POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.tutorials : "Section B" Done! : Re: "Section B" Done! Server Time
2 Nov 2024 00:49:03 EDT (-0400)
  Re: "Section B" Done!  
From: Pabs
Date: 5 Sep 2000 23:52:42
Message: <39B5BFCC.897FEAE3@hotmail.com>
"C.J." wrote:

> This may be the cause...
> quote from Crosswinds Team:
> ====================
> "September 5, 2000, 12:55pm Network woes and UUNet
> Scott received an email this morning from our backbone provider that UUNet
> will blackhole (completely cut off) Crosswinds servers if we do not
> terminate a person that SPAMMED UUNet customers using a CW url. This
> blackhole will begin September 1, 2000. We received the email September 5.
> See the problem? ..."
> It seems that the spam originated from another server, but crosswinds had
> some sort of ad running (weird...).
> CW is dealing with UUNet to resolve the problem.

Thanx for the info - hope they deal with the spammer soon

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