I get that from iso-*surfaces*
just a guess, though
"Warp" <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote in message
> Soulstorm <der### [at] gomailcoza> wrote:
> > one more thing, just for interest sake - is it at all possible to have
> > isosufaces with interiors? for instance a waterblob floating in space
> > ior?
> > I would suppose not, but it would be nice to know if it can be done...
> Why do you suppose that isosurfaces have no interior?
> --
> #macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb
> [1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
> -1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// -
Warp -
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