpfull if someone could write a clear and compleate tutorial on
> how to use media in POV.
The POV-Ray 3.6 documentation will most probably include a simple
media tutorial which should be very helpful as an introduction to media.
plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}// - Warp -
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